HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-06-16, Page 16Sugar and Spice by Bill Smiley This age is golden It seems, when one looks around, that the Great Revolution of the 1960s has petered out, as mostrevolutions do. And, as usuallyha—Ppens after a revolution, the pendulum is swinging toward conserva- tism. The Savage Sixties, featuring a vicious war in Viet Nam, student uprisings, draft dodgers, the growth of strident feminism, and the blossoming of four-letter words in the mass media, have simmered down into the Scared Seventies, when inflation and unemployment are the bogey-men. Most obvious evidence of this is the race' for president in the States. There's ,not a liberal in sight. It's like a game of musical chairs in which every participant is striving to be a little farther to the right than the guy who made the last speech. I'm not entirely unhappy about this swing of the pendulum. While revolutions 1\ often produce freedom, they also produce excesses, and that of the Sixties was no exception. It produced a violence, a callousness and a viciousness that was probably unpara- lleled in western civilization's history. Remember? The kids were on drugs. The parents were on the booze. Cops were called pigs. Language that would shock a sailor came out of the mouths of babes. It was fashionable to be filthy if you were young. Hard rock replaced • anything resembling music to be listened to. Cults of various degrees of obscenity flourished. Muggings multiplied. Hijacking hit the headlines. It was a nasty, nervous decade for society to grope through, and as a basically conservative person, I'm glad it's fading, even though it has left a fair bit of detritus as it ebbs. Not all of it was bad, of course. Many of the old shibolleths were swept away and replaced by something saner., The social political and economic status of women .took a giant step forward. There was a new honesty, as much of the stuff our parents used to sweep under the carpet was pulled out, looked at squarely, and found to be merely funny, not frightening. There was a new and healthy skepticism toward politicians, culminating in the not so incredible discovery that some were liars, some crooks, some both. Our institutes of higher learning got a good/ shake-up, and their traditional stuffiness swung toward something verging on license. In short, a lot of the phoniness of our society was exposed for what it was. A lot of rocks were turned over, and a lot of things crawled out from under them, and died in the hard, clear light. That's all to the good. Every revolution must crack some eggs to make an omelet. And every revolution inficts wounds, some of them savage. But society is the sum total of individuals. And just as an individual who has been mugged, knifed, raped or otherwise abused, must retire and tend his wounds, so must society. There must be a healing time. Perhaps the Scared Sventies is. such a time. Certainly there is a trend. Hard rock music, hoist on its own petard, is being replaced by country and bluegrass music. Transcendental meditation is replacing the acid trip. Most people are fed up with the pure pornography that has flourished. Even that sacred cow, hockey, has turned people off, including aficionados, with , the mindless, but contrived violence of its goon shows. Hijackers are harried and hunted down. Maybe, just maybe, we're in for a brief Golden Age, in which the arts 'will flourish, ripoffs will become a thing of the paSt,. excellence will be restored as an aspiration of the young, and children will honor their parents. But don't hold your breath:. Maybe, just Maybe, moyieS will start. having a plot again. And policemen wilrbe pals, .not pigs. And music will be enjoyable, not excruciating. , :And. vandalisin will vanish.'. But don't hold, your breath. Maybe, just maybe, town engineers will go around holding hands and singing, think that I shall never'see, A sewer lovelY as a tree." But don't hold your breath. Maybe, just maybe, politicians will start letting their left hand know what their right hand is doing, and remove both hands from the pockets of the taxpayer. But don't hold your breath. I'm a realist. I don't hold my breath. But I'm also an optimist. So, whatever it's • worth, welcome to the new Golden Age. Roadster, Glen Walters, Stratford. Hard Lucx Trophy (Most Car Trouble) - 1928 Ford, Model A, Max Watts, Brussels. Long Distance Trophy (Spon- sored by Car! Graber Auto Body, Brussels) - 1952 Chev., Barry Spring; Balm Beach (near Midland). Cars were driven from: Mississauga, Hamilton, Niagara Falls, Huntsville, Kitchener- Waterloo, Wodstock. Late Sunday afternoon, thank you's were exchanged. Members from the other regions expressed their gratitude to the people of the Brussels area and said they'd like an invitation to attend next year. The physical and mental growth of more than 100,000,000 y oungsters under age five is currently in jeOpardy due to malnutrition and undernourish- ment (chronic rather than acute malnutrition) Father's Day Specials Drills Sanders Saws Tool Boxes etc. Lawn Chairs Radio's & TV's Fishing Poles Accessories OLDFIELD'S PRO HARDWARE BRUSSELS: • 887-6851 r NOW PAYING A HIGH RATE OF 0 3l4° Guaranteed 0 Trust Certificates for 5 year term e:ittehlbee of the Canada Deposit • Insurance Corporation Rionnenberg. Insurance Agency Brussels openTueedaye and Fridays Phone .07A668' 'MqNktON litiONk .A414U1 Money to .Friday When in BRUSSELS Stop in at the TEXAN GRILL & GAS BAR Ice Cream Cones Hand Dipped BAGS OF ICE The Heat Beaters SUPPORT YOUR BALL TEAM! Your Hosts June & Ken Webster 70 antique cars at sholAt here (Continued frorri Page 1) people, mostly car buffs, but some townfolk also enjoyed the meal. At 10:30 a.m., a tour left under the guidance of Don McNeil and travelled to C.K.N.X. Wingham where everyone was taken on a tour of the T.V. station. The cars were parked and each car was filmed on video tape. Another tour left at 12 noon travelling to Bainton's Old Mill in Blyth. Here the cars met and everyone was greeted by Mr. arid Mrs. Frank Bainton. The tourers were told a brief outline of the Mill, then invited inside to see the goods on display. Everyone appreciated the Bain- ton's hospitality. The cars left Blyth and returned via Walton to the Brussels Fairgrounds. Here they were parked on the green for public viewing. Many cars and drivers partici- pated in car games, including potato spearing, slow race, an egg race and the ladies slow race. At 3 pan., the model air show was again enjoyed. The trophies for the Weekend were presented to: Oldest Car - 1914 Ford Model T, Gerry king, Woodstock. Hainton Trophy (presented by Frank• Bainton) - Most Appealing. Car on tour - 1929 Chrysler 16,-.11-IE BRUSSELS POST, JUNE 16, As promised in his last article The Maitland 'Valley Conserva- tion Authority's Rocky Racoon is using this column to provide all those eager hikers in the watershed with more information on hiking. In the past 10 'Years hundreds of miles of hiking trails have been constructed in the province of Ontario. The most famous and probably the most challenging trail is called, the Bruce Trail.This 400 mile long trail follows the top Of the Niagara Escarpment from Queenston Heights near Niagara Falls to Tobermory at the tip of the Bruce Peninsula. Some of the most breath taking scenery in the province may be viewed from this trail which, in places, is situated 250 ft. above the surrounding countryside. Watler's Falls, Ball's Falls, Forks of the Credit, Mount Nemo,Devil's Punchbowl, Beaver Valley, Halton Falls and The Grotto are names which being beautiful images to the minds .of those who have gazed upon these' scenic gems from the Bruce Trail. The trail iS well marked with an adeqnate .number •of, overnight camping area.s . along its entire length. •A —high standard of cleanliness is maintained on the trail by members of a number:of Bruce ..Trail Clubs which exist in the various regions through which, the Trail passes. "Members volunteer,their time and energy to maintain the trail; Now, the Bruce . is .• Only one:: major"' link in zr provincial trail system. 14opeftilly, the time is not too far distant. when a ,hiker will be..able-to 'get mite 'the Maitland Trail at Goderich and walk, on clean, 'well ,tharked trails,: all the way to Ottawa or. KingSton or Niagara or Toberinory. If: you are anxious` to make a start at' walking Ontario's' trails: and are looking to . buy packing and camping equipment there are a number of suggestions to keep in mind. Most equipment will be adequate for the needs of •the average hiker. The Canadian Standards' Association does \ very well at protecting buyers from 1976 MCVA news Hiking advice poor quality goods. Remember though that you get what you Pa) for. • For example when buying sleeping bag try to anticipate the season when you will be using and be sure that the insulating value of the bag is sufficient lo keep you warm on the coldest night you expect to be using n, Usually, the warmer the bag, t4 higher the cost. You, can expeetto pay in excess of $75.00 for the best bags. Lightness and strength or durability are the two primar) characteristics 'to keep in mind when obtaining any equipment Remember, you ''ate carrying all you need for survival withyouori the trail. A loaded pack should not weigh more than 1/3 of yout body weight. This rule of thumb will allow you to carry all you require for 2 or 3 days on a teal including a tent and an ample food supply.. One or two map tents weighing less than 5 pounds are available'''. as • are light :weight. cooking} utensils and Specially preparot food packages. One must •for any hiker is a light compact and easy-to.use. camp stove. These reliable little, tree • savers .are, equal in size to a 48 :oz. can and produce enough' heat 'to cook a delicious meat much more quickly than the, traditional. camp fire and with lest ' risk .ofsetting..fire to surrounding vegetation. . • A compact and sturdy cOmpas, a „hunting knife and hatchet watet.ProOf matches, extra 'clothing atida first aid kit are all necessary ,'items for 'undertaking an Overnight Or longer hike. Last but by . no means least is, ,the 'neeessity. of hiking with.a companion., Two people can deal m ore effectively with as unfortunate situation than c one. Rocky has tried to provide everyone with some useful information on the subjectir hiking. • Now go out and participate in one of the most' enjoyable activities available lo, you: ► Sh WinDc NILLwBcyyacSjDddtniai Blu ea Mon HBWoilsynl °1aci: La Hoff: $t, W $2 PMPlohT1G1 i 1' tagaalSilhletille:Ea.ci reencil( a111. o C agl eWPithh,trid tiiltil, the the hor to' 1 star 0' 46' t A