HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-09-29, Page 3MAIT-SIDE ORCHARDS Now Open - for the Season It is time tospick your own Fancy Macintosh Apples or buy them picked. • 'Apples picked to choose from are Lobo, St. Lawrence, Wolf River. Also Fresh Honey and 75 lb. Shelburne Potatoes and various other items. Open 1 days, a week Phone. 887 -6881 reak in t Legion iscovered A break-in at the Brussels Legion, sometime over the week- end was discovered on Monday morning. Liquor, beer, cigarettes, some money and a stereo were stolen. Entry to • the building was gained by smashing a window in the lounge. c; estimate of the loss -was available on Monday. The incl.,- dentis under investigation by the gingham Detachment, of the 0.P.P.. °Un it), pposeS eer hunt HUron County Council passed a motion, with only two members ivosed, at their Friday Meeting to object to the Ministry. of Natural Resources over the Ministry's intention to. allow hunting-of deer within the county with bow and arrow. • A letter of information,signed by H. Lancaster, Forest and Land Management Supervisor of the Ministry of Natural Resources, had been placed in the report of.. the Development Committee ing that there would be no deer season in Huron County in 1976;, with the "exception of a.ssa,sof for bow and arrow only qbity.' October 25 to November 30. Hayfield Reeve Ed, Oddleifsiin, III making the motion to object, called the hunting with bow •and arrow "cruel" and asked 5 that council request cancellation of the season. Mr. Oddleifson said the animals are often only 'wounded and could'take days to die: Kenneth Campbell, Deputy „ Reeve of Stanley Township, seconded the motion. U SE POST. WANT-ADS DIAL 887-6641 . . . r and December,,...1 f wording to the Road COffinfitted t .w . . $: urnace cleaned , wit, It was the opinion of the Cotilinittee however;, that the cost ...., would be even higher. if th0 project was deferred until- 1017, The contract was let tollOWitig a 11. special ,meeting of the 'goad. 10 Committee on August 26. - tit the same clerk-~ireport , treasurer 11.0:traidsi advi§dd that due to- a thattge itt tittatiehtg ',the .iiatiVs share. of the. „lead .,.: tudget, . the treasurers it .e.oketer. . . 1,' d'Pathi'efit would . 'not be 2.440000:, .:;....,....4.1somx.„........„.„„.....,:04. .....,,.. .... „ ave also snce 'by n thous. 'hen w sets; we ho have he. are ;s, goo is an 'messes dream ally the t Arens he the se bad ention, kans. ill pave Ethel road At their monthly meeting fOr September, held. on Friday, the Huron County Council learned from the report of the Road Committee that a contract valued at $94,615 has been let to Lavis Contracting Company of Clinton for the paving of County Road 19 from Ethel to Highway 86 near Molesworth, a distance_ of, 5.5 miles. This project had been delayed earli er this year until it could be determined if the County would, have sufficient funds. The total cost of the project will be closer to $150,000 since the County is required 'to supply approximately $42,000 worth of asphalt cement, approximately 6,000 cubic yards of gravel for shouldering and all inspection, surveying and weighing of .materials, This total price of $150,000 is .$9,000 over the Engineer's estimate and could possibly lead to a slight over expenditure by the end of the year, depending on the 'severity of the winter during Nove charging , the Highways Departmept -with interest for borrowing: This will result in a saving in the Road Department budget of some $35,000 and this saving will in part help offset the high winter -..control cost and allow the paving of. Road 19. OIL BURNER SERVICE Tittie to have your for the Winter For" Expert Cleaning and Repairing DOOR BROKEN IN — Allan Webb discovered a break:in when he went- to work' at the Brussels Legion Monday morning. Thieves apparently entered, through a basement window and then broke . the door Mr: Webb is looking at and stole at least $100. Mr. Webb estimated that at least two full cases orliquor, three of beer and 106 -cartons of cigarettes were also stolen He said he'd have ,a better idea of just What was taken after police investigated. (Photo by Landlois) ALL 3354398 Cones; Sundaei, Shakes, Slushies,Floats, Banana Boats . Smith's General - Store Walton Open Nightly Till 9 plomiEeira TX 7500 AM/FM STEREO TUNER 269 MEWS PRICE , • 'RETAIL 299.95 This is' the best looking, best 'working tuner we have ever offered under $300. Twin meters assist accurate tuning. • FM Sensitivity L9 • Signal To Noise Ratio -68(1B • Warranty Two Years lathitarto meet% . • Stratford 2.71429611. READ and USE POST CLASSIFIED THE BRUSSELS POSt SEPTEMBER too 1979. Parade gets wet Weather hurts Brussels Fair ,The sun shone. The Biussels Fall Fair Parade, with marching school children from Brussels, Grey Central and Walton Schools, attractive floats, and decorated bicycles proceeded toward the Fair Grounds.. Before, they reached the grounds came another dov2npour drenching the, marchers and bedraggling the decorated floats and 'bicycles on which so much effort had been. spent. The off-and-rain all day on the already water-soaked groynds from the previous two days of rain made things even more difficult for fair officials. The races and horse classes 'had to be cancelled for the race track and grounds were a quagmire. Trucks could not be allowed to unload their entries. • It was unfortunate that the weather did not co-operate for'the fair showed promise of being' a decided success. The cold and rain discouraged many ,people and the usual attendance figures were cut in half. Indoor exhibits were excellent. In a number of classei entries were up.. Six area 4-H Clubs held, competitions., May the weatherman be more, gracious to the Brussels Agricul- tural Society next year. Detailed fair results are on the inside *" _pages.