HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-04-21, Page 18Carl's Auto Bo Specializing in * Collision Repairs *,Frame Work Spot Repairs Complete Refinishing to All Types of Vehicles 22i hr. TOWING Night Number 887-9231 Day. Number 887-9269 BRUSSELS From outer space? Guess again NOT A MOON HOCK sample but a close-up of Windsor, Ontario, Police, dama ge such as: this have discovered in safety checks: Such dama ge the car builds'around passen gers-is hampered body dama ge on a car. According to the rates hi gh amon g the safety' defects they is dan gerous because the protective shell in case of accidents. WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN • GLASS . TRIM AUTO & TRUCK GLASS COMPLETE CAMPER WINDOWS AUTO UPHOLSTERY . VAN WINDOWS CUSTOM INTERIORS CONSTRUCTION VINYL. ROOFS EQUIPMENT OPERA WINDOWS. V A N ROOF VENTS44, BODY SIDE. MOULDINGS. QUARTER WINDOW CONVERTIBLE TOPS BLOCKOUTS . INSURANCE.CLAIMS. CALL 524=2p6 FO,R FREE. ESTIMATES, ALL PARTS. AND-WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED FOR 90' FRE E MOBILE SERVICE ON GLASS' TO HOME, OFFICE, FARM, FACTORY gum Abair' AUTO GLASS .LIMITED 356 BAYFIELD Ras, .GODERIICH 3.6 The Massillon of Ontario A • A Proper maintenance of engine, as indicated by inspections, called key to' benefits, By ROGER STRELOW U.S. Environmental Protection A g ency — Assistant Administrator for Air and Waste Ma n a gement Motorists could save between $20 and $25 in gasoline costs each year by having their auto emission control equipment regularly inspected and maintained. Some motorists are already realizing these kinds of savings. Since 1972, New Jersey has operated an inspec- tion and maintenance (I/M) program in connection with an annual safety inspection. Chicago; Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Ohio; Portland, Oregon, and Riverside and Los Angeles, Cal- ifornia are also now conducting some type of I/M program. , These last several programs were or- dered by the U.S. Environmental Pro- tection Agency as part of larger air clean-up plans for these seriously pol- luted areas. I/M can have benefits beyond gasoline savings. It results in more efficient run- ning vehicles. In some areas, it could mean numerous employment opportuni- ties for qualified mechanics. Most im- Mr. Strelow portantly, from EPA's Iles meeting the emission point of view, I/M makes • standards for their parte- city-air more breathable. The areas now affected by /M (and there .are 21 Other regions that also ought to have this pro- gram in effect) need the additional amount of air. cleanup provided simply to protect public health fromthe grossest hazards: respiratory ailments, the aggravation of heart dis- ease, and increased death rates. What studies show Studies have shown that all other controls in these areas — industrial, munic- ipal and new cars replac- ing old cars — are by themselves not enough to achieve health protecting levels. I/M does provide clean:- er air. New Jersey esti- mates that its carbon mon- oxide pollution has de- clined 13 percent since its program began. Other au- to related pollutants in the state are also decreas- ing. For the other areas af- fected by I/M,- this kind of improvement cannot be as easily cited since their programs have not been in effect as long as New Jersey's. \ The annual cost to the motorist of an I/M pro- gram now varies between $1 and $5 per year either in additional registration fees or payments 'at the inspection site. At this time, four out of five cars have been passing the New Jersey test, and repair costs for those that have- n't have averaged between $30 and $35. f Tailored to needs A large amount of, lee- way is provided states and localities by EPA in. setting up I/M programs tailored to their particular needs and resources. For example, I/M may be run separately or along with a safety inspection; state-owned, contractor operated, or commercial inspection sites may be used; maintenance of emission controls may be initially introduced as a volimtary Measure; pass- fail standards may vary somewhat, and two basic testing Methods may be employed. • EPA does insist that I/M be done at least annually and that, regardless of specific program, the over- all objective Must be ac- complished of most vehi- ular model year„ The quality of mechan- ical work done in I/M is obviously critical to con- sumer acceptance .of the program. In this regard, 'EPA and the U.S, Depart- . ment of Health, Education and Welfare have avail- able $100,000 in matching grants for five states (New York, Pennsylvania, Cal- ifornia, Oregon and Ari- zona,) .to train instructors who will then train me- chanics in the proper maintenance and repair of emission control hard- ware. • These states were select- ed on the basis of their readiness to implement More to.participaie With Federal and local cooperation, the future should see more motorists obtaining a regular I/M checkup. It will ' benefit their car, in most cases their pocketbook, and above all their health. Other regions under an EPA requirement to insti- tute DM programs are: Boston and Springfield, Massachusetts; New York; Philadelphia; Pittsburgh; Washington, D.C.; Balti- more; Indianapolis; Hous- ton; San Antonio; Denver; Salt Lake City; Phoenix; Tucson; San Francisco; San Diego; Sacramento; Fresno (California) ; Seat- tle; Spokane; and Fair- banks, Alaska. A SOFT ANil STEADY foot on the accelerator will yield you more miles per gallon than erratic pressure.. THE BRUSSELS Pc St API IL2 i976.