The Brussels Post, 1976-04-21, Page 23To get the clubs started off, an
activities campaign will be
planned with posters and an
activities..., assembly; featuring
guest speakers from, the various
clubs. Also, more money for clubs
planning worthwhile projects,
might be an incentive. The class
reps should be better informed
about matters they vote on so
they can vote for what they feel is
right, not just what everyone else
feels is ,right.
Susan and Brian are positive
thinkers and are willing to try,
and they hope everyone else will
do the same. With the student
council and student body working
together. they feel- n • ext year
won't be just a good y ear, but a
great ydar.
Judy Nicholson 13 B
There .are 9 positions open on
the activities council. They are
two activities officers, one social
convenor, two social publicity
managers, tuck shop manager
and assistant and two lounge
managers. The activities officer's
duties are to grant points and
bars to those people who
regularly attend a club in our
school. The social convenor's task
is to organize dances and other
functions. There are going to be
two social convenors this year as
opposed to one last year to
publicize these social events. the
tuck shop manager and assistant
have, full control over goods and
prices in the tuck shop. The
lounge managers have the
enormous task of keeping the
lounge in order.
Gordon T. Wray
A Drama Produ?.tion
The drama 401 classes will
present the Canadian play, Still
Stands the House, written by
Gwen P: Ringwood on Friday,
April 23 in the school auditorium.
It will be acted twice so that the
entire school may enjoy it.
Interested friends and parents are
also invited to attend.
The drama class has directed
and staged the play under Mr.
Elgie's supervision. The role of
Ruth is „ played by ' Marine
Bradley, of Hester by Ann Marrie
Mahe, of Mr. Manning by Rod
Simpson and of Bruce by Robin
The play will be presented in
London on Saturday, April 24, as
the F.E.Madill entry in the
drama festival.
Junior Badminton
The Madill Junior Mustang
Badminton team finished a
disappointing seventh out o,f ten
teams April 13 at the Huron-Perth
championships at Mitchell. For
many of the Madill Juniors this
was their first year of competition
and as the calibre of badminton at
the tournament was excellent, it
is certain they gained much
valuable experience, An excellent
and .exciting performance was
made by our boy's singles player
Rob Frank who single handedly
won eleven of the team's
seventeen team points. Rob had
many long, tough matches, many
going to three games, and as the
afternoon wore on he played
better and better. Solid perfor-
mances by the girls doubles team
of Kathy Cruickshank and 'Chris
Orien and Janet Wood playing
girl's singles added the
remaining points to our total.
South Huron won the team
championship. Thursday will be
the senior championship at
"So it's been. Government
inspected. ,Now it'll be
Dorothy Winson inspected.
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At F.
All students to vote on .election day
Voting on Election Day ' by buying the bars, The students
OnFriday, April 23rd every of F.E.Madill owe both of these
student within the school receives groups a "Thank-You!" for all
a chance to vote for next year's they've done.
student council. The voting is,
done by secret ballot in the
homeroom period. The executive
of the student council tallies the
votes and later reports the results
to the school. If only one person
runs for the position there is no
voting and the person enters the
Tosition by acclamation.
As of Wednesday the positions
for president and vice president,
activities officer, athletic publicity
,manager and lounge managers
will be filled by acclamation. The enjoy-
only positions to be voted on will ment of the .students. This is a
tough job, requiring/much time, be social publicity managers and
boy's and girl's athletic dedication, responsibility and
imagination., Two people willing conveners. Nominations however
to give all this,„ and more, are will be held open till Tuesday,
April 20th, the day before election Susan Adams and Brian Jeffray.
speeches. This is your student Susan, and Brian are both
council , it is your responsibility highly qualified for the job. What
to elect a student council that will struck me first about them 'was
work for you. their enthusiasiarn and vibrant
energy. Both are very active in
Editorial school and community affairs,
Officially, F.E.Madill students .while attaining a high scholastic
began the annual chocolate, bar' standing.Susan has had the
drive last week. Lasts Monday, added responsibility of ' being
students began knocking on doors president of school clubs, 4-H
and saying "would you like to buy clubs and Young People's, class
a chocolate bar to support representative and assistant tuck
shop manager.'
The price is still one dollar per When asked why they wanted
bar. Every person who spends to be elected, they said that they
one dollar to buy a chocolate bar really wanted to 'become involved
helps the student council to raise with the student body, working
money to support the various with the students for the benefit
clubs and activities. of everyone. They also felt that
The student council offers this experience would be valuable
prizes every year ,to the top in their future endeavours.
"Chocolate Bar Sellers" in the Susan and Brian believe that
school. This gives students an the enthusiasm in the school has
incentive to sell as many bars as risen and they want to keep it that
possible - and benefit themselves, way. To do this they hope to have
and the student council. more student activities requiring
The support of the community ,student participation such as.
has always been appreciated. many school dances, an activities
Without the wholehearted banquet. and a winter carnival
endorsement of the people upon including a slave auction, hat and
whose doors we knock, the tie day, world record breaking
chocolate bar drive would not be contests, pie throwing and
the success it is. • cracker eating. The emphasis for
,The profit made each year from participation will be placed on the
selling chocolate bars is one of the students, not on the teachers,' and
major sources of income for the a basketball gamd similar to the
student council. The money w ill "California Cuties" would be a
be spent on such things as way to involve students. Another
referees for the school games, place to include students is
field trips for various clubs, bars brightening up the Monday
for those participating in sports morning assemblies. Special
and activities, and annual activities and presentations will
scholarships. be planned at least monthly.
This year's student council has , They feel that clubs and
put a lot of work into making this activities are an important part of
chocolate bar drive a success. The the school, and they are worried
community supports the council about the decreasing numbers.
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Marjorie Po'Well
Student Council Candidates
The positions of president and
vice are vital parts in the working
of the school system. Without
them, there is no one to organize
people to plan dances and winter
carnivals, make m oney so clubs
can exists and contrive extracur-
ricular activities such as student-
teacher matches, for the
1 11
1 11
1 11