The Brussels Post, 1976-09-29, Page 1?' IT WAS A WET PARADE The weather didn.'t co-operate with the 3russels Agricultural Society's Fair on Wednesday, but these Grade four, and five students marched along bravely anyway. Although the rain cut down on crowds,/ displays ,and food booths attracted a lot of people. Society president Fred Uhler said the cold weather cut attendance to, about half the usua1.3500. (Photo by Langlois) fliers. still talking russels 105th Year - Issue No. 39 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1976 $0con0 -teachers settle .Was , reduction in, the professional , he loch' The director wonldn"t development fund and changesin say how far apart theelerrienfarY staff, the increased cost to teachers and the board are, but he said 'negotiations lobked hopeful.. 164 secondary school teachers voated to accept the board's 8 per cent offer last week, with 41 voting against it and, about 70 teachers not at the meeting. The secopdary ,settlement; according to a preSS release from Mr. Cochrane and Shirley Weary of the Teachers Federation,, also Mr. Cochrane said he hoped for On early ; settlement. "The other Brussels office may close if Maitland joins Bell Telephone guidelines. ''Pecause of other factors, such the Huron County ratepayer will be 7.7, per cent," the release Mr. Cochrane said the 7.7 per . (Continued on- Page 12) Salary talks between, Huron'if 60 elementary school teaChers d the. board of education - aren't broken down: ' A rovincial fact finder has 'been ppointed in the negotiations only ecause provincial law requires ne if an agreement hasn't been ached by September I. That's what the director of the Ron County Board of ducation, John Cochrane says. eople are left with the inpression that negotiations with condary school teachets, who ttled with the board last week or an 8 per cent salary increase, ere easier than negotiations ith the elementary teachers, but hat impression is wrong, yin ochrane says. Mr. Cochrane said the board nd the secondary teacheri entatively settled in July, ;With some details tos be worked out in September. 441Pmer meetings. with / the ...eleinentiry teachers were ,,,hnpoigibie, the director says, because many. of them hid commitments in the way of university summer courses. Mr. Cochrane said board and elementary teacher negotiators met only once this summer, on June' 28. once again early in SepteMber and were meeting for the third time only Monday night. Graham Yeats of Clinton is chief negotiator fot the teachers. Mr. Cochrane said negotiations with the elementary teachers were being carried on as if the provincially appointed fact finder, • Ian Hunter of Toronto, wasn't around. He said both sides had sent briefs to `Professor Hunter but "we hope we won't need him.'' If the Ontario Telephone Ser- vice Commission ,(cyrso agrees to let Maitland Teleservices Ltd. dissolve and integrate with Bell Canada, the Brussels office will be. closed "in due course," according to G.H. Newton, the president of Maitland, -who works out of Telontario, a Bell subsi- diary in Toronto. Mr. Newton said by phone from Toronto Monday that if and when the application to dissolye Mait- land is approved "all staff will .be offered jobs with, Bell.' ' Maitland has_ four employees plus the phone company's manager, Harold Ross. Maitland phone might have to deal with the Stratford office once the local office is closed but Mr. Newton said he., wasn't sure on that. Phone service will certainly improve, Mr. Newton said, if the integration with Bell is approved, because there will be more Money available to update services. Although the Maitland presi- dent said he had "no idea" when a decision will be reached by the OTSC, he said he hopes it will be soon, so that Maitland employees will know what the future holds. Mr. Newton said Bell Canada rates, which he said are similar to what Maitland Charges now, will apply if the takeover is approved, includes the maintenance of in existing cost of living allowance of 1.7 per cent. The 'settlement is subject to approval by the Anti Inflation Board and Mr. Cochrane says he thinks it is within their customers Short Shots )GARAGEi OFFICIALLY`OPENED — =The new $95,,000 Grey Township pub liC works garage w mop as officially opened Friday night when the ribbon 'Was cut by ' Huron Bruce su ,tVl urraY Gaunt. Grey "Reeve Roy Williamson it on the left and toad eerinterident •FloSs Engel is at eight: Following the ceremony; a iarge number of .rFYt.atePayelt attended a deride in the new garage which has an Off iCefor the tbad superintenden"t end will eVentUaily have the dlerieS OffiCe 'and.an UPMgits council chamber,t (Staff PhOtb) by Evelyn Interested in oil painting? It is an extremely rewarding hobby if you have any talent as an artist. Now is your chance to enroll and' find': out. The Huron CountY Board Of Education evening classes are making it easY, for anyone in this community who is interested to receive lesSOnS. udder the Capil)le and talented instruction of Mrs: - A. Petrie, Get details from an ad in the Coining Event section in this issue of The Post. The Work and Play Group of the Brussels Senior Citizens Friendship Club were the originators. Of OAS project but It Kennedy has been turned, over, to the Huron County Board of Education. JO** Not all young people are So engrossed in their own. desires and problems that. they have no thought Or time for the ,needs of others, Certainly the, young people of the Brussels Leo Club are not. They will: undertake a canvass ter the Canadian. Atthrt, tia and Rheiiinatisib Society in BitiSSeli and community; and, Walteft on Mondayi, October under' the diOetion of the chair, ('Continued on page