HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-01-28, Page 15Classified Rates /WORD COUNT Charges are based on ,the,number of words. Sets of. numerals .as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION — 20 words $1.25, 5c per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -= No copy changes, 3c per word, minimum .75c. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION -- $1.40 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $1.26 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accep,ted in Multiples of balf inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office 50c per insertion. BIRTHS — 20 words $1.25, 5 c per word thereafter MARRIAGES , Engagements, Death Notices — 20 20words $1.25, each additional word 5c. IN MEMORIAMS — $1.25 plus 10c .per line of - verse. COMING EVENTS' — 20 words $1.25, each additional word 5c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS — '30 Words $1.25, each additional word 2c per word. 25c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT AT TIME OF INSERTION. Deadline for classified ads is 41)6 OA: Monday No cancellation of ittuitiot6 ii§detto adVertidettientS,aftetNOON Mondays. 0 on : LASSI 1 Coming Events 1 Coming Events.. timure tccoue juris some antiali will be rtimu iction y fro $1 per Intad rentia rch 1 the new ps are ies of cover; :o. the $2.65 imilar e with • rate id to tsonal early, )ling,, [(lion skin ready ti•. up. mt to. ;ease. lse. FB is and 1 and -your 'A'nd Seal and late `And ;pent Card Party, St. Ambrose Church, Tuesday. February 3rd, 8:36p.m. Everyone welconie:, - 1-13-1 Cribbage every Thursday, Brus- sels Legion, 8:30p.m. 1.13-2 Card Party, Brussels .Library, Monday 2nd at 8:15 p.m. Pro- ceeds for Heart Fund. Admission .75 cents. Sponsored by Majestic Institute. • 1-13-1 Annual meeting, Grey Township Federation 'of Agriculture, Ethel Community Centre, Wednesday, February 4, 8:15p.m. Bill Craw- ford, Fieldman of Huron County Federation, guest speaker. Farm- ers and wives all urgently re- quested to attend. ' 1-13-1 every MONDAY NIGHT at 8:00-P.M. MINIMUM JACKPOT $200. MINIMUM CONSOLATION $25. Numberof calls increases each week SPECIAL $10 DOOR PRIZE Awarded on previous week's admission tick& Must be present to win. If not claimed! prize will increase by $10 following week. .* CARD PARTY St. Ambrose Church, Tuesday, February 3rd at 8:30 p.m. Lunch, prizes. Everyone welcome. 1-13-1' VANASTRA REC. CENTRE Bingo 1-10-tf SOUTHERN TOURS Fettes to offer several tours to the south thiS year. All are fully escorted using first class accommodation and washroom equipped coaches. Pick ups are made en route. Free brochures are available. Call Fettes Tours and Travel, 519-323-1545. 14 DAY CIRCLE FLORIDA Departs Feb. 28. The ideal way to see all of Florida. , Visits Silver Springs, St. Petersburg Beach, Miami, Orlando and St. Augustine. Includes Glass Bottomed Boats, Disneyworld, Busch Gardens, Cypress Gardens, Cape Kennedy and Marineland. 14 DAY FLORIDA BEACHCOMBER A relaxing tour to Florida' with stops at Silver Springs, Orlando and St. Augustine with delightful accommodation. for 6 nights in a true tropical setting on the beach at St. Petersburg. Disneyworld included and kitchenetts available. Departs Feb. 14, some space still available.. • 9 DAY MIDTERM FLORIDA Departs MUrch 19 (evening) and visits Chat- " enodga, Silver Springs and Winter Tours Want Ad and be money in pocket: To advertise, . just. Dial tritssels 887,664 5 Pl!i3O‘ Oppo rtunity FULLER. BRUSH COMPANY To, buy. or Sell Mir products. Telephone 1,296 = 4646 collect evening. Valuable territories are now open in Hfirdil County. 5,16-4 THE fillUSSELS POST, 1 Coming Events Knoxville with .5 nights "on the beach at St. Peters- burg. Disneyworld Tour included. Kitchenetts available. , A popular, Tour with , limited . space remaining. 18 DAY TROPICAL TEXAS AND MEXICO Departs March 15 and spends 3 n ights in New Orleans with guided city tour included: Spends 7 nights in beautiful condominium apartments on Padre • Island Texas. Visits Houston, Matamoros, Mexico, King Ranch,, Memphis and Austin. 'A very relaxing tour with side trips and admissions included. 21 DAY-CALIFORNIA TOUR Departs, April 19 for beautiful spring scenery. All side trips, tours and admissions included. Visits Salt Lake City, Cheyenne, Omaha, Reno, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Petrified Forest, Painted Desert , Universal Studios, Disneyland, With complete city tours in Los Angeles, Salt Lake City and San Francisco. All included. SCANDINAVIAN TOUR We are accepting bookings on our fully escorted 23 day Scandinavian Tour departing May 30 and including Norway,. Sweden and Denmark. Breakfa4, dinners, baggage handling, admissions, city tours, flight, accommodations etc. all included. Reserve now while space ,is available. BRITISH ISLES The 3rd Annual 19 Day tour departs May .16 for the .best of Britain spring scenery. Fully escorted first class tours inclUding England', Scotland • and. Wales. Free Brochures. FETTES TOURS AND TRAVEL 184 MAIN ST. S:, MOUNT FOREST. Ontario 1-13-1 GOOD TIMES TRAVEL AGENCY Seaforth .527-0050 Caribbean European Vacations Bus Tours To: Florida & Texas California & Nashville Canada , , 1-10-1 Ice Capades, March 14, 1976 Kitchener Anditorhitri 6:30p:tn. Performance reserved seats and motor coach transportation $8.50 per persofi, Good Times Travel Seaforth 627,0056. 14 7,tt USE' P O-S T WANT-ADS DIAL 887-6641 1 Coming Events Hanover Holiday Tours HAWAII• On FEBRUARY 14, Valentine's Day, .fly with us to romantic HAWAII. This special long stay tour will be based in HONOLULU and will include a Pearl Harbour Cruise and the City Punchbowl Tour. Optional tours to the Outer Islands can be arranged. Return date is March .8. TEXAS This 21 day tour departs F EBRUARY 21 to spend 8 nights at SOUTH 'PADRE ISLAND, newly developed, as a vacationer's, paradise. Ac- commodation will be at the BAHIA MAR CONDOMINIUMS, part of the $20 million Bahia Mar Resort Complex. Enroute we spend time at SAN ANTONIO, HOUSTON, & NEW ORLEANS, La. - FLORIDA This state has long been a favourite with Canadians and *we have 10 more winter departures to take you there: - F E B. I- 28 days; Long Stay St. Petersburg (5 nights) & Ormond Beach (,15 nights) • F 656.6days: Way St. P 00 each (only ; seats remaihing) - F.10iiii-ii4i5 dftelar'!' , CircieiRIATiPIKeat§ffit ming) - FEB. 21 : 15 days; Florida Circle - MAR. 6`. - '2"1"c14/S; Delyxe Florida Circle ' MAR. 6 - 15 days; Deluxe Florida Circle (air return) • MAR. 6 - 15 days: Ormond Beach (air return) • - MAR. 19 - 9 days; 9 nights, Ormond Beach MAR. 20 - 9,days; Ormond , BeaCh (air) - MAR. 20 - 9 days; Fort Lauderdale (air) For reservations; contact: HANOVER Travel Service 290 10th St., Hanover 1-800-265-3007 KINCARDINE. Travel Service 831 Queen St. Kincardine 396-3477 LISTOWEL Travel Bureau L istowel 291-4100 JIM COURTNEY Travel Service Listawel 291 2111 Remember! It takes but a moment to place a Brussels Post 8 Farm Stock Tor Sale Purebred, serviceable Hampshire boars, R.O.P. tested and com- mercial, also York Landrace boars and open gilti, Bob Robin- son 345-2317. 10 Used 'Cars For Sale, '69 Falcon, 6 cyl, good shape. Phone 887-6951. Sharon - Webster. 10-13-4 11 Articles For Sale FIVE HP, 220 V, 3 phase variable speed motor , with controls. The Huron Expositor, 527-0240. ' • 11-12x2 GESTETNER ink available at The Huron Expositor, . 527-0240, • Seaforth. 11-304 Swimming pools: Deluxe, Red- wood, above ground pools, (2) 16x24, and 16x32 complete. One year old.. Repossesse4 by bank, sacrifice 'A price. Call Mr. Harvey, collect, days or evenings, 416-625-8819. • 11-13-If ONE shot gun, model XL300, gas. semi-automatic, 12 gauge, excel- lent condition. Phone 887-9210. 11-13-2 THREE paint V. Snowblower. Clement McLellan 887-9084. 11-13x1 , Perhaps 40 feet used ribbed rubber floor matting 36 inches wide. In good condition. The - Huron Expositor. 527-0240. 11-13x2 SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE Leading ManufactUrer and•dis- tributor has above ground alu- munum pools left over from 1975 season, • Vz„ • price,- guaranteed installation and terms. Call.Credit Manager .collect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. 11-13-tf COPIES • Copies of your important papers or documents while y ou wait. Letter size, 25c each. TILE HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth 11-05-tf Ethel Auto Parts Used Tire Sale Asst. Sizes $54 15 SNOWS & SUMMERS "USED & NEW AUTO PARTS TO' ORDER" Come on in and See Us WE'RE IN DOWNTOWN Ethel Between `Webers Grocery Store & Evans Hardware PHONE #887.6019 Ask about Gar Radios LOW LOW Prices 14414., Additional Cl (IS:Sifted On Page 1. JANUARY 28, 1916