HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-05-26, Page 11Under NewMantigempnl . Mervin tg Joon Jones_ • - Special Sundaydihher. 11tiked Ham & Scalloped Potatoes Presh-White Fish. Daily Open Doily through the 7t30.43.0. • u - day 9.61.:00, Closed Monday •••••••• sr OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED BrusSels 887-601.1 READ and USE• POST CLASSIFIED 10 the rnat1cek for a rnotoicyc\ eq. ph is ones a good -Oa\ to C,off‘e w (Dealer's Name) and see the GI 1850. Ask. us about start olt With! its .5-speed tonsMissOn, 1ront disc t-.)Oces, cPcome ienders and e1ectr'\o start for ea ad getaways. Jost tearyt this ad and bring But \lorrOtuant1t1es are united • 1t to our snroorn, and ‘Ne kno\r) tney lion't last 1ong at this pnce. GT118,5M ONLY Excluding' Tax and Dealer Preparation, SUZUKI LVI • SPORTS & .RECR-EAVON VARNA, ONTARIO' 262409' ZiiKIN" The right nnotorcycle for your times Pi* so aus. al et ill is 1•0!”. at in aro THE BRUSSELS POST, MAY 26, 1976'. if Sugar and Spice by Bill Smiley • That sinking feeling The Corn Crop needs Spraying This is a time of year when a lot of school teachers get a sinking. feeling. All year they have been laboring in the fairly barren vineyards of their students, sustained by, the, knowledge that there is still time to produce a green shoot or two, and maybe even enough grapes to make" some kind of brew. Suddenly, there are only 16 teaching days left, and there is the dreadful realization that, they have exhausted all their skills, and that it had about as much effect on Susie and Joe as would a bucket of water poured over a seal. It just doesn't stick. Thus, when they should be looking forward with anticipation to end of term and summer vacation, many teachers find themselves instead in a veritable Slough of Despond. It is the students' perennial belief .in miracles that puts the teachers onto anti-depressant pills about now. Aside from school work, adolescents are not dumb. They are quite aware that education these days is a sociological jungle from which they have a far' better chance of emerging unscathed than do those poor devils who try to teach them. They know that in our enlightened society, "failure" is a dirty word, and that everyone from the Minister of Education, through the school board, down to their classroom teacher, will doYack flips trying to avoid pinning, such a label, on them. Many students know perfectly well that they can goof around most of the year, play truant, miss assignments, be late with essays, and nothing very terrible will happen to them. • In fact, if they go around looking serious and sincere for the last few weeks, and do a little work, there's every chance that they will scrape or scramble through, only to repeat the whole process the next year. Born and raised in a society where it is no shame to accept charity, because it's now dignified as welfare, where unemploy- ment insurance is 'a cosy cushion against' adversity, where their aged parents will be looked after by the state, where the work ethic is scorned, where the semi-literate hockey player or pop star is not only idolized but rich, the kids-are not going to get their shirts in a knot over something as apparently irrelevant as doing well at school. And let's not blame them too much. Let's take a look at the world we're passing on to them. It's a world strangli ng- drowning in its own poisons, created by the greed of past generations. The kids see the greed and the poisoning going right on. Small wonder they are a little cynical about some of the virtues such as unselfishness and the golden rule. It's a world in which the rip-off is admired, on the whole. They see unions ripping off management, management ripping off the consumer, everybody trying to rip off the government. So why not rip off the school system? It's the biggest WALTON INN Formerly Crossroads sucker of all. It's a world in which the media pander to the bizarre 'and violent. The hijacker, the terrorist 'are overnight sensations. Is it naive to suggest that these are responsible, to some extent, for the bomb warnings, and the incredible vandalism in our schools? It's a world of drugs. The old man has his drinks every night and gets smashed on the weekend. the old lady has 18 different kinds of pills. Why not run away from reality by emulating them. It's a world in which the daily papers are full of examples of corruption in high places. A senator here, a president there, has helped himself. So what's wrong with cheating, as long as you aren't caught? It's a world in which the best and bravest are often bullied by the brutal and belligerent. So why not give the teachers a hard time? "They can't do nothin' to ya, nayhow, 'cept senja home. So what Write a note and sign your old man's name." Not a very pretty. picture? You're right, gentle reader. But this is not an indictment of students. It's a cry of shame for the society we're handing on to them. Let's restore "failure" to our vocabulary. Let's restore "excellence", another word that's been dropped. Let's ,show• the kids that apathy is ugly, that reason is superior to violence, that love and sex are not synonymous, that compassion arid courage far outweigh cruelty and cowardice. • I'm sorry for 'them, and what we have shown them.' But I don't despair. Let's show them it's a beautiful world, and that they are beautiful and that'they are needed to make it more beautiful. Then watch them go. Low, Low, Prices on BLADEX LASSO AATREX 90W AATREX LIQUID ATRAZINE 80W