HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-09-15, Page 15NM. 75! ' Fresh Sliced BEEF LIVER. Sliced Large BOLOGNA Smoked Picnic SHOULDERS 65! 99s Buckets of CHICKENS 2.99 ,Callander Nursing Home at Brussels Salutes Nursing Home Weekend Satui.day&Sunday Sept. 18-19 We say thanks for the co-operation the community has extended in Our •work at Callan-der and invite the' people of - the Brussels area td continue to share their friendship with our guests not only during..thiSsoediai period but throughout the year„. - -.- Only through yoUr visitS can. our batiehtt gain an inVOIVethent With: events and people of the community and thus be..heibed ih fihdihg new tente. of purpose in Weparticuiarly invite' you to vitit .Caliander this 'Weekend' dieing :01:5eh Rouse and. tee the many improvements, that have been battled. 'OUL. Mrs. Ballontyne Celebrates .100t" birthday Mrs. Ballantyne celebrated her hundredth, birthday at the home of her niece, Mrs. Dorothy Cameron, Don Mills, Ontario on September 5. She was born in McKillop . Township on September 5, 1876 and is the last surviving member in a family of five children: Mrs.Ballantyne married James Ballantyne in 1896, and came' to Brussels'. where, she lived until five years ago. Her husband died A heavy supply of fat cattle at Brussels Stockyards Friday sold under pressure, due to a general lack of demand. There were 1105 cattle and 1246 pigs on offer. Choice Steers - 40.00 to 41.00 with sales to 41.90. Good Steers - 38.00 to 40.00. 5 Steers consigned by Robt. Kreller, of Fordwich, averaging 11361bs. sold for 41.90 with his offering of 30 steers averaging 1130 lbs. selling for an overall price of 41.50. 5 Steers consigned by Alex Niven, Auburn, averaging 1140 lbs. sold for 41.85. 3 Steers consigned by Lloyd Ball, Lakeside, averaging 1160 lbs. sold for 41.50. 3 Steers consigned by Alex Hammond, Monkton, averaging 1103 lbs. sold for 41.50. 6 Steers consigned by Geo. Pearson, Ethel averaging 1140 lbs. sold for 41.40. . Choice Heifers - 36.00 to 37.Q0_, with sales to 38.00. .Good Heifers - 34.00 to 35.00. One heifer consigned by Bill Shortreed, Walton,. weighing 860 lbs. sold for 38.00. 7 Heifers consigned by Doug' McPherSon; R.R. 2, Wingham, averaging 957 lbs. sold for 37.85, with his offering of 10 heifer's averaging 965 lbs. selling for an overall price of 37.82. 11 Heifers consigned by R.M. Scott, Seaforth, averaging 1042 lbs. sold for 37.35. 16 heifers consigned by Glen' Johnston, 'R.R. 2, Bluevale, aver- younger son, Archie, served, in World War 2 and is 'now living in Port Stanley. Mrs. Ballantyne li ved with her son and Mrs. Archie Ballantyne for two years before moving to Don Mills. She has three grandeliildren and seven great-grandchildren. Mrs. 13allantyne has, been an avid' reader all her life, and continues her interest in politics and world affairs. She :enjoys the national hosckey games and keeps abreast of the team members and the league standings. Many friends and relatives from Brussels, London,. 'Port Stanley, Hamiltn, Kingston, Picton, Clarkson , and Toionto brought their good wishes to the birthday reception and there were telephone calls and telegrams from distant points. Mrs. Ballantyne was honoured by a telegram from the Queen, letters from Premier William Davis, Rt. Hon. John Diefenbaker, Robert Stanbury, M.P., and John 1 Williams M.P:P., who personally, presented a beautiful plaque from the Government of Ontario . Prime Minister Trudeau sent a certificate congratulating her on her' hundredth birthday. in 1925 and, on her own, she continued their retail business for many years. For five 'years, she was librarian in the Brussels Library until forced to retire because of an eye problem. She was an active member of Melville Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Ballantyne had two sons. The older, Jack, served, in World War I and died, in the United States, several years ago; her Brussels Stockyard Report aging 849 lbs. sold for' 37.10. Choice Cows - 24.00 to 26.00 with sales to 26.25. Good Cows - 22.00 to 24.00. Bulls - traded to a high of 30.25. 30-40 lb. pigs traded to a high of 34.25. 40-50 lb. pigs to a high of 43.50. 50-60 lb. pigs td a high of 45.50. 60-70 lb. pigs to a high of 47.00. Brussels Stockyards are now taking consignments for their Stocker Sale on Tuesday, Sept- ember 28 at 1 p.m. Phone 887-6461. '114E, BRUSSELS SEPTEMBER it,: 1916 —15 Septic TaThks Cleaned New Modern Equipment Over 20 years , experience PHONE LOUIS BLAKE R.R.#2, Brussels 19-364 19 Notices Fire Places, Block Foundation, Chimneys, Roofing, Etc. HARRIS BROS. .BLUEVALE ' Ontario. Call • evenings or 528-6098 887-9375 19-46x 2 days. A. and B Lawn and Garden Care, Sodding, Seeding, Fertilizing, Grass Cutting, . Roter Tilling, residential and - Commercial. Snow Removal contracts now available. Phone 887-6464.. (After 00 pan.) ' 19-45x4 Notice All Rusting Car Owners Join national group taking legal' action to recover losses from Ford, G.M. C . Chrysler - Write' RUST GROUP. . BOX 164, STATION N NEW TORONTO 14, Ont. 19-45-4 SEPTIC tanks and industrial pumping, complete installation of new system, fully licensed; prompt service. Call Ray Mills, Atwood 356-2346. 19-35-25 WEBERS SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE Modem equipment used. We pump septic tanks, cess- pools, etc. Phone - 887-6700, Brussels.. 19-36-tf Pregnant and Distressed ? Call BIRTHRIGHT 527-7157, 432-7197, WE CARE 19,36:tf 0 Auction Sales AUCTION-SALE Of Antiques and household s for RHODA MCKERCHER JarrietoWii, to be held in BrusselsArena SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 At 1:00 P. M, consisting Of: 2china cab' • Gl iticts; Kitchen cabinet• Chairs, „ eti0b64t4I. What L Ches4 tali Chesterfield eld and .3 chairs: tic!: a s Old Sewin .Machi : ASSIFIED -.°Perty For Sale 14 Property For Sale JIM CARDIFF REAL ESTATE BROKER & GENERAL INSURANCE Phone 887-6100 Res. 887-6164 Salesman - KEITH MULVEY 392-6759 Real Est*. Salesman R. M. KELLY - Phone 887-9460 14-46-tf 20 Auction Sales room suite; 3 bedroom suites; chest of drawers; 2 cedar chests; kitchen table' and chrome chairs; Frig., Stove;. T.V.; Washing machine; 2 Oil stoves; Vacuum Cleaner; Electric Sewing Machine; Pistures Frames; Rugs; Linens, Dishes; other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS . — CASH NO NO RESERVE BOB McNAIR, Walkerton Auctioneer 20-46- 1 Clearing . AUCTION SALE Of farm machinery, livestock, household effects and antiques for ALLAN AND HAZEL GRIFFITH. on the east part of Ldts 31 and 32, Con. b., Howick Twp. 1% miles south of Gorrie on country road 3 then 1 mile west, on Con. B. on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 At 11:00 A.M.. Full listing next week. LEN METCALFE Auctioneer - Walkerton 881-1711 20-46-1 22 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the ESTATE OF WILLIAM JOHN McCUTCHEON late of the Township of Morris, retired ' farmer, deceased. All persons having ' claims against the above estate are required td send full particulars of same to the undersigned on or before September 23, 1976, after which date the, estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. CRAWFORD, MILL Sr DAVIES Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors `22144-3 24 Cards of Thanks I wish to thank my family, sisters, neighbors and friends .for all the lovely cards, flowers and gifts I received for my birthday. Thanks to my daughters-in-law for the tea they arranged. Something I will always remember. — Annie Bray. 24-46-1 We would like to 'thank everyone who expressed sympathy in so many ways during our sudden loss. We do appreciate your kindness. -- Adrian and. Marie McTaggart and Family. 24-46x1 The Achilles family would like 'to thank everyone who helped us When Don's life was taken so suddenly. Thank§ tO all whO sent cards, flower's; food and donations towards the Ball Park Fund in Don's name. Thanks ls to the pallbearers, flowerbearers and .Max arid BarbWatts. Your presence at this time and after will never be forgotten Yrint prayers have given its ati inner strength: Sincere thanks again to 'everyone:, " 2446x1 A host-Classified will pay you dividends, 1-a*6-yoti tried one? Dial Brussels 887-6641,• The 240, 6itf the. re . Awe' 3-4 ore obs 'ost ;els ity, 5.2 ma. Nith on, 3 hed Call ring lace 164 th ig ly ic