HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-08-18, Page 1isitor from Japan says.
ore room. fewer
eopte here.
(by Susan Langlois
and Susan White)
It's been a little hard for Hisayo
al, Lions exchange visitor in
tassels because she spoke very
tile English when she came here
July. But Hisayo is catching on
st. A visitor with . the Bob
tehmond family and their'
ughter Bonnie, she says
tassels really is "the prettiest.
Ilage in Canada."
Hisayo, who is 20, and a law'
Went in Japan, says she's
azed by Canada's biggness.
ntario alone is , three times the
e of her native country. Canada
29 times as big but Japan, has
ye times the population.
It's greener here than at home,
isayo says, where people ride
gins from city to city, not cars as
do here. She'd like to come
ell may
Maitland Teleservice Ltd. serv-
g the Brussels and. Blyth areas,
ay be entirely absorbed by. Bell
anada depending on a decision
y the federal government.
A spokesperson for the com-
any said that Bell is taking over
e operation, subject -to govern—
ent approval, but wouldn't give
ny further details on the move.
Bell has owned a controlling
crest in the telephone' company
some time, but was not
mined by the government to
he over its operation, according
Jim Scott, Stratford area
anager for Bell.
"They must have changed their
nds," he said.
Maitland Teleservices was
rmed from the Brussels, Morris
nd Grey Municipal System and
e Blyth Municipal Telephone
ystem in 1967.
People arc funny. They want
he front of the bus, the back of
he hall, and the middle of the
back here in the winter sometime,
to see snow, something they
rarely get in Japan.
Teenagers in Canada have a
much more casual ti fe than they
do in Japan. One evening Hisayo
was out with Bonnie until 1 a.m.
and she said that's the latest
she's ever been out in her life.
People are more friendly here
than in Japan, she thinks, where
she lives in a big city.
Hisayo tells her Brussels hosts
that there is a hugh variety of
food from different countries in
Japan. At home her family night
eat an Italian style meal one night
and English cooking another.
Housewives have to shop for food
every day.
She's used to Kentucky Fried
Chicken and MacDonald's
hamburgers in Japan but
hamburgers and chips are just
snacks, never meals, there.
Hisayo is one of the few women
law students in Japan. But when
she, finishes she says she won't
practice, but will get married.
Women don't often work outside
the home in Japan, she says.
Japanese men do absolutely
nothing in the home and Hisayo
agrees with this.
She says women's liberation is
just starting to be felt in Japan,
but Hisayo is against it because
she thinks men should be the
strongest in the family.
The Brussels visitor almost
came to Canada in another way,
as a member of _the Japanese
Olympic team. Hisayo tried out
for the Olympic archery squad
and her best friend Won a silver-,
medal in the sport in Montreal
last month.. She says she may try
out fOr the 'Olympics again next
year. .
Host Lions- Clubs have taken
exchange visitors 'in the part of
Ontario to camp at St. Mary's, the
Stratford' Festival, which Hisayo
found hard to understand, Lake
Huron, the Ontario Science
Centre, several farms in the area,
and her favourite spot so far,
Niagara Falls.
Hisayo attended her first bridal
shower, which was held for
Debbie McCallin Brussels on
Monday night. She made a
Japanese flower arrangement for
the bride and was fascinated by
the whole procedure and the
many gifts. Since they don't have
showers in Japan "maybe I'll get
married in Canada," she joked.
by Evely
Do you take delight in viewing
display of beautiful flowers? Do
u relish a good turkey supper?
you do, you can enjoy both at
e Flower Show and Turkey
tippet of the Brussels Hottieul,
ral Society. This annual event
kes place at St. John's Anglican-
Mitch on Friday, August 27. The
embers of the Horticultural
etety are noted for their adept-
s in growing and showing
eellent specimens of their
Green ThuMb" touch. They are
0 noted fat serving mighty
d suppers.
Twelve` noon sharp, on Sunday f ugtist 22 ; is when the Benefit
Ylnithatia and Rodeo will go into
ion at the Brussels Agricul
ral Fairgtotitids, A variety of ?teiting events, are: planned, 14
uses are Oa the prograni,'Sinie
Short Shots
n Kennedy
of the more unusual ones are,
"Open Steer Riding, Bare Back
Bronc Lnd Wild Cow
Milking." Both Junior '' and
Seniors will compete. Beautiful
trophies will be awarded. If you
want to see spine-chilling riding
and exacting performances by
horses• and riders, be there!
Thee summer vacation period is
fast slipping away. With the
Labour Day Weekend on Sept-
ember 6, there are .many looking
forward to one last fling at the.
cottage and beach: They, , along
with most of us, are anxiously
hoping that the recent chilly
weather will quickly disappear
arid that thete will be, from now
On, some real hot summer
weather to War* up things for a
good filled end to' vacation
.105th Year - Issue No. 33
•7 at onetall e
russels Post
HAPPY TO BE HERE —Hisayo lmai, left, who is a guest with the Bob flichmond
family .in Brussels as a Lions exchange visitor from Japan, had a visit on the
weekend from her: friend Yukie Kobayashi, who is also on the Lions exchange fin
Canada. Hisayo; who's a law student in Japan, says she will probably marry instead
of practising laiv when she finishes school. (Photo by Langlois)
New subdivision of
65 homes planned
A block, appeared in the Huron planning director Gary mission to tap into the drain at the
planning of one snbdivision and Davidson to discuss Mr. Cardiff's corner of Halliday and Mill Sts.,
plans were presented for a second plans and what changes would School crossing signs and lines of
one when Brussels council met have to be made. the streets will be repainted for
Thursday night. A new subdivision in Brussels the opening of school. The village
Councillors learned that the is being planned by Jack Bryans, has purchased a new tractor.
Huron County Planning Depart- Cal. Krauter and Jack McDonald, Council approved the sale of a
ment have told Lewis Cardiff, their representative Chris Kiar of village owned lot #336 on Stretton
who hoped to separate seven lots Kiar and Ross, Goderich, told St. to Mrs. Ruth Hinton, and
near his Maitside Orchards council members.The men agreed to apply for a LIP grant to
property in the northwest area of proposed to subdivide area for 35 compile a history of Brussels.
Brussels, 'that his land is homes on land they own in
classified as agricultural under southeast corner of Brussels, and
the Huron County Plan. for more homes in a second stage. q rena Any subdivision, even of a few Their plan was presented to
lots, would require a change in council for discussion and
zoning. Council was told that a information. This land is zoned oriler6d meeting is being set up with residential now.
New houses may very' well be
develops. According to the 1976
census, the poplulation is up to Brussels councillors read a July
1,028, from 988 in the fall of 1975. 16 registered letter from the
There's a possibility that But clerk Bill King said the 1975 Ontario Ministry of Labour
Brussels may get its long awaited count, for assessment purposes, ordering the village to either close
drug store, members of the may have missed some people. or repair the local arena, but
Village council learned Thursday In other business, council decided Thursday night to
night. okayed building permits for Louis schedule talks with the Ministry,
Realtor Wayne Ward wrote Taylor for a house, and Mrs. aimed at allowing the arena to be
council telling them that there is a Brenda Higgins, Mrs. Ruth used until it's repaired or
Councillors were assured
earlier this.summer by another
ministry spokesman that the
arena could probably remain open
through the Fall season.
Reeve JackMcCutcheon was
authorized to get in ''ouch with
engineer Ken Dunn, who did a
study on the condition of the
arena and to continue talks with
the ministry in an effort to keep
the building, open.
Drug store needed in the village if the
present 'population trend o close
maybe ?
pharmacist who is interested in iiinton, Reg. Watson, Irwin
opening a pharmacy in the Weidner and Rick tipster. The
village, It was suggested that the village building inspect& will.
Municipality, could rent space for receive $10 for each OHRP
a drug store in the Medical inspection.
Center at the council Meeting, but COuncil agreed to have a sales
dropped When Councillors tax consultant go Over their
tealized that there would be no books, looking fOr. any
MOM for retail drug Store space in overpayMent of sales tax: The
consultant willbe paid 20 per cent the centre.
Council agreed informally to of whatever he recovers for the
help in some way to get the thug Viilage.
store estaestablished:established:The county' Was given per,