HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-04-21, Page 16eVhaftgp Power steering system not hard to maintain by car owners A power steering system is considerably more 'com- plex than a non-power system. But most power steering maintenance can be: accomplished by the motorist or his service mechanic, and special tools usually are not re, quired. The heart of a power steering system is a lly- araulic pump that supplies the pressure to the wheels when you turn the steer- ing wheel. Power steering pumps rarely break down as long as-you make sure they have the proper amount of power steering, fluid to do the job. Peri- odic checking of the fluid level is usually all that is necessary for regular maintenance. Check 'belt Another item to check periodically is the belt that connects the pump to the engine. If this belt should break, your entire power steering system will cease to function immedi- ately.. When checking the fluid level and the •drive belts, check the hoses that con- nect the pump to the other components in the system. Hoses should be firm and free of cracks. Connections should be tight:and leak-free. Leak- age from hoses and con- nections in the system is the major cause of fluid loss, the main cause of power steering failure. Ilow to tell How can you tell if your power steering system needs attention? Usually the first sign is either an unusual noise (41411 chattering or kOoeki sound) or a change int "feel"- of your steer (sluggishness, jerkiness a tendency to pull to o side) . If any of these syni toms occur, get your pet, steering system elle* early 'attention can PI vent big problems later SUPER-LASTIC SUPREME STEEL BELT RADIAL smiesimeithorw ' 2 TIRES or more EACH after discount lot cash* 35.96 - coming soon 42.37 44.36 46.45 48.35 46.98 49.30 ' DR78 /14 ER7B/14 FR78/14 GR78/14 HR78/14 GR78/15 HR78/15 LR78/15 After discount for cash' Our Super-Lastic 'Suprenic' is a superb steel- belted Radial-the result of exhaustive engineer- in It has,b plies under the tread: 2 Poly- ester hotly-plies for stability. 2 steel belts to impart sure-footedness and 'extra fong life, plus 2 Nylon cap plies (on all but the 13" size) to ensure high- speed durability. Designed for iniproved traction, mileage, handling and comfort! 5-Year Road-Hazard Insured: 40,000-mile Treadwear Rated No charge fnr Passr nye: le,:::rollat:on on most standard rims when viii bus 0111' ::.:r eittaiogtic price of "s1.0(i. \Ye must install ,::: HLzether. -.1 tire isn't new unless the utile is t ,,,,' P...,.!:: k • I 1•102I. 51A)0, ;*5% Discount..lor Casii Payment on tires in lieu of 13e..i1;u;.; Coupons TURNPIKE POLYFLEX WHITEWALL BLACKWALL• Glass-Betted 2+2 Polyester 2+2 Polyester Belted Nylon I TWO or more EACH after discount for cash 23.32f r^ 21.42 22.99 18.48 24.65 19.90 25.41 20.85 C7 8 /1 4 (695/i41 25.89 E78/14 17351141 27.03 I F78/14 (iiv 14) 28.26 F10/14 1775 14l 29.21 . 07 8 /1 41,825,14) i 29.3i 070/14 (8,..,5.'14).. 30.26 H78/14 (,855.1.1) 3t82 27,36 .F7 8 /15)775 15) . 28.31 23.99 560/15 1 22A7 1078/15 182'.,, 15: 30.26 • 25.98 070/15,825 tat 3t21 - 1178/15 055'15) 3t92 27.50 1, Tread not show.: -whitewall, 1,43 snore - 9-Year Road- Hazard Insured SIZE 800/12 WHITE A78/13 i600,131 878/13 ((ii O.13) C78/13 (no/131 20.85 22.75 23.65 24.94 Our Turnpike Wide-Track 25,000-mile Treadwear-Rated F7B/14 WHITEWALL 26 EACH in Pairs After disCount for cash* Popular replacement tiro, like new-car tires 'h8 to' 75. Has 2 Polyester plies Mr smooth :no-thump starts plus 2 Gloss Belts fur crisp handling, long Mileage. PolVflek 2+2 PalyesterBelted Nylon (Not shown) 2 Polyester Belts plus 2 Nylon plies. F78/14, Eath in Pairs after 2365 discount for hash ILLUSTRATED: 2+2 TURNPIKE WIDE-TRACK - 2111 ...1:: •or Use. your Co:triad ion Tire CREDIT CARD. WE HAVE A NEW JOHN BEAN 3000 Static & Dynamic Wheel, Balancer INTRODUCTORY OFFER Both Balance and Alignment n Fi riCd applies if both job are &tit Ori. taint Order:. • Expert Wheel!moment and Suspension Check 12 95 Reg Price Most Cart Set toe, caster, camber; adjust torsion bar; centre stteil wheel; adAst Steering gear; generally inspect steerW 31.d front and real; suspension; adjust wheel bearings and wheel bearing noise; Spin to check wheel balance; con, toe change; check tire pressure, Make your 431)60' today! Pans and AdditiOnji Instradadan extra' - if require' Extra! CASH BONUS COUPONS Make Your Appointment TODAY! ThiS. new machineiS so,:Lialistaigheri to correctly' balance radial tires off the car, Our Reg. Price $4,00 r heel. • t 11, 4111411 .1 F.W, Titty Sedfotth, Ontario C 70 44-f-i-It itttuttect, •fsi5gt. APRIL .24,1010