HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-04-14, Page 7is in rat .S.W0.1TRIOTA410, 519 527.770050. -Onfari. #t ALL STAR TOURS PIONEER',Ot ESCORTED MOTOR COACH TOURS "OUR BUSINESS IS GOING PLACES" FloridaSpecial 14 day Florida Off Season Special April 24, May 8, 22 Twin Basis Per Person • 249" Sugoroild by .1311t $miley.. 'Well, what is your opinion of capital punishment and gun control, Uncle Elmer? Yes or no? Thank you, I thought so. In its ineffable wisdom, our government has lumped the two into a new pi ece of legislation on which those famous fence- sitters, our Members of Parliament, are presently and 'uncomfortably astride. It is perfectly obvious, even to an M.P, what the public wants, in .both cases. A large majority would lilke to keep the capital punishment issue on the books, and apply it widely. An equally large majority would li ke to see a much more effective form of gun control, for the simple and sensible purpose of cutting down on violent crime. But, and here's the political catch, in each case the minority speaks with a stentorian voice, and politicians, like St. Joan, pay. a lot of attention, perhaps too much, to voices, stentorian or otherwise. Strange bedfellows. On the one hand, the humanitarians who believe that the taking of life, even officially, and even for murder, is wrong. And in the same sack, those violently opposed to gun control as some sort of interference in the sacred rights of the individual to pack a fire-iron if he so chooses. The Bible tells us that on a certain occasion: "The voice of the turtle was heard in the land." This was a'reference to .the return of spring, from the Song of Solomon. Transfer this to Canada, -Spring 1976, and it might be paraphrased: "And the voice of the turkey was heard in the land." I would never, of course, suggest that anyone who favours capital punishment or is against gun control is a turkey. That would eliminate most of my friends. But the gabble and gobble. is unmistakeable. I have my own clear-cut opinions on each issue, and I herewith offer them for the guidance of puzzled politicians and the few hundred Canadians who are indecisive on these matters. Let us take a case in point. This is a true story. Just over a decade ago, a 14-year-old boy shot and killed his mother. I don't blame him. I'd have done the same. He was a good boy, in every sense, and a good student. But his mother wanted him to be a great boy and a superb student. She nagged him ruthlessly to do better, though the kid was doing his best. One day, for some reason that is not important here, he failed a test at school. The harpy was waiting for him, and when he confessed, she lit into him like the Witch of Endor. He went and got his father's gun and shot her dead. Now, according to most of nay friends, and 95 per cent of my students, he should have been hanged. Their favorite argument, in our materialistic society: "It'd cost us a hundred thousand dollars to keep him in jail for life." And Al th ose who favor rigid gun control will say: "It never woulda happened if his father haddena hadda gun." Arid those very vocal citizens who oppose very tight restrictions on guns will say: "It woodena happened if the gun was ' registered and his dad belonged to a hand-gun club and it was under lockankee, like we want." Well, it wasn't, and he didn't, and it did. All of which, of course, is beside the point, as most of these arguments are. The kid would have killed the old lady with a knife, or a hammer, or her steam iron, or the nearest thing handy, if there'd been no gun. , . Well, what did happen? The boy was tried, found guilty of homicide while of unsound mind, and incarcerated in a mental institution,' possibly for life . Fair enough? While there , he 'showed all the symptoms of normalcy, whatever they are. He wasn't crazy, or even mentally disturbed, if you prefer euphemisms. He knew what he'd done. He was sorry. During the next several years, he was tutored by a wise and compassionate teacher (not me, Doc). He completed his high school courses, on his own. He was eventually released, went to university, graduated with honors, and is now a better-than-average member of society.. Perhaps he should hdve been hanged. That would certainly have taught him a lesson. Perhaps we should go back to the lash, and branding a capital "W" on the foreheads of prostitutes, and cutting off the hands Of shop-lifters. I dunno. These measures didn't put an end to crime in the middle ages. Perhaps we should be able to go into a drugstore 'and buy a gun. It's• almost that easy in the States. I dunno. . But I do know capital punishment will never stopmurder. And I do know there are an awful lot of nuts, not quite certifiable, running around the country with perfectly legal guns. Take it from there, Warren Almand, you plucky little Solicitor-General, or Super- Lawyer, if you don't prefer euphemisms. NORTHERN ONTARIO 5 day POLAR BEAR TOUR (MOOSONEE) Departs,July 5, 12, 20, 27, Aug. 2 9,17 Twin Basis Per Person 7 day LAKE SUPERIOR TOUR Departs July 19, Sept. 20 Twin Basis Per Person $189 $225 5 day•MACKINAC ISLAND & AGAWA CANYON TOUR Departs July 19, 26. Aug. 16, Sept. 7, 13, 20, 27, Oct. 4. Twin Basis Per Person $185 HIGHWAYS & BYWAYS 5 day PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH TREAT Departs June 7, 21, July 5,,26. Aug. 2, Sept. 13, 27, Oct. 4, 12. Twin. Basis Per Person 7 day KENTUCKY GRAND OLE OPRY Departs.May 3, 24, June 21, July 5, 12, 26, Aug. 9, 23, Sept. 13, Oct. 25 Twin Basis Per Person 4( T y $185 $239 Handicapped group growing -4( and public buildings. When the group met at Holmesville Public School last week they heard that Goderich council had been receptive to a presentation asking for curb cuts in sidewalks and , wheelchair THE BRUSSELS 7 day:WILLIAMSBURG & WASHINGTON, Departs May 10, June 14, July 19 • Aug. 16, Sept. 26,27, Oct. 18 $239 Twin Basis Per'Person 5 day SMOKEY MOUNTAINS & TENNESSEE Departs Sept.. 20, 27, Oct 4, .18, 25. tri min Twin Basis Per Person al 17 QUEBEC -.AND,THE E ASTERN SEABoARD. (ALL CANADIAN ROUTE) 16 day GASPE & MARITIMES Departs June 12, 26, July 10, 24. Aug. 7, 21, Sept. 4, 18. Twin Basis Per,Person $4 on 07 8 day QUEBEC & SAGUENAY RIVER CRUISE Departs June 6, July 4, Aug. 1,15. ' Sept. 12. Twin Basis Pei Person $289 9 day NEW ENGLAND &CAPE COD Departs June 12, 26, July 10, 24 Aug, 7, 21, Sept. 44 18, Twin Basis Per Person $319 13 day MARITIME & NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND- Departs June 6, 13, 20, 27, July 4. 11, 18, 25, Aug. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Sept. 5, 12, 19; 26. $419 Twin Basis Per Person 19 day NEWFOUNDLAND TOUR Departs. Ante 14, 28, July 12, 26 Aug, 9, 21, Sept 6, 20. Twin Basis Per Person $599., Alpha; a newly formed group to aid the handicapped in Huron County has written to all towns in the county, asking them to consider the needs of the handicapped when play ;og -future construction of sidewalks HEADING WEST 22-day. CANADIAN WEST ADVENTURES Departs June 12, 19, 25, 27, 29. July .13; 10; 17, 24, 31,Aug, 7, 14, 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11. . Twin Basis Per Person $669 21 day CALIFORNIA &.THE GOLDEN WEST Departs April 10, May l{ 22, July 3 Aug. 7, Sept, 25, Oct, 16 Twin Basis Pei Person. AN D95 HOW TO' BOOK - Before making, a reservation; We strongly recommend that you examine the package being offered and compare the value. Do not be misled by incomplete brochures and cheap rateS, The person who k nows the, travel market 4nci travel value is your REGISTERED TRAVEL AGENT. Rely on his judgrrient and 'boa your holiday through him. It. will cost you no more: ramps into public buildings. New members were welcomed to Alpha from Brussels, Exeter and Kincardine. The group discussed a design for curb ramps, that will be acceptable to all members of the public including the blind and the elderly as well as the physically disabled.The fan-shaped corners found in some sidewalks in Kincardine were cited as a possible answer. More information will be gathered. • Other problems encountered by the handicapped. Were mentioned - telephone booths. that are too small for wheelchairs, public phones mounted high, onl the walls, washroom sinks with spring-leaded taps and elevators with the buttons high on the wall. --These are only a few problems the organization plans to investigate in the near future. The next meeting will be held in the Hohnesville Public 806°1 Library on Thtirsdy 0 April 22, at 8 p.m. Everyone is Welcome. ROlniesVille is located approximately 4 miles west of Clinton on Highway #18. For further information, call Elaine Townshend at 482-3j57 or Pat Watson at 887,62U. POSTo APRIL 14, 1916 t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *