The Brussels Post, 1976-04-21, Page 7SMYTH'S SHOES MITCHELL Anniversaryscv Thursday, April 22 To Saturday, May 1 This is our Once A Year Clearance Sale Every item in the store REDUCED * WOMEN'S SHOES ------ 3 99 - 5.99 - 7.99 - 9.99 * MEN'S SHOES 6.99 10.99 -19.99 * CHILDREN'S SHOES mum 3 99 - 5.99 7 99 * WORK BOOTS 14.99 - 18.99 1' SALE WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES 1,99 • Two kilt 200 10% OFF New Spring Stock, PURSES '8i; LUGGAGE SMYTH'S SHOE STORE MITCHELL Open Friday Nights 'Till Nine THE BRUSSELS .POST S .APB IL 21 1916 Teen class hosts WMS aids Yokohama nursery young peoples rally Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jenken and family at Belmont. Cranbrook The Annual meeting of Cran- brook W.I. was held at the home of Mrs. Jack Cox on April 12. The meeting opened with the Opening Ode, the Mary Stewart Collect and the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Jim Hart gave the treasurer's report and Mrs. Frank Workman the secretary's report. Correspon- dence from the Huron Historical Society 'regarding their spring meetings was read. It was decided to pay a yearly member- ship in the Histbrical Society for our Curator. The roll call was answered by 18 members paying their membership dues for 1976;77. Mrs. Claire Veitch declared all offices vacant. It was moved by Mrs. Leslie Knight and seconded by:Mrs. N. Lefor that Mrs. Veitch be chairman for the annual meeting and that Mrs. Workman be secretary. The minutes of the 1975 annual meeting were read and approved. Reports of the year's work from the standing committee conveners and other officers were given as follows: Secretary's Report-Mrs. F. Workman; Financial Statement - Mrs. J. Hart; Auditor's Report - Miss Kate McNabb; Agriculture and Canadian Industries - Mrs. N. Lefor; Citizenship and World Affairs - Mrs. L. Knight; Educa- tion and Cultural .Activities - Miss K. McNabb; Family and Con- sumer Affairs - Mrs. G. Knight; Resolutions - Mrs. Jack Conley; Sunshine - Mrs. Glenn Huetherf Public Relations • - Mrs. W. Strickler; *Curator - Mrs. Gordon Engel: — All reports were accepted. as read on motion of the respective conveners and seconded by Mrs. Cox. Mrs. Veitch expressed her thanks to everyone for a success- ful year's work. Mrs. Baker read several smiles which had been prepared by Mrs. C. Steffler. Mrs. D. Perrie installed the following sl ate of officers for 1976-77: PaSt president - Mrs. W. Strickler; president - Mrs. C. Veitch; 1st vice-president - Mrs. L. Knight; secretary - Mrs. F. Workman; assistant secretary - Mrs. N. Lefor; treasurer - Mrs. J. Hart; district director - Mrs. W. Strickler; 'alternate 'district director - Knight; branch directors - Mrs. C. Steffier, Mrs. G. Engel, Mrs. B. VanDonkers- goed; public .relations officer - Mrs W. Strickler; pianist - Mrs. L. Knight; auditors - Miss K. McNabb, Mrs. B. vanDonkers- goed; directors to fair bOard - Mrs. J. Conley, Mrs. J. Baker, 'Miss K. McNabb, Mrs. N. Lefor; curators,. Mrs. G. Engel, Mrs. J. Baker; Cranbrook Hall board - Mrs. Da Perrie, Mrs. Wm, Premner; agriculture and. Cana- dian Industries - Mrs. J. Cox, Mrs. N. Terpstra Sr..; Citizenship and world affairs - Mrs, W. Elliott, Miss K. McNabb; educa- tion. and cultural activities - Mrs. J. Baker, Mrs. G. Knight; family and consumer affairs,: Mrs, W. Bremner, Mrs. Ditchartne; resol- tions - Mrs, Ross Knight; 'Sun- shine - Mrs, L. Knight Mrs, Veitch, Mrs. Strickler, Mrs. Cox and Miss McNabb will attend District Annual iii Ethel on May 11, Anyone else interested in a ride should contact one of these ladies. A meeting to plant the 1976-77 program' Will be held April 27 at 8:30 at the home of C. vdttch, It was decided to Mr. and. Mrs. W. G. Elliott and Laurie on the weekend. - Mr. and Mrs. Elliott visited on correspondent Mrs. MacEngel Rev. Young, Goderich, nductecl the service on Easter unday. the girls' choir sang The Stranger of Galilee." W .M.S . Meet Mrs. John Vanass was hostess the April meeting of the M.S. of Knox Presbyterian urch. Prior to the meeting, a ping of Gordon Green's corn- ents was played. The theme ng from Synodical "I'll go here you want me to go" was sed to open the meeting. Mrs. are Veitch gave the call to rship and Hymn "Jesus Christ risen today" was sung. The aster program in the Glad idings was used, Mrs. Veitch e main reader -with scripture adings by Mrs. Vanass, Mrs. rl Dunn and Mrs. Calvin ameron. Mrs. Veitch read "We all overcome" from the booklet These Days" and a prayer lowed by Mrs. John Schnock. e hostess played "The Old ugged Cross" sung by Pat oone, on the record player. The aster topic was given by Mrs. ac Engel. Twelve members swered the roll call with an aster verse. Minutes were read y the secretary, Mrs. Leslie, night and Mrs. Veitch gave the easurer's report. Several reports ere given by other secretarys. wo bus trips are being planned y the Stratford Presbyterial. ey are both to Toronto, one ay 31 and the otherjune 21. An crease of 25 cents per member r supply was announced. Contributions to the Yokohama ursery project are requested. s. Coulthard, the Presbyterial sitor will attend the September eeting. Several members told of orthwhile books they had read,' mong them "The Great Fisher- an" and "The Hiding Place" by orrie Ten Boom. Commenting n the "Glad Tidings" Mrs. W. trickier used the illustration Beans and Pennies" and vised reading "The Company own." Mrs. Gordon Engel reported on ynodical, using the workshop a, dividing the members• into ee groups. Questions were ven and all were asked to nswer them and these resulted a thought-provoking discussion n the W.M.S. This will continue the May meeting at the home Mrs. Lylle Gordon. Refresh- ents were provided by the ostess, Mrs: Schnock and Mrs. ameron. Perionals Miss Mary MacDonald,- oronto, was home for the eekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Henry, derich were holiday visitors th Mrs. Stuart McNair. Mr. Carman Fischer, Rexdale d friend spent Easter with Mr. d Mrs. Stanley Eischer. Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Knight d sons, Toronto, visited with e Knight families. Holiday weekend visitors with r. and Mrs. Douglas Purdy ere Mr. and Mrs. Keith Purdy d children, Alliston; Mr. and rs. John Bouch and family, ollingwood and Mr. and Mrs, un Ritz, Monkton.• Mrs. Leon Hirzel, Detroit, !sited here on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dunn, Rick d Bonita, Mr. and Mrs. Don acklin, Tracy and Danny, all of loomingdale, and Mr. and MrS. ill Muchan, LonclOn i visited Mr. 11(1 Mrs. Earl Dunn on Sunday: Mr- and Mrs: Malcolni cDoiiald and John, Oakville and ss Holly Elliott, Toronto, Mr. id Mrs. Ross Dobie and .Susan, • uburn, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Michael, Godericii, Visited our sunshine sisters were in the past year. lunch after which the meeting closed by singing "0 Canada." place when we 'all found out who The roll call is to he answered by would like to help and why?" will supply lunch. Mrs. Cox and will be hostess for that meeting. Mrs., J. Conley served a delicious meeting in May. Mrs. L. Knight Mrs. T. Baker and Mrs. J. Vanass shelve plans for a bus trip in May until fall and hold a regular "A developing country where I A delightful gift exchange took , present all 'day. class of the Wingham United Church. Sunday School hosted a the leader of the group. The Rally area. Eleanor Ward (Mrs.Jim) is leader was Rev. Craig Peters of the staff at the Five Oaks Christian Workers Center near to a series of study-action books Paris. The 78 teens had 4 leaders for young people which focuses on growth as persons -as well as the Bible. The aim of his program Rally for young people of the On SAturday, April 10, the teen The name "Serendipity" refers Huronview Welcome A newcomers The Christian Women's Club Song Service was led by Mrs. Shirley Luther of Hensall on Sunday evening accompanied at the organ by Mr. Luther. Two new residents Mrs. Rossie Sholdice and James Elliott were welcomed to the Home at Monday afternoon's program. The old tyme music was provided by Marie Flynn, Lorne Lawson and. Norman Speir with Morgan Dalton and Nelson Lear helping to lead the sing-a-long. The Clinton Christian :Reformed -volunteers assisted with the activities. The residents enjoyed a visit by the ladies of the Clinton Christian Reformed Church on Tuesday afternoon and those without immediate relatives were given an Easter card. Rev. Ball, of Gorrie, showed a coloured film of the Holy Land at the "Family Night" program. M r. Ball has just returned from a conducted tour of Israel and gave interesting commentary of his trip at, the start of the film. Miss Grace Aylesworth, formerly of Gorrie, thanked Mr. Ball 'on behalf of the residents. The Over 90 Club met on Wednesday afternoon in the first floor north sitting room and enjoyed. a musical program provided by three guests Mrs Elsie -Henderson, Nelson Lear .and Morgan Dalton.• Three new residents were welcomed to the Club, Miss Muir, Miss Darrow and Carl Campion bringing the membership to forty-eight residents. was to develop Christian community through experiencing the self and relationship with others, Mr. Peters explained. To this end many and various activities, from back rubs to hugs, took place. The young people were asked to share many seemingly unimportant details like "where I do most of my thinking" as well as goals, problems, etc. This is a way of getting peOple to experience rather than intellectually recognize community feeling. Such activity requires considerable skill on the part of the leader. Mr. Peters is experienced and able. At the end of the day he received hugs as well as thanks and many tears were shed when he left. For some of the teens it was obviously a profoundly moving, perhaps life- changing experience. At lunch time there were those who felt the approach difficult where you know the other people. By the end of the day responses showed some of the barriers were down and a new view of possibilities prevailed. - The Wingham United Church Women catered for a lunch and a turkey supper for the group. The evening was spent in dancing to records. 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