HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-03-10, Page 15Decorating Committee Mrs.
James Hunter, Mrs. James.
Walsh, Mrs. Willard Armstrong,
Bert Johnston. Music,
Murray Lougherd, and organist,
Corsages, Mrs, Laura Johnston
and Mrs. James COultes. The
following officers were elected
Superintendant;George 'Procter.
Assistant; Clifford Coultes.
Secretary; George Michie. Trea-
surer; Mrs. James 'Coultes.
Auditors; George Johnston and
Mrs. Laura Johnston.
,Librarian; Mrs. James Walsh.
The following teachers, were
appointed . Bible Class, Clifford
Coultes. 'Assistants, Mrs. Ken-
neth Wheeler, Mrs. Cliff 'Logan.
Intermediate boys and girls, Ross
Anderson, Murray Lougheed,
Junior girls, Mrs. Laura Johnston,
,Mrs. John Kerr. Junior Boys,
Murray Scott, George Procter.
Junior Primer., John Kerr, Mrs.
Harold Vincent, 'Mrs. Ross An-
Attend Black Knight
derson. Beginners, Mrs.. Murray
Lougheed, Miss Doreen Ander-
son, Mrs. Murray Vincent. Senior
Class, Ross Procter, Glenn Coul-
tes. A, short discusssion followed,
and it was agreed to find some
use for old lesson *Material. Rev.
Roberts closed with prayer.
WMS Meets,
The W.M.S. held their meeting
on Tuesday, March 6, at the home
of Mrs. Jae Dunbar with Mrs.
Garver Nicholson presiding who
opened with a poem. Mrs, J. 'C.
McBurney read the scripture and
Mrs. Victor' Youngblut led in
prayer. _
The Roll call was answered by
giving one of the ten command-
ments. Minutes of the last
meeting were read by Mrs.
McBurney. and the treasurer's
,report was given by Mrs. Young-
blut. • .
Mrs. Dunbar gave a report on
the annual meeting shd had
attended in Seaforth. She
announced that the executive
'Meeting to be held in Seaforth on
April 21.
Plans were made for the Easter
Thank offering to be held. April 14
with Miss Lavonne Ballagh as
guest speaker. Mrs. George Fear
will be the lunch convenor.
' Mrs. Joe Dunbar gave the topic
on Education under the Presby-
terian Church in Taiwan. The
main concern is training commun-
ity leaders. She also conducted a
quiz. A story written by a
missionary in Taiwan., Ted Ellis
about a girl student who tells
how her life changed after
attending a Christian school. She
also read •a letter from Anti
Teekover who teaches Kindergar-
ten at. Taiwan. Twenty-five visits
to sick and shut-ins were recorded
Mrs. Ivy Cloakey read a poem ,,"A -
March Garden". Mrs. Garnef
Nicholson closed the meeting;
with a prayer and lunch wia.,
.served by the hostess.
• "'
Tykes win semi
final series
The Belgrave Tyke hockey team
won their semi-final series with
Belmore by defeating the- Bel-
more team 8-1 last Tuesday night.
Scoring for Belgrave were 'Steven
Bridge with 3 goals Douglas
Woods with 2 goals and single-.
by Dennis Henry, John Smuc
and Randy Nixon. -
On Saturday at the tournamet,
in Lucknow, Belgrave beat Tee ,
water in the first game 5-0. Ala•
Heikoop, Paul Coultes, Dou,
Woods, Steven Bridge and Bit Coultes. Low man, Victor Young:
Haines scored , for Belgrave. It blut. Novelty, Mrs. Clarence
•the second game Belgrave wen. Hanna.
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Open Every Weekday
Yotir Guarantee for Over 35 Years of
defeated by 2-0 by Brussels who
won the A Championship Trophy.
Three tables play
' Three tables of euchre were
played in the Belgrave Commun-
ity Centre last Wednesday even-
ing.' High Lady, Mrs. Albert •
Bacon. High man, Edgar Wight-
man. Low lady, Mrs. James
in the
get 4% on regular,
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THE I BRUSSELS. POST.i .MARCI-1 10, 1976 15
Mrs. L. Stonehouse
After several postponements
e weather finally settled and the
nual meeting of Knox United
unday School was held. in the
asement of the• church with 12
eople present.
The meeting opened with.,
rayer by Rev. John Roberts.
mutes of the last annual
eeting were read and approved.
ecretary's report was given
howing Sunday School held on
4 Sundays with an average
tendance of 44.1 compared with
4.5 one year aga.
The Junior Girls had the best
unior Boys one mont an
nd Beginners 1 month
ttendance awards go to 16 with
our having perfect attendance.
Treasurer's retort was then
iven. It was decided to close
unday School for the month that
e minister takes holidays.
Attendance awards are to be the
same for 1976.
Sunday School Anniversary will
e held the second Sunday in
June and the programme
ommittee to be George Procter,
Clifford Coultes and Mrs. Cliff
h d 1 tie
by Karl. Schuessler
I blew it!
I knew it: I knew it. I blew it.
When will I ever learn? When will I ever
admit that one man's meat ,is another man's
poison? That 'one man's steak is another
man's hamburg?
I'm talking about that dressing down I gave
that preacher last week. Remember? I didn't
like his kind of fare, so I let the collection plate
slide right on past me. t
I kept my money in my pocket, And while I
was keeping my cents, everyone else was
losing theirs --to 'that packed a piled high
offering plate.
When I talked to some of the people later, I
realized that they were making sense out of
what I called no-sense.
There I was --- defending the Gospel.
Insisting that what I need is God's love and
mercy n of all those rules Of do-•this, do-that
and don-t-do-this-other-thing. I can't suffer all
those warnings and pleas, all those
admonitions to keep on the straight and
narrow Way,
I was standing up for the Gospel. The Good
Spell. The God Spell, The Good News. I was
taking a stand, You Cotildn't say I Was one of
those church people who didn't stand up 'for;
anything, One woman sniffed to nie that the
church is so Wishy, washy, the'people Stand up
for only one thing nowadays: That's when the
minister reads the Gospel lesson for the day
from the lectern.
I wasn't going to ntitilber myself in that lot.
I was willing'o take my stand, Notf of course,
on the side of the law'. I was standing up for
the Gospel.
• .•
But I fell down. For in talking to those
people I realized they were thriving on. the
law. One man told me he's been brought up
all his life on this love, peace, and forgive bit.
He's sated with this sweet talk. He's had an
excess. A surfeit.
And don't 'I know that too much of anything
-- even a good thing -- dulls the appetite? He
says the preachers have taken the steak,
chewed it ; mulled it, minced it, worked it until
they've ground it down into hamburg. The
Gosepl is plain old hamburg to him. -
What.he really,wants and needs is a piece of
steak, Bring him the law. Lay out the straight
and narrow path. Build up the curbs of the law
so people won't Veer' off. Set up the warning
signals. The stop signs. The no signs. Bring
out the police. Bring on law and order. That's
What people want: That's what people need.
"It's this kind of steak, this kind otlaw," he
says, can sink my teeth into. I can taste it.
Feel it. Digest it. It sticks to my rib's. It makes
me go. It makes me
What did I tell you?
My steak is his poison. And his kind of Good
News is my bad news.
When will I ever learn? We all can't
stomach the same kind of food. And despite
our different diets, there should be room for
both of tis at God's great banquet table.
But still wary, There's such a thing as
fetid poisoning', It might taste good going
" down, 1301 I 4 't" dead at the end.
'n Ruff,
r, a nd
iirth of
LYs last
in and
iere in
[an .
or the
'1 of'
ill H
F the
Knox Sunday 'School plans : anniversary
tendance with five months and Co n ye ntion tie, Junior Primer three months,'
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd
attended the Royal Black Knights
of Ireland of Huron County
annual county meeting on. Satur-
day night in Clinton. The ladies
were entertained by pictures of
the Holy Land. The Grand Master,
John Munroe of Hamilton con-
ducted the election of officers and
Lynn Jones the grand. Chaplain of
British American conducted the
installation of officers. All officers
were re-elected—
The March meeting of the
Logan. Belgrave Women's Institute will
be held in the. Arena Rooms, on
Get up and run •
on the spot
for 60 seconds. OK?
Now where do you stand
on fitness?'
March 16 at 2p.m. Mrs. Garner
Nicholson is convenor of this
"Resolutions" meeting, the Roll
Call being "As a consumer what
would you like to see improved".
Mrs. W. Bradvock of Auburn will
be the guest speaker. The .lunch
committee is Mrs. Ladrence
Taylor, Mrs. Mervin McDonald
and Mrs. Bert Johnston. Institute
members are also reminded that
each one is to provide a half loaf
of bread made into sandwiches
for the `.Shoot Party" on Friday,
March 12. at 8:30p.m. in the
Women's Institute Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter
and Glen returned home last
Thursday from their trip to
Orlando, Florida where they
visited with relatives at Merritt
Mrs. Mary Armstrong is 'now a
patient. at Huronview, Clinton.
Mr. and. Mrs. John McCormack
Christie and. Eimilie of Orange-
' vine, Mrs.• Claire , Rainer of
Scarboro spent the weekend with
their mother Mrs. Mary Chamney
Mr. and Mrs.Gary Leitch, Julie
and Jeffery 'of London spent 'the
weekend with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Grasby.