The Brussels Post, 1976-10-06, Page 390 YEARS YOUNG — Mrs. Jean Little celebrated
her 90th birthday at Callendar Nursing Home in
Brussels Tuesday with visits from friends and
relatives. A long time Brussels resident Mrs. Little
was active in Melville Presbyterian Church and in'
Morning. Star Rebecca Lodge. She has one daughter
Miss Jessie Little who taught in McKillop and
Seaforth until illness resulted in her retirement and
who now resides in Brussels. Her husband the late
Wm. Little died a number of years ago.
(Photo by Langlois)'
WI has anniversary
Married 50 years??
Are you having a
90th birthday??
We are anxious to carry a story with a picture
of your 50th wedding anniversary and of your
90th birthday.
So that some arrangements can be made we
ask your co-operation in advising us as far in
advance as possible of such events.
While, other than in exceptional oircum-
standel, we will not be able to use pictures Of
Wedding anniversarieS of less than SO year% We
do want a Story of such anniversaries: Please
forward details as soon as the event it held:
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Rev. Howard, October 13
Huron-Perth. Presbytery of the
United Church will host the
moderator, Dr. Wilbur Howard,
Wednesday,October 13. Plans for
the day were presented by Rev.
Rae Grant, minister of Calvary
United Church, Listowel, where
presbytery met last week.
In accordance with the
moderator's wishes to meet the
people and see the church at work
' a bus tour has been arranged.
This will be followed by a pork
barbecue and rally at Mitchell,
United Church.
During the morning session of
presbytery, Rev. August
Meacham, conference Personnel
Officer and Dr. David Lochheatl,
Thornbury United Church, gave
alternative approaches to the
Charismatic movement for the
court to consider. Dr. Lochhead is
a former professor. at Waterloo
and St. John's universities.
Rev. Meacham said that the
Charismatic renewal is the
unwrapping of the defenses
within ourselves to get to the
image of God that is within us.
Once this is done new life and
new vitality is discovered.
Dr.Lochhead compared
Charismatic renewal with other
movements over the years. He
was encouraged that it was
springing up within the mainline
churches. Tensions arose he said
when Charismatics feel that
everyone should have their
experiences or when people
without such experiences resent
those who h ave. One positive
result was that it was forcing the
In a story in last week's Post on
the opening of the Grey Township
garage it was incorrectly stated
that Melville Lamont was a
former reeve of Grey. While Mr.
Lamont was a Grey councillor for
five years, he was never reeve.
The Post apologizes for the error.
Now Open
for the
It is time to pick your own
Fancy Macintosh Apples or
buy them picked.
Apples picked to choose
from are Lobo, St.
Lawrence, Wolf River.
Also Fresh Honey and
lb. Shelburne Potatoes and
various other items.
Open 7 days.
a 'week
Phone 887-6883
church to look at other forms of
worship. The speakers prompted
a healthy discussion and a motion
for further study at the next
meeting of presbytery.
The Singtime committee
reported a reduction in the •
number of programs for . ,the
coming season on a different time
slot over .CKNX-TV. The first
presentation will be "A Question
of Thanksgiving", October 11 at
6:30 p.m.
London Conference's first store
front rescue centre is expected to
be officially opened during the
moderator's visit. Located on
Mitchell's Main Street, the center
will be a source of materials for
ministers and programming
within the church. Besides
literature there will be audio
,visual• resources. The new
facility will serve other
denominations as . well as the
sponsoring church.
A number of special events
were announced including the
availability of the filmed
interview with Jack Burghardt in
the presbytery during November
and December.
In skit form Mrs. Doris
Zurbrigg, Listowel and her
committee presented a report on
Stewardship. It. indicated that the
United Church was second from.
the bottom amongst some. 20
Canadians churches in average
givings per member.
Celebrating the 25th
niversary of the Moncrieff
'omen's Institute was a gala
rent for the 225 persons
tending at the Atwood.
Community Centre. It was
called that the group originally
onsisted of 23 members with
rs. Janet Richmond serving as
e first president; Mrs. Alex
peiran as vice-president and
ostess; and Mrs. Charles
arrison as secretary-treasurer.
Archie Mann, 1t.R.1, Monkton,
s a genial' master of
remonies and introduced a
elightful program of local talent,
eluding vocal and violin solos,
tap dances, readings and
mouthorgan duets.
Mrs. Kenneth Smith, R.R.1,
Monkton, reviewed the history of
the branch and introduced the
present executive. They are:
vice-presidents, Mrs. Adrian
Verstoep, R.R.3, Monkton; Mrs.
Hans Pederson, R.R.1, Monkton,
Secretary, Mrs. Jos. Smith,
R.R.1, Monkton; treasurer, rs.
Kenneth Crawford, R.R.1,
.Monkton; publicity director, Mrs.
Wayne Hood,R.R.3, Monkton.'
Anniversary cake high-
lighted the smorgasbord. It was
followed by dancing to 'records in
charge of Maurice Drager.