HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-09-29, Page 9.ff
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Murray Gann(' MPP for Huron- Associates and Bob Cunningham,
Bruce, officially opened the new transportation manager for the
Grey Township works • garage Huron, County Board of .
Friday night. The cost of the Education, brought greetings. •
building, *with its land and well Reeve Williamson introduced
was about $95,000, with $57,000 three former reeves. iwho were
provided by a provincial subsidy. " present, Charles Th omas, Cliff
The old works garage in'Ethel, 'Dunbar and Melville Lamont, and
too small to hold graders and\ the reeves of neighbouring Elma,
large equipment was_turned over Clarence McCourt and Morris,
to the Grey Volunteer Fire Bill Elston. Roads employees
Department bytownship the HarrY Gillis and - Lady Keffer .
council. The council chambers are were also introduced. • • - •
still in the old building and will be Following the ribbon cutting by
used until the township can afford MPP Gaunt, Reeve Williamson
• to outfit space that has been left . and - sN3erintendent Engel,
available in the garage. dancing in the garage was
The council chambers will enjoyed by more than 100 rate
eventually be "up above" in the payers present.
Grey opens
works garage
PLAQUE FOR NEW GARAGE Grey Township reeve, Roy Williamson holds the
plaque that will have a place of honour in the new works garage the township
opened Friday night 'on the • county road, just south of 'Ethel. From left' are
.councillor John Johnston, clerk Edythe 'Cardiff, road superintendent Ross Engel,
Reeve Williamson, deputy reeve Clifford dray and councillors, Leona Armstrong
and Barb Dunbar. (Staff Photo)
curity pension, Guaranteed
come Supplement and Spouse's
owance effective in October;
6, now has been announced by
th and Welfare Minister
arc Lalonde.
Increases, in Old Age Security
nsion and Guaranteed Income
plement payments represent
twelfth quarterly escalation
d on the cost of living as
vided for in the Old Age
urity Act. The maximum supplement for a
,The new monthly total" at . the married couple, both pensioners,
le rate for persons receiving will increase to $86.81 each from
tiv the basic Old Age Security $85.36. - Added _ to the basic
sion and maximum, p ension, this will give each
atinteed Income Supplement married pensioner $226.20
be $237. 15. monthly or a total of $452.40 for
'for a Married couple, both the couple.
signers, the combination of The Spouse's Allowance is paid
e hasic:pension and maximum top erions between; 60 and
ihl emelt willprovider`a years-of age who•are mama to •
merit of $452.40 for the couple Old Age. Security pensioners and
h• onthly. 'meet • residence requirements.
The basic Old Age Security Entitlement to a Spouse's
nsion will rise in October to Allowance and amount paid, is
39.39 from the present $137;06: based on yearly income.
;The Guaranteed Income :The , maximum Spouse's
ranbrook hears
itchener minister
Mrs. Mac Engel
Robe: ncanson, Kitchener, occupied
e pulpit, M Knox Church on
unday morning, Sept. 25.
Miss Mary MacDonald,
owata, visited her mother, Mrs.
,igrtiA MacDonald on the
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stevens and
Strathroy, were Sunday
sitors with Mr. and Mrs, John
an ass,
kr. and Mrs. Ken Juby,
hannonville, visited Mrs, Mac
gel on Wednesday.
Nits, Earl Dunn returned home n .uriday following two weeks in oorningdale with her
randehildren Tracy and Danny
eklin while their parents were 11 a trip to Florida. •
Oat Roller Meet
The Cranbrook Oat Rollers met
For a free estimate and a look at
oils newest. samples of materials
uphohiteihig. ;511,4111, took,. Prop., 04_ tiOtit
• Blyth, Out.,
Plietti4 AND 'ltiELIVEST
e sito.
)rt of
k my.,
o yoli
et, :1
whose income, apart from the Old
Age Security pension , is limited.
The amount -.of'the supplement
varies in relation to the amount of
income. ' •
The maximum Guaranteed
Income Supplement for a single
person, or a. married -person'
whose spouse is riot a pensioner
and is not receiving a Spouse's
allowance, will go up in October
to $97.76 from its current $96.13.
September 25 at Rosemary
Terpstra's at 1:00 p.m. Seven
people answered the roll call.The.
meeting was opened with the 4-H
pledge. The next meeting will, be
held on Sept.3 0 at Rosemary's at
7:30 p.m.
Janet read the minutes of the
last 'enieting. The covers of the
books were discissed. Rosemary,
discussed "A catolog of Cereal"
and "Developemnt of
Ellen showed a variety of cereal
4, products and helped to fill Out
, handout sheets.
Cearls in ManyForms.
Janet .and Valerie made Nuts
and Bolts and Sharon and Kendra.
made Cherry Bran Siuares.
These were,both very good and
everyone enjoyed them. The
Meeting was cltised with he 4-fl
Engel, a smallkitchen,
The new garage has an office
• for roads superintendent e teacher. Increases in the Old Age' Supplement is paid to p ensioners. Allowance , will increase t° • • washrooms and an office for at Ethe township clerk-treasurer Edythe
Cardiff, whose office is still in the
old building for' the time being. Grey Central's Home & School
Rev. Ed. Baker of Walton gave are having a "Meet the Teacher
the invocation at the opening and night" October • 6 at
new building, Reeve Roy
Williamson told the crowd at the
opening. "Do you think yout
ension ,up next wee ever make it up above?", joked p,
MPP Gaunt. an meet .
Ken Dunn f BMR and E is1
$226.20 'from $222.42. 'The
maximum Spouse's Allowance is
made up of an amount equivalent
to the basic Old Age Security
pension 'and • the maximum
Guaranteedlncome Supplement
at the married rate. o . . oss .Ever we come •