HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-09-29, Page 17PUBLIC FORUM
MON., OCT. 4, at 8:30 pm
The• Ontario Ministry of.Agriculture and Food will
hold meetings across the ',province on Monday,
October 4, to receive 'views on farm income
Interested individuals are invited to participate in
any one of the following meetings:
Ridgetown College of
Agricultural Technology,
Livestock Pavilion
Market Annex
Merritt Hall
Grey Highlands
Secondary School,
Markham Arena Hall
Highway$ 48 and 7
District High School
Ranney Street
Zion Memorial United
Church Hall; 37 Franklin Street
Kemptville College of
Agricultural Technology,
Engineering Building
New LiSkeard College of
Agricultural Technology;
- Auditorium
AirlaneA4Otor 1-10tei
Ministry of
and Food
*ift.Williatti Newman
R. G. Bennett
Deputy Min ter
Two pounds of actual atrazine\
applied this fall, 01-one:with a
further two yotinds of atrazine
next spring is still the best
method to control infestations of
twitch grass. The atrazine should
be applied anytime before
ploughing. 'This atrazine that is
ploughed down this fall in
place as sposf as the twitch begins
to grow next spring.
This fall application allows you
to spray only the areas of a field
that are infested. This is
general& less expensive than
spraying the whole field, but just
as effective since twitch grass
generally just grows in certain
The past two wet summers
ong with dry weather this past
pring when herbicides were
pplied has led to twitch grass
etting out of control in some
eids, says Pat Lynch, local Soils
The market at Brussels Stock-
Ards Fridayqraded uneven with
rites barely steady. ,
Choice Steers - 39.00 •to 41.00
ith sales to 41.10.
Good Steers - 37.00 to 39.00.--
Seven steers consigned by L &
Farms of Wallenstein averaging
1188 lbs. sold for 41.10 with their
steers averaging 1244 lbs.
selling for 40.75. -
Twelve steers consigned by
Dan Pearson of Ethel averaging
150 lbs. sold for 39.75;
Two steers consigned by Wm.
Young of Blyth averaging 1170
lbs. sold for 39.35.
Three steers censigned by,Ken
Dalton of Walton averaging 1173 .
bs. sold for 39.75. • ,
Choice Heifers - 36.00 to 38.00.
Good Heifers - 34.00 to 36.00.
Five heifers consigned by
Robert Blake of Brussels averag-
ing 1066 lbs. sold for 38.00.
Fourteen heifers consigned by
George Blake of Brussels averag-
ing 956 lbs. sold for 37.00.:
Eight heifers• consigned by
G'a'ry Rintoul of Lucknow averag-
ing 940 lbs. sold for 36.50.
A heifer consigned by Bruce
Blake of Brussels weighing 1030
lbs. sold for 38.00. •
Choice Cows - 22.00 to 24.00
with sales to 25.25.
Good Cows - 20.00 to 22.00.
Bulls traded to a high of 30.25.
There were 1326 pigs on offer.
-30 to 40 lb. pigs traded to a
high of 33.75.
40 to 50 lb. pigs traded to a
and Crops, Specialist. The peren-
nial weed, twitch grass or quck
grass, can be controlled in next
years cornfields by spraying this
high of 38.50.
50 to 60 lb. pigs to a
60 to 70 lb. pigs toa high of
'Beginning Oct. 1st, due to the
increased volume of pigs at the
Brussels Stockyards, the pig sale
will start at 1 p.m.
The first Fall Stocker & Feeder
Sale at. Brussels Stockyards will
be held on Tuesday, Sept. 28 at 1
Vision tests
How does your child see? You
really . can't say, because you
can't look through his eyes. And
because he , can't look through
anyone else's eyes, he has no way
of knowing if he is seeing as he
should. Because he:his nothing to
compare .to his own vision, a child
`Assumes that the way he sees is
the way everyone sees. For this
,reason, a child can have faulty
::vision;and not complain about it.
To be certain that complaints are
non-existent and not just
unheard, the Ontario 'Association
of Optometrists -Suggests annual,
professional vision' examinations -
-.for all school children.
A Post Classified will pay you
dividends. Have you tried one?
Dial Brussels 887-6641. .
Guaranteed pricing — You'll save
money if fertilizer prices go up in
the spring. If prices go down yolir
'CO-OP ,will rebate the difference.
You can't lose!
Equipment is available now —
because spreading service isn't
as busy in. the fall. You can
fertilize when it suits , you, when
fields are still' firm and dry.
Fertilizer is available now --
There's a much better chance of
getting your exact fertilizer.
formula in the fall. And without •
waiting in the usual spring line-up.
Your crops get a fast, healthy
start — when fertilizer is where ,
it's needed, when it's needed
during the critical early growth.
Eases your spring work load —
Your time in the spring when
you've got plenty to do is
valuable. Get your fertilizer on in -
the fall, when you can afford the
These areall good reasons for
spreading CO-OP fertilizer this
fall. And your Co-:operative is
ready to help in anyway you want,
with:' custom blended formulations,
bulk spreading, equipment rental,
bag or dulk'pick-up'ordeliiiery.
Fertilize your fields, now! Plow it
down and forget about it. It's one
less job you'll have to find time
for next spring!
tock trading
uneven Friday
high of
BRUSSELS 887-6453 WINO HAM 357-2
.0.4=0 UNITED cp,:opERAtivEs ONTArRil0
THE:13AUSSELS, .00:0*
areas of a field. before next sprieg and can be.
Atrazine applied thii fall will applied even minutes before.
'not break down or leach away ploughing and still be effective.
At 12 Noon
Phone 88"76461 — Brusse 8, 0
witch ,grass out of control,. soils .