HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-05-26, Page 18 v.* GOOD TIMES • TRAVEL Seaforth 527-0050 FRANKENMUTH, MICH. JUNE 13th The Bavarian Festival Festival Parade! Return home in evening $15. per person SCOTTISH WORLD FESTIVAL TATTOO Toronto Exhibition AUGUST 22nd Reserved Grandstand Seat Admission to C.N.E. By Motor Coach $18. per person RESERVE EARLY Nashville & Wheeling Tours Laboui Day and Thanksgiving Ontario Licence #1239997 1-27-R 1 Coming Events SEAPORTH Lions Beef Barbeque Dinner and Dance, Saturday, June 26, 1976, Seaforth Community, Centre. Campbell 'and Cardiff caterers. Music by Wafter 0 ptanpit. Band. Tickets available at Vincents, Larones, Bob & Betty,Huron Expositor, Rowcliffe Motors, Whitneys, Stewart Bros., 'Seaforth banks and from cltib members. 1-27-tf HEALTH UNIT OFFICE MEDICAL BUILDING BRUSSELS on WEDNESDAY JUNE 2, 1976 from 1:30 - 3;30 p.m. for: 1: Health Surveillance 2. Foot Care 3. Anaemia Screening 4. Urine Testing 5. Blood Pressure 6. Hearing Test 1-30-1 HOWICK Lions' regular biweekly Bingo will be held on Friday, May 28th, at 8:30 p.m. in Wroxeter Community Hall. Admission $1.00. 12 Regular games for $10.00; 2 Share the Wealth; one $25.00 Special; Jackpot of $90.00 on 56 -calls; Purple Ball of $10.00; Door & Consolation Prizes. 1-30-1 A Post Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial Brussels 887-6641. Classified Rates' WORD'COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION 20 Words $1.25, 5c per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, • 3c per word, minimum .75c. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION $1.40 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.26 per column inch. (Minimum•size in this category 2 inches. Accepted • in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office - 50c per insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words $1.25, 5 c per word thereafter MARRIAGES , Engagements, Death Notices - 20 2Owords $1.25, each additional word 5c. IN MEMORIAMS $1.25 plus 10c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words $1.25, each additional word 5c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS - 30 Words $1,25, each • additional word 2c per word. 25c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT AT TIME OF INSERTION. Deadline let classified ads is 06 P.M. Monday No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon, lViondayS. Phone887‘6641 1t3-» THE tolussett .-Port. MAY 6,, 407'6' 1 Coming Events VANASTRA REC. CENTRE Bingo • every MONDAY NIGHT at 800 P.M. MINIMUM JACKPOT $200. MINIMUM CONSOLATION $25. Number of calls increases each week' SPECIAL $10 DOOR PRIZE Awarded on previous week's admission ticket. Must be present to win. If not claimed prize will increase by $10 following Week. 1-27-tf 7 Situations Wanted HOUSE painting, indoors and outdoors. Please contact, 887- 6772. 7-29-2 11 Articles For Sale,. GESTETNER ink available at The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaford". 11-27-tf 4' Help Wanted I 11 Articles For Sale 'NEW HOLLAND model #460 Haybine with 9' cut. Price $1,950, 887-9434. 11,30-tf, BROWN stallion pony about 3 years old. 887-9483. 11=30-1 7 Bushels Laurier Seed Barley, 887-6809. 11.30-1 Crop Spray & Sprayers A complete stock of crop sprays such as Atrazene, sutan, lasso, furadan, 24D, MCpA and Round- up at very competitive prices. Calsa weed sprayer for sale "or rent. Atrazene 80W $2.40; Bladex $3.40; discount per large quant- ities. Limited time. ' Contact JIM ARMSTRONG 1' mile east of Wingham on Highway 86 Phone 357-1650 11-26-5 4 Help Wanted 11. Atticles FOr Sale SWIMMINGpOOL'SACRIFICE Leading Manufacturer and distributor has above ground aluminum pools, left over from 175'season'il2Pie, guaranteed installation trmscalicret ,44:ger, collect, Mississauga 416-625-8810 days or evenings: 11-27-tf 14 Month old cross-bred Bull from an Aberdeen Angus dam and Charolais sire; 2-year old dark chestsnut quarter horse mare; 8 year-old chestnut hunter Gelding, over 17 hands; 8 tons of mixed grain. Bob Cunningham '• 887-6240. 11-30.1 2 Rear Tractor Tires, and Tubes, size 18.438. Phone 887-6052 or 887-6345. 11-30x2 A..1010 Case Combine with straw shredder and flax rolls in good 'condition, also a New Idea corn picker.. Phone 887-6868. 11-30x2 SWIMMING POOL FOR SALE: Mciving - will sell you 16 x 32 evenings, collect. call 416-625-2719, days 0.0 above ground Modular Redwood PoolPool at sacrifice price of $3000, Savings of $2100.00, 1975 model, t Seed Beans CERTIFIED SEAFARER, KENTWOOD AND SANILA ART BOLTON 527-0455 11-2 DRY BAGGED Shaving For Sale $1, per ba CUSTOM LUMBER MILLWORK LTD. BOLTON; ONTARIO PHONE BOLTON 416.857-1882 11-30-2 SWIMMING POOL: Less than yr. old. Tanta-Stia above grou ,dwood -16 x 24, cost $4500. Must sell immediately - will sacrifice - savings of $2000.00. Call 416-625 -8817, days Of evenings, collect. '11-274 COPIES Copies of,your important papers' oLrettde°resuimz,h2ts5o w.ehaielhe , Y°11 'w THE HURON EXPOSITOR,forth, 11-214 UNIT STEP, the easy way to better concrete steps', No waiting for concrete to Set: Many sizes' and styles in stock. Enhance the beauty and value of your home withprectatsteesltepresoinfor reinforced concrete Unit Out installation crews work quieldy and cleanly. Call Prank Kling 1326, .Seaforth.° 527- Ltd.-• Phone1004 SPIN-DitY Washetj Beatty` elec". Stove; bed, nuittreSs Mid itPchhoenne t:81316 1-esii 6. ' 7 kitchen chairs. 11-27x4 1 Coming Events THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT - Invites you to attend the. Adult Health Guidance Centre Spinrirte Yarns 81 Dyers Ltd. Listowel Requires Maintenance Mechanic We require a suitable, individual who will train in our plant as a maintenance mechanic. Previous experience not essential but the successful applicant should be mechanically, inclined and enjoy working with his hands. Extensive training period provided. Interested candidates should apply in person to our Personnel' Manager 4-30-1 Spinrite Yarns & Dyers Ltd. Listowel Has positions available on both the 3 to 11 and 1 1 to-7.shifts We can offer: Competitive Wage rates. Shift premium And daily production bonus. No experience required. We Win train:. if you have not applied before conie and talk to Our Personnel Manager Addltionai Class& on Page 19 EN sty eb 're, Ys Ypti