HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-06-02, Page 2WILLING WALKERS MarkJones, 8, and his friend bwayne Achilles,•6, were
enthusiastic walkers in Saturday's Walkathon at' Walton. Money from the
Walkathon sponsored by the Walton Area, Sports Association will be used to rt
improve ihe baseball park. The boys had covered 12 of the miles from Walton to
Blyth and back. (Staff Photo)
by ,Karl Schuessler
Here's what to leave out
Dear Editor Sue,
I understand each week your paper is tight.
Now, I don't mean you're off on some lost
weekend or" that you and your staff regularly
tie one on. And I don't mean you're all a
bunch of cheapskates.
But I do mean you have more news than you
can fit into your colutnns, • So naturally you'
have to give a little and leave out something.
That's the problem -- a problem every
weekly paper faces, especially the rural
weeklies. For the rural ones run all the homey
happenings on every concession and side, road
and in every village h amlet. With all kinds of
thanks due to those busy ladies who are
known in the trade as correspondents.
You asked yourself: Is this news really
important to the reader? What kind of news
can he, live without? What kind of news
doesn't Make his day?
You came up with your 'own answers. You
made the decision: Cut all those bowling team
pictures. They just weren't down your alley. A
few might bie alright. But with every loCai
league featuring three winning teams, that
drowned the newspaper in group bowling
And then night mare of all nightmares!
What if the curling clubs wanted their pictures
in ... And the skating group and the
snovvitiObiling clubs and the baseball teams?
Why, this, could go oh and on until the whole
newspaper was a sea of team pittures.
I can understand how all these bowling
pictures were piling up More strikes than
spareS, If only thete Were more Spates: Oh s
for a few More sparce spares in teat ti
pictures. ,
And theft you made another cut. Your
readers would have to live without a few
details of the local wedding. No longer can
they read what the bride Wore what the
Mother of the bride wore, What the mother of
the groom vvore. .146 longer can they know
what flowers the bride parried.
Yon sighed With tend, ,Editor Sue, that you ,
wouldn't have to' look tip in the dietiotiaty
anymore the 'dared spelling of peon de sole,
Then you invited :your readers to let you
know what newsitem they -could do without,
r have only two, dear Editor Sue.
Maybe it's beeauSe 1 don't relish meetings
anyway. But I really don't need to know that
the Ladies Aid opened their monthly meeting
in the church basement by singing "Jesus.,
Lover of My Soul." I don't need to know that
the,rcill was called—not up yonder, of course,
but down here below.
And I really don't have to be reminded that
the minutes were read and approved. And the
good ladies decided after a lengthy debate to
Send ten dollars to the overseas reli of fund..
And you can leave out that a delicious lunch
was served afterwards. Lunches are always
delicious after a meeting at 10:30 at night,
Number two. I really don't need to know
who Visited whom last Sunday afternoon. Now
I Must admit. I do wonder at times whose car
that is in so and so's driveway. That can
occupy part of my Sunday. —wondering.
GueSsing, Surmising', Relatives? Friends?
Out of towners?
Then it's always convenient to check the
newspaper the following Week'to see if I VW
right It does my heart good to know I guessed
right: , Its4woalest,touslii 'Clarence who visited'
ilut really, dear Editor Sue, I don't need to
know. Maybe it's the business of your
newspaper to not let Me krieW, Maybe Yon
Shetild tell none of my business:
And dear Editor, Sue, never; never; tied
would` I suggest the paper drop your eoluub,
even if you did -offer , two week's free
subscription to anyone who ,dated to tnak't
such a 'stiggestien,
I like free offers, Rut'the price of that on6-
like all free offers tertieS at too high 'A
Yourobediertt ,Wvati4
Serving Brussels and the surrounding commoity.
Published each Wednesday afternoon at Brussels Ontario
by McLean Bros. Publishers, Limited.
Dave Robb - Advertising '
Member Canadian Community Newspaper ASsociation- and
Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association
Subscriptions (in advance) Canada $6.00 a-year. Others
$8.00 a year, Single Copies 15 cents each.
To the editor
Guatemala Letter
Sister•Madeline (Graff) is a sister of Mrs. Led Deitner'
of Brussels. _ •
As you know from the Motherhouse we are all safe,
here. Sorry we couldn't get word through 'sooner but
the lines were not going through and the day I finally
did, I dialed steadily for two hours, I came back to
Teculutan Sunday Feb. 8th with one of the Gualan
priests who had come to the city to arrange for tents,
etc. to be flown in from Canada. It was a cry rough,
dusty four hour drive.
The main highway to the city is cut off because there
is a bridge out and 90 km of land slides. The earthquake
loosened the rocks on the mountains and the road is
blocked. The back road does take you but we will only
go when absolutely necessary.
We, are fine. Our school has no damage. The walls in
our house are badly cracked in some areas but it is still
in good condition, compared to many around.The
priest's house is very badly damaged. They can't use it.
We will sleep out on the patio at night since there are
still several tremors daily. This is only n atural .:.the
earth shifted 8 inches and .is now settling down. The
scientists say it takes 8 days to 2 weeks. The work of
cleaning up and, trying to help goes on daily.
Fortunately no one M our parish was killed. Three of '
our churches have repairable damage but 2 are
completely ruined - Usumatlan and Vega de Coban.
Recall froth the picture I sent you the church in Vega
de Coban was opened in Sept. or early Oct. The
Teculutan church is very bad 'but still standing. It may
have to be taken down because the walls are badly
cracked. Please don't worry too much about me. I am
fine and in God's hands. Our people need us more than
ever before. I am grateful to God that I' am .here to be
able to help. Many of our people are without homes and
preparations must be made for their protection before
the rains start in June.
We have food and it shouldn't be a problem. We are
using only enough to stay healthy but as yet there is
plenty. The farming land wasn't damaged so there will
be food. The countries throughout the worldare coming
to our aid and so with God's help the days ahead will be
rough...but possible. •
Do not be surprised or alarmed if you do not hear
from me for some weeks. We have no mail service since
railway tracks are torn up. This letter is being taken to
the airport inGuatetnala city to be mailed by the gnalan
priests who are going there to get a jeep...their's was
destroyed. Gualan, where the North Bay St. Joseph's
work was completely destroyed, church, convent,
everything. It was the hardest hit.
There are 1000 families there alone without homes.
In their town alone there were over 90 deaths. It is a
miracle that the Sisters got out alive as their convent
was badly ruined. We have been trying to help them as
:much as possible too. They are bringing what they can
save from their house here to store,
We are cut off from the city except by helicopter and
back road. The army is flying in supplies. We are on an
8 p.m. curfew - everyone must be off the street by that
time - it ptevents robbing of damaged homes and is
safest as theSt of the tremOrs come at night and to be
driving in a severe one would be dangerous — also
falling rock will write when I can but don't be
alarmed if its several weeks or months. Things are very
uncertain because it could take 6 - 7 months before the
main bridge is fixed. •
Was talking to a pilot this morning and he said the
has sent in much heavy equipment and its possible
that the road could be cleared in a month' or so. Then
there's the bridge. So all in all we are really being
looked after by the outside World. Right how ,as I am.
Writing this letter we are waiting for 3 U.S ;helicopters
to land in the field across from the convent with tents
and medicines:
The Major and the Doctorasked us to be there to list
the supplies as they arrive because all Medicines have
English labels, I must bring this to a .clost as it is
getting late and they ate off to the city with this ntail
early in the mottling.,
Sister MM: Madeleine