HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-04-14, Page 14cr or $6! 1 or ase mb Taxi th 'P n to Cl- - 8' N Spinrite Yarns Limited' Listowel Have Numerous Positions AVAILABLE on' both die 3 to 11 and the 11;. to 7 shifts. We offer competitive wage rates, shift premium and daily production bonus. No experience required. We will train. If you have not applied before Come in And Talk to Our Personnel Manager 4-24-1 THE Township of Grey requires Clerk-Typist Part-time at Municipal Office Applications will be received in writing by the undersigned until 5:00 P.M. Friday, April 30th, 1976 Mrs. E. M. Cardiff, Clerk-Treasurer, Ethel, Ontario 'NOG ITO 4-24-2 TENDERS WANTED For 2 Wading Pool. and Playground. Supervisors — For cutting grass at the Ball Park For a Person or Persons to Operate the Ball Park- Booth Please send ' written applications before MaylOth to - BRUSSELS RECREATION PARKS ' and COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD c/0 Karen Hastings Secretary-treasurer Brussels, Ontario 4-24-1 RURAL SALES, PEOPLE REQUIRD To sell protein supplements,' vitamin-mineral mixes and pre- mixes and selected line of live- stock equipment direct to far- mers. Excellent repeat business, protected areas available. Please send resume in writing to Box SO, Brussels, Ont. 4-23-2 5 Bus. Opportunity DEPENDABLE PERSON WHO CAN WORK ' WITHOUT. SUPERVISION. Earn $14,000 per year. Contact customers around Brussels. We train. Write F. E. Dick, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum, Brampton,, Ont. LOT 2J6. 5-24,1 1.0 Used Cars For Sale '71 Chevelle, \78 atito, thatic• Cali 887.'6617,10-24-1 '72 Cougar, 20,000 miles; in excellent shape. • Laurie Blactc, 88/4288. 10,23X 2 .11 Articles for Sale COPIES Copies of your luipottaiit papers or documents while you wait Letter size, 28e each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth 11.23-ff 11'; Articles For Sale 15 run Cockshutt No. 11 rubber tire grain and fertilizer drill, Francis Hunt, 527-1946. 11-24x1 ONE Wringer washing machine in excellent condition. 1 clothes Dryer in good condition; 1 set of• cement double laundry tubs in good condition. Frank Thompson, Phone 887-6606. 11-24-1 SWIMMING POOL: Less than 1 yr. old. Fanta-S e a above ground Redwood - 16 x 24, cost $4500.00. Must sell • immediately - will sacrifice - savings of $2000.00. Call 416-625 -8817, days or evenings, collect. 11-23-ff SPECIAL Do-it-yourself 16' x 32' inground pool kit. Includes sand filter, steel walls, 30 mil liner, vinyl coping, main drain, wall skimmer, 2 returns, instruction manual. Delivered to your yard • $2,445. Free with purchase .model 2500 'lectronic bug killer $149. • value. Rintoul Luxury Products 1/2 mile north on No. 4 Highway Wingham 357.2628 "Keep Cool In A Rintoul Pool" 11-23.6 REGISTERED- C.K.C: one year old male Irish Setter. Price $125.00. If interested call 887-6474. 11-24-2 SINGLE baby carriage, also twin baby carriage. Both 'in good condition.-887-6402 11-24x1 HANDMADE gifts - macrame, afghans, ceramics, baby sets, petit point, jewellery, fun fur novelties, many other ideas. Smith's General Store, VValtOn. 11-24-1 POTATOES 887-6430 11-24x2 SWIMMING POOL FOR 'SALE', Moving - will sell y ou -16 x 32 above ground Modular Redwood Pool at sacrifice price of $3000.00, Savings of $2100.00. 1975 model, call 416-625-2719, days ' or evenings, collect: 11.234` SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE Leading ManufaCturer and distributor has above ground aluminum poOls left otter from 1975 Season, 1/2 price, guaranteed installation and terms. Call Credit Manager, collect, Mississauga 416-625:8810 days or evenings. 11.23-ff GESTETNER ink available at The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, SeafOrth. 12 Wanted To Buy • • pie iting. los STANDING bush lots for fultild Apply Delius and Dtobat, Britititer, OritatiO, - Phone .A08.40'6 or 595-4428. 12,11k4' Classified Rates WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets' of numerals as for serial numbers, 'street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION — 20 words $1.25, 5c per word ,thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — No copy changes, 3c per word, minimum .75c. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION —'$1.40 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — $1.26 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches: Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office — 50c per insertion. BIRTHS — 20 words $1.25, 5,c per word thereafter MARRIAGES , Engagements, Death Notices 20 20words $1.25, each additional word 5c. IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.25 plus 10c per line of verse. - COMING EVENTS -- 20 words $1.25, each additional word 5c. Three insertions,for the price of 2. CARD OFTHANKS — 30 Words $1.25, each additional Word 2c per word. 25c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT AT TIME OF INSERTION. Deadline 'fat classified adt. iS•:4"t000-.M. Monday NtidatidellatiOn of multiple inser tion advertisements after Noon, Mondays. ,, Phone .8-87‘6641. '14--THE` BRUSSELS POST APRIL 14, 1916 T s‘,8 T r or cwa cl ll 7, L CLASSIFIE 1 Coming Events 50th Wedding Anniversary Open House will be held in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bowman on Saturday, April 17, 1976 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the basement of Melville Church, Brussels. Best wishes only. 1-24-1 EASTER DANCE, Ethel Com- munity Hall, Thursday, April 15, 1976. Time 8:30 p.m. - Dance prizes. Music Steven's Country Gold-Disc Jockey. Admission Adults $1.50, children under 10 yrs. 50 cents. Everyone welcome. 1-24x1 BELMORE Maple Syrup Festival will be 'held Saturday, April 17 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the Belmore Community 'Arena. Fill up on homemade sausage, Bel- more Maple Syrup and all the hot pancakes you can eat. Sale of home baking, Maple Products, handicrafts and farmers sausage. Adults $2.50, children (12 and under) $1.25. Dance to C.A.K.E. in the evening. Everyone wel: come. 1-24-1 HOWICK Lions' Bingo -will be held on Saturday, April 17 (note change of date for this Bingo only) in Wroxeter Community Hall at 8:30 p.m. Admission $1.00. 12 Regular games for $10.; 2 Share I Wealth; one $25. Spechl ; Jackpot of $95. on 58 Calls; P . p1e Ball of $20. Door and Consolation Prizes. 1-24-1 INTERESTED in the Environ- ment? The Huron Perth. Lung Association Annual Dinner Meet- ing will be held in the Legion Hall, Seaforth, 6:30 p.m., Wed- nesday, May 5, 1976. The speaker will be Dr. Michael T. Newhouse, Head of Respirology, St. "Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton and Associate Clinical Professor, McMaster University., Hamilton. Dr. New- house's topic will be "Environ- mental Lung Hazards and Bio- logical Defenses: One of the Most Serious Public Health Issues of Our Time." Tickets are $4.00 and may be obtained from the Association Office, 121 Wellington St., Strat- ford on 'phone' 271-7500. Your area representative will also be an available source. 1-24-1 VANASTRA REC. CENTRE Bingo every MONDAY NIGHT at 8:00 P.M. MINIMUM JACKPOT 5200. MINIMUM CONSOLATION $25. Number of calls increases each week SPECIAL $10 DOOR PRIZE Awarded on previous week's admission ticket. Must be present to win. If not claimed prize will increase by $10 'following week. 1-234 Remember! It takes, but a moment to place a Brussels Post Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just, Dial 'Brussels 887-6641. 12 Wanted To Buy WANTED 6,8, x to buy2,. Phone -ano oled pane5;: doo r154 after 6 P.M. 13 Wanted CUSTOM WORKwanted. ' se cultivating, also anhydrous D or ammonia application. Contl Thacker Farms 887-6196 Br aj o.21p is tog 14 Property For Sale BELGRAVE AREA 11 acres, hog barn 44 x 68, steel ..implement shed 20 x 32, terrific pond, potential, silo, tractor, 6 room 11/2 storey brick and frame liaise in good condition, WHITEGHURCH AREA 15 acres, 14 workable, 30 x 60" barn, steel roof, 12 room stonehouSe in excellent condition,' stove, stractor and snow loWer included. KINLO $.'S TOWNSHIP 56 acres, 38 Acres workable, 11 acres hardwood and mixed bush; hog barn with Berg stalk cleaner, 3 bedrooms, 11/2 stem brick hOrne in good condition, modern Hanover cupboards; spring fed creek and pond on property. WROXETER AREA 41/2 acres, 7 room new aluminum, 3 bedrooms, 4 bath, full basement; T.V. broadloom floors, except K and bathroom, house in ex condition. Don Hamilto ,REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LTD. 3-bedroom mobile home, 3 years old. - ***** 155 acre farm, 4 miles Brussels, with a large ban a pig barn, 2 silos, unloader, an implement modern 3 bedroom brick All buildings in good con ***** 318 acres of cash crop l workable, well d possession either before seeding. No buildings, loc #86 Highway.' *****- 10b1 acre farm, 70 acres workable,' implement shed , shsieldo, wsiitlho sunloaderi, brick home. Priced to sell.64°°111; ***** 3-bedroom instil brick homfieuthign Brussels, with kitchen, room, bath, oil furnace. Close to downtown. Only $19,900.00. I V A N8CC8:An-6Mta6172BELL Representing. DON HAMILTON REAL AND INSURANCE L Listowelo Ontario Addttion CIttstifi • • on. Page.' 1 4 Help Wanted 4 Help Wanted 1 Coining Events THE MAN TO SEE IS itisiNTEE Vic Fox BLYTH 523-9525 house,'; piece, Tower,, lichen celleit" 4.241 dkl lahiet:fi:omrsolnri barn, I! d 8, a nd, all or aft¢r ated