HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-09-22, Page 11
WIN MEMORIAL TROPHY — Kathy Achilles of Walton presented the ,Don
Achilles Trophy, named in memory of her late husband, to the winning team at the
Walton squirts Tournament Sunday night. The captain and coach of the victorious
Sebringville team accept the trophy. The late Don Achilles was an active volunteer
worker at the Walton ball park. Results of the tournament are on the sports page.
(Staff Photo)
105th Year Issue No. 38
Plan wee k Io n
arena canvas here
The meeting of the Senior
Citizens, which was to have been
held on September 22nd, has
been postponed until September
29th. One week later than was
* * * * * *
Bible Society representatives
have made, an annulal
door-to-door canvass here for a
number of years. There will be no
such canvass this year. Instead of
this canvass letters have been
mailed and it is hoped you will
mail your donation as directed in
the letter.
* * * * * *
Congratulations to 'Brussels
Legion Pipe Band. They came
borne from the Strathroy Warriors
Day Parade with the cup for the
Best Senior Pipe Band. This band
will celebrate, in 1977, their 25th
years as the Brussels Legion Pipe
Band, providing music for this
community, and - making
numerous appearances
elsewhere, taking part in local
events and parades in many other
centres. May they have many
more years together giving
listening pleasure to others with
their, pipes and drums and
delighting the onlookers with the
swing of their kilts.
* * * * * *
There are some, who have
business places in close proximity
to the main corner of the business
section of our village, who think
that the cross walk there is not
clearly enough defined for safety.
They fear accidents, especially
where persons with poor eyesight
are concerned. Such people have
expressed their fear in attempting
to walk across there when there is
any traffic.
Livestock up at
schOol fair
Under threatening skies the
annual Belgrave, Blyth, Brussels
Scho'ol Fair was held- fast
Wednesday, September 15th.
The parade of the school
children and their teachers with
niusic provided by members of
the Brussels Legion Pipe Band
led to the Fair Grounds. The fair
president, William Coultes
welcomed the children and the
large gathering. Others who
spoke briefly included_ Don
Pullen, Huron Ag. Rep. of
Clinton, Reeve Simon Hallahan of
East Wawanosh, Reeve William
Elston of Morris, Robert
McKinley, M.P. and Murray
Gaunt, M.P.P. The fair was
officially opened by Barry
Wenger of Wingham.
Entries in all the 247 classes
were well received with, the new
poster contest on farm fire
prevention drawing a large
number of entlries.
The livestock classes,
especially the calf classes, all
showed a noted increase in
entries also this year.
(See pages 15, 16 and 17 for
complete fair results)
Short Shots*
by Evelyn Kennedy
;h &
9th annual
sels Post low
kills in match
There's more to plowing than
ust riding a tractor across a field
ile a piece of equipment turns
e ground over. To about 40
iron County farmers plowing. is
n art, a technique and a skill all
oiled into one. The farmers think
rough of a the art of plowing to
ake it worthy of competition and
or 49 years have been pitting
heir skills against one another in
he annual Huron County Plowing ,
The 49th Annual match was
eld Saturday at the farm of Ken
uncan of Usborne township
about eight miles east of Exeter.
The competitors gathered from all
er the county to plow in one of
he eight classes sponsored by the
Huron Plowmen's Association
while businessmen also tried
their skills behind a horse drawn
walking plow in a special class
held for non farmers.
Like any other competition the '
plowing match requires a great
'deal of preparation by the
'entrants. The contestants set up
their machinery to within a
quarter of an inch of the requited
depths and widths of the furrows -
und even Shine the moldboards on
their plows to give the freshly tu-
rned earth a shiny appearance.
"It's a sport," said Huron
;Plowman's Association secretary
Russel Bolton of Seaforth.
Bolton is charged with the
task of setting up classes for the
day, Making sure that entrants
meet the demands of the class
and that they 'work theitproper
area to make judging possible. He. also lineS up prizes and 4wat,
for entrants and collates results Of the day,
The secretary otttlitied the
steps a plowman must take to
compete in • larger and more
prestigious competitions. The
next step winners of the county
matches take is to the Interhationa
Match which this • year is being
held in Walkerton and promises
to be the biggest match ever.-
Winners of 'the International can
then go on to the World Match.
"You can't go to the
International without competing
here," said Mr. Bolton.
The attraction of greater
competition is not the primary
reason contestants enter their
local plowing match. According to
one entrant "it's fun". Bob
Leeming. a 15 year old from
Walton, served as a coach for
young competitors putting three
years of experience in plowing
competition into the task.
"It's fun and I, enjoy the
Competition." he, said as he
Measured the furrow of Brian
McGavin, also of Walton. "I like
plowing but it is a lot more fun
competing against someone
The youngster explained the
need for measuring the furrow.
According 'to rules the plow
cannot cut less than a foot of soil
and:must go six to seven inches
into the ground. The depth is set
and the entrants • adjust the
distance between the plow shares
to ensure that the furrow is the
proper distance across. The
coach Usually WOrking with
yOunger entrants, constanly
measures' the work of the'
plowman to'enure quality
Winners of Class Two Of the
Corripetion, a class for boys and
girls under 19 years of age, were
Kevin Clark of Goderich finishing
first ; Ralph Nivens of Auburn
second acid Grog Cook of
Belgrave third,
(Continued on Page 24)
Brussels residents who Want to
upgrade their older houses, can
qualify for Ontario Home
Renewal Program (OHRP) loans
and grants if their income is
under $12500 per year.
The village has been allocated
$29,000 for "1976.77 under 01112P
by the province and application
forms fot the leans are available
froni village clerk Bill King.
Loans of up to $7,500 are
available for homeowners who
Want to bring their plurribing,
heatingo wiring or structural
toriditions up to standards set by
Depending On hOtheOwner'S
gO ahead with Pierson Building
Contractors Ltd. and have them
draw up plans for the new arena
or whatevet' to get prices from
several contractors on various
types of arenas. Clerk Bill King
said that the building committee
will make a decision on that and '
get back to council with finalized
plans for the new arena.
But meanwhile fund raising
income ; a portion of the loan can
be forgiven and is in effect, a
grant. Interest rates on the loan
vary from Zero to eight per cent;
depending onincome:
According to the Ministry of
Housing, the loans are designed
to bring houses tip to "an
acceptable municipal minimum
standard". Homeowners
planning non basic renovations
like' adding a family toOrti or
fireplaCe are not ,:eligible for
OHRP funds.
More information on the
program and eligibility for the
loans is available front Brussels
clerk King.
activities are getting into high
gear. The committee hopes to
send• out a brochure with detailed
plans on the new building soon.
Tickets are available now on a
50 - 50 draw to take place on
Saturday, October 16. A series of
50 - 50 draws are planned to help
'with the needed funds.
A Walk-A-Thou is planned for
October 23, with a ten mile route
from Brussels to Cranbrook and
return. Pledge farms will be
available October 1 at the local
Four prizes will be' offered,
three, most money pledged and
the iourth an overall prize tor
those completing the walk. Jim
Armstrong has offered an
a'rplane ride to the winners as an
additional prize.
The Brussels Optimists have
tickets now on sale for a 1977
Ford LTD 2. The draw is to be
made in June 1977 with proceeds
for the new Community Centre.
The building committee is
asking anyone having activities to
help raise money fdt the centre to
Call Mrs. Shirley Cossitt at •
887-9273 so the committee can
help them publicize the event:
This way fund raisers can be. Vie
they are not duplicating a dii ot
Fund raising for the new
Brussels arena will kick off with a
week long canvass of the area,
starting November 1, the
Brussels, Morris and Grey
Recreation Centre building
committee decided at their
meeting Monday night.
A delegation from the building
committee met with Brussels
council and discussed whether to
Home renewal
• Loans available