HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-04-14, Page 1LONG ARROWS — Mr. anct Mrs. Pete Van. Veeh,
who joined the tell Pas on the trip to Brazil show a
bow and arrows given to them by the chief of the
Parucis tribe. Mrs. Van Veen is holding necklaces
made with seeds, animal bones and feathers.
(Photo by Langlois)
These entries wewre judged by
Roy Cook of Hamilton and Doug
Paisley of Sarnia, both
professional photographers, and
Roly Fen.wick of London,
primarily a painter and teacher as
well as an amateur photographer.
All photographs were judged
•indiyidually as to originality of
subject, handling whether novel
or not, composition, lighting)
technical difficulty and quality of
This exhibition should prove to
;be most interesting to all amateur
photographers of the community
.and also to those who just enjoy
viewing good photography.
Short • Shots
by Evelyn :-Keh•hedy
The ladies of Melville
Presbyterian Church ate busy
plannihg to serve a stnorgasbord
supper on Wednesday, May 26th.
You will want to take advantage'
of the opportunity to enjoy the
delicious supper they will have
„prepared for you. Watch for
further particulars.
The week of May 1st to May 7th
is National Child. Safety Week.
Tod many children are the vietims
of accidents that practical safety
measures 'could overcome.
youngsters" are not dkperienced
eficitigh te tecegnize. the Many
hazards of everyday'life 40:•,tieed
the guidance Of adults,• hot just
Jot one week, but throughdht all
their yoting years.
Easter Weekend! A time of
family gatherings;taster
the Easter 8unny and Easter
finery. In all the happiness of
East et let us not forget the true
jOy of EaSter: •
aster flowers are blooming
Easter skies pour radiant light,
Christ the Lord is risen to-day.
Alleluia ************
If you have riot as yet,
cernpeited your income tax return
and Mailed it, you had better get
With it promptly fat tithe is
running, out. The powers that be
do hot appreejate late rettittiS and
slaps you: with a fine.
awb osh sells peri*.to:
onservation Authority
SOUVENIRS OF BRAZIL M. and 'Mrs:. Hank ten
Pagi who've recently come hack ROM Brasil after
Short stint there with theWyCliffe: Bible TratibiatOrt,,
display Sortie 'of the totitVeirilit they &ought titimet.
Mrs -.ten` Pas levvearinge,feether headpiece made by
natives Wyli5,-gave it to Meth after they had come out
•-of the furile* to, tivilitetkiti fair the first
(Photo by Lang
Working with missionaries
Brussels couples spend
three weeks in Brazil
An interesting touring -
photography exhibition will be on
display at the Brussels Library
from Tuesday, April • 20 • until
Tuesday, May 4.
The showing has been
arranged , by the London Art
Gallery Extension Service. The
photographs will be the *work of
both professional and amateur
photographers. Entry was open to
Southwestern Ontario, region
student, ' amateur '• • and
professional photographers.
Mr. and. Mrs. flank ten Pas of
Brussels and Mr, and Mrs. Pete
van Veen of R.R.#4 Brussels, who
recently spent three weeks at the
Wycliffe College Bible
Translators missionary group
base in Cuiaba, Brazil, returned
home with memories of a
friendly, kind, people; terrific hot
climate;and a relaxed life style
that contrasts sharply with the
hectic pace of .North Americans.
What is not done to-day can wait
for another day.
They saw little 'of the rest of
Brazil for most of their tithe was
taken up lat,the base where they
were stationed. They were taken
on a 11/4 hour flight to visit the
Parucis ,tribe, who depend on
hunting for their survial. „The
natives were friendly and
inquisitive, following them
around. While the language
barrier 'made vocal
communication impossible, they
expressed their friendly attitude
by touch. The translators have
worked threr for 15 years but the
English language is very difficult
for the people. They have,
however, reached the point where
they are clothed.
The ladies did their share of
work at the base preparing food
and helping with meals;trying to
bring order out of chaos at two
libraries and Mrs. van Veen
painted a school. This was only
the second work group to arrive
there and there was little in the
way of a work schedule prepared
for them. The main food was rice
and beans. Unlike the bananas we
get herethere were two kinds,
cooking and eating and they were
very different.
The Men were kept busy at
carpentry, finishing the interior of
houses on the mission base. The
excessive heat forces a two hour
break every day when even the
stores close. It was dark at 6:00
p.m. The base is situated in a
works was given 1st and 2nd
readings. •
Road accounts of $9,245.44 and
very poor area of Brazil. There
were no gardens. Few things can
grow on the barren soil.
Sewage is a problem rn'oSt
everywhere, but of a different
kind in Cuiaba. They have open
street sewage. Store fronts are
open during the day and closed at
night with what might • be
described as a type of garage
One appreciated experience
was attendance at a small Baptist
Church where they were invited
to sing. While they could not
understand the language they
still thoroughly enjoyed the
unique service.
Their flight both to and from
Brazil was delightful. The ten Pas
and van Veetis brought home
many souvenirs to remind them of
their stay in Brazil as well as a
number of slides.
Wycliffe Bible Translators is a
faith mission that trains and
sends young people to a tribe to
learn the languai:ge and culture
and prepare an alphabet,
grammar and primer, then teach
people to read and write their own
language. Wycliffe missionaries
translate the Holy Scripture into
the native tongue of the. people,
The tribal people they serve are
isolated from the rest of the world
by language barriers. Most of
these 160,000,000 people live out
their short lives in superstition
and fear.
The truth of God's Word
presented in their own language
is the key that sets them free, the
Wycliffe group feels.
General Accounts of $4,319.81r as
presented were passed and paid.
Next meeting will be May 4th.
At a special meeting April 8,
the Maitland Valley Conservation
Authority 'submitted to the
Townships of East and West
Wawanosh the Proposed Master
Development Plan for the
"Wawanosh Park". The council
of the Township of East
Wawanosh Agreed to sell the
Township Park situated on the
NH Nh Lot 30, Conc. 6, to the
Maithiad Valley Conservation
Authoritj7fOr the. sum of $1.00, to
be used, according to the uses
provided for in the master plan as
a park for recreation of local
Gravel and Truck tenders were
opened at special meeting of E.
Wawanosh .council on March 23.
The tender submitted by Joe
Kerr Ltd., Wingham at $1.57 per
cubic yard for 12,000 Cubic yards
of granular material for supply,
crush and haul to Township
Roads was accepted.
The council accepted a tender
submitted by Jim Hayter
Chev-Olds Ltd., Goderich at a
total price of $4,012.50 for one
1976 Chevrolet, V2 Ton pick-up
with a 350 2 bbl. engine.
Council met in regular session
on April 6, with Reeve Simon
Hallahan presiding and all the
members present.
Supervision and adminis-
tration of the Day Nursery School
was transferred to Mrs. Joyce
Ireland. An agreement is to be
Signed between Mrs. Ireland and
the• Township stating the nursery
will operate on a break-even basis
and she will report to council
Building permits, were
approved and issued to Robert
McCOmb, Doug Walker, Marie
Toll ; Larry' Nothery and John'
A grant of $10.00 was given to
Huron County Historical
Society, The dog count list from
1975 will be 'used for 1976 tax
A by-law on the Deacon-
Thompson Municipal Drain;
Repair and Improvement; to
provide for further borrowing on
the credit of the-toWnship fat
completing. Drainage WorkS was
given 1st and 2nd reading, A
by-law on the Keet Drainage
Works, to provide for further
barrowing on the Credit of the
township for complete drainage
105th Year — Issue No. 15