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THE BRUSSELS POST, MAY :loit 106 .aLl'
dill News
hat 0006 :..education ?
Madill hosts debate
ently in English class we
a play written by , George
ed Shaw, called Pygmalion.
lly it was the story of how
sor Higgins, a phonetic
r, took a poor, ignorant
.girl, Eliza Doolittle, and
ed her by teaching her to
proper English. After six
s of arduous practice, Eliza
ble to pass as a princess at
or she exclaimed, "What
you done to me?" "What
you left me fit for?" She was
e to adapt to the new life or
to her old way of living. A
ink this is a danger 'in any
of education. We tend to
e restless and discontented
our present way of -living.
we feel superior to our
and families who had less
ion and perhaps we- even
ourselves in a higher or
ent social class. It is really
difficult to return to old habits
•once you have been introduced to'
new ones and 'sometimes it is .
impossible - as it was for Eliza.
Is it better to remain
uneducated and content, then?
After all, new ideas also bring
unique problems to solve.
Education presents: conflicts
which are foreign and confusing
to deal with. Sometimes
education seems like two
opposing magnets which pull
student and family apart and the
force can get so strong that it is
impossible to become one again.
• Is this wrong? Does it make
more sense to let the individual
decide his own values and follow
them wherever they may t ake
Education only enlightens a
person, he or she must make the
final decision as to what they will
pursue. I feel any person has the
right to make just such a choice.
It must be a rewarding yet
difficult task for all teachers to
introduce what could be a new
way of life to.their students. The
`teachings could bring discontent=
ment of the soul - an emotion
which is unable to be masked for
long. Or, taking a more positive
attitude, they may provide many,
new roads for you to follow.
guess it depends on what
standard you have set for yourself
- what you want for yourself and
futurel But if you find you are
discontented realize there is an
alternative. Shaw's play was later
turned into a hit musical and also
a motion picture entitled "My
Fair Lady". It's basic theme. is
`Class _mobility is possible but
depends • on your speech.'
Pygmalion brought Galatea to
life, Higgins made Eliza a living
lady and education can do the
same for you if you let it.
Joan Leishman: Editor
Last Thursday, F.E.Madilt
was host to the debating teams of
the four other secondary schools
in Huron County-Seaforth,
Exeter, Goderich and Clinton, in
the debates held lastThursday
morning, Exeter Seniors and.
Juniors emerged victorious, and
won both, championships. After
lunch, the students of the teams
assembled for 'Model Parliament.
First the topic in Cabinet
legislation should be abolished"
was debated. The government
then introduced the topic " A core
Curriculum is not needed in
Secondary schools" and this, too
was, debated. the debating club of
F.E.Madill thanks Mrs. Tiffin,
who put so much work into the
zlub this year, and made it a good
experience for all who
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the school
ar ends
e other day I had to go to the
during ninth period. I
ed through the balcony of the
m just after the bell had
Class had begun.
tood perfectly still for a
ent. Not a sound could be
There was silence. Yet,
d the thick walls of the gym
ized there was a transfer of
ledge taking place. There
iss Hancock and her grade
fence class, Mr. Brewster
s grade 9 Geography class,
H awkin's grade 13 Math
Mr. Damsma's EngliSh
mr. 'Gnay's grade 13
gy class and Mr. Anderson's
11 study in the cafeteria.$
erent teachers were trying
plain different subjects and
students were trying to -
stand; Though we don't
realize it we learn
thing new every day. By
period some of the students
h ad stayed up all night
ing for one of Mr. Hawkin's
math tests) would be
mg their heads froin time to
But I'm sure the teachers
d understand.
Fridays the clock watchers'
constantly glancing at the
as time passes. This could
e last period of 1969 or 1976,
s always been the same. The
efulness I felt around me was
ng as 3:24 drew closer.
t 3:24 some were rushing to
lockers while others
feted along talking to 'a
d as they walked. School was
' (for another day) Some
Id carry books to the buS,
s went with arms swinging.
as I walked to the bus I
dered.— What will I be doing
ar from now, two years from
? Will I be working, going, to
ge or what?
s the school year draws to a
and my friends are looking
Slimmer jobs I wonder how' y will return in September or
Many will find the work force
e inviting. My only eminent
.hope everyone has a goad
nier and whether or not they ni in September I hope they
rind what they're looking for.
e sera, sera" As Doris Day lit say and another school" year i.lildst finished.
Mary Attie Alton
WA What
1011 1)0111 Need I
The Census of Canada will
provide important benefits for
all Canadians, but the farming
community has special needs.
That's why you are asked to.
Complete the griCul tural
questionnaire, in addition to
the general qUestionnaire,
Bowls the information wed?
Farming is so complex that
we need all the information
we can get to develop policies
and programs to meet agricul-
hire's rapidly changing needs.
The facts only you can provide
are used to help agricultural
associations and government
agencies plan and develop
new and existing programs.
OUr lipt are sealed.
The information you pro-
vide on Census Day is so vital
to the future of Canada that
there is a law requiring you to
„Count yourself in.This law also
ensures that none Of your an:
swers shall be passed on to any
other government depart-
Merit Only Statistics Canada
personnel, who are sworn to
Secrecy, see your question-
naire and they are subject:to
legal penalties if they disclose
your answers to anyone else.
W'hat to do if you
don't know what to do.
If you have problems with
the Census of Agriculture •
questionnaire, fill in •all the
questions you are able to an-
swer and leave the rest until
the census representative
comes' around to pick up your
completed dobirtient:S.
if you didn't receive either
questionnaire by May 31st or
the questionnaires in the
official language of your choice,
call the long distance operator
and ask for ZENITH 0-1976.
There is no charge.
We're counting on you.
The 1976 Census of Agricul-
ture is important to everyone
who fiums.It's something we
can't do without and we can't-
do ftfight witho9t you,„So
please help us make
the1976 Census of • 7r.w
cif-Joni:urea coin-
plete success.