HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-01-28, Page 5LET US MAKE YOUR OLD FURNITURE
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IS THAT WHAT WE ARE WEARING? — Some of the youngest members of the
Brussels Figure Skating club get a l6ok at what each other are wearing in the club's
annual carnival on February 7. (Photo by Langlois)
Student tells of Spain trip
HPRCSS .coordinator
named for family
tife program
Mrs. Knight enlarged. upon the
motto with a poem about drivers
and driving. The roll 'call "articles
brought home ,from •travels" was
answered by 14 niembeis with'
many interesting objects display-
ed:. : .
Mrs. Knight:read :a short pike .
:froth Home 'and Country' dealing
with .a: coMparison between W.I.'
communications.between the .
ferent organizational leyelS and•
our system of.roads 'arid•highways
• :Miss Mary Ellen knight,
,daughter of Mr. and :Mrs. Ross
Knight was introduced by Mrs. L,
Knight. 'Mary Ellen. gave an
interesting account of her trip to
Spain last March with a group of
high school girls, Mary Ellen
brought her daily diary of her
trip. It was filled with lovely
pictures and mementos of her;
.Mrs. Strickler gave a humorous
reading about-New )!":ear's Resol-
Mrs: Elliott presented current *****
events and conducted :a contest on There is plenty of winter fun
"places in Huron county". Lunch .and excitement in. Brussels. The
prepared by Mrs. GOldwin Knight arena is kept humming with
and Mrs: B.. Van DOnkersgoed activities, hockey, figure skating
was served by the hostess and and public skating. The curling
Mrs. G. Knight: club is. in full swing and holding
The meeting closed with the bonspiels. The Legion sponsored
singing of "0 Canada" Dart League is in action again this
Personals year. A cribbage club has been
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Williams, formed and is attracting, interest-
London visited on Sunday with ed persons.. Card parties are held
Mrs. Stuart McNair and Mrs. frequently by various organiza-
W.A. Williams at the Callander tions. The Lions Club 'have
Nursing Home. invited girls arid boys to join their
Rev. Charles A. Falconer • Leo Club. The Senior Citizens
r moor vs., ommoo sporp onvm. mom slamom norm mow lima* mum orwava win= ion=
Parker r Plumbing & Heating
ship .and World Affairs presented
the reinainder of the meeting.
(Continued 'from Page 1)
petition" against the compulsary
law concerning the wearing of
seat belts, forms for their signa-
tures are available at The Texan
Grill, The. New American Hotel,
The "Brussels Legion and J.L.
McCutcheon garage in Brussels
and at McGaVin Farm Equipment
and Marks Welding Shop in
preached his farewell sermon On
Sunday morning, January 25.
Prior to the service he was
presented with a plaque from the
Y.P.S. in appreciation of his work
with thein. Rev. Falconer is
moving this week to Strathroy and
will minister to the Beechwood,
Cetre Road and West Adelaide
Churches. The service next Sun-
day "will be in charge of the
Interim-moderator, Rey. Wallace
J; Murray of Mitchell. •
play . euc,hre 887-6079
There were only five tables in more inn.. mom=
Mrs. Mac Engel
Mrs. Leslie Knight was hostess
for our first meeting of the New
Year on January 6. The meeting
began with: the,, Opening Ode,:
Mary Stewart Collect and the
Lord's Prayer: The Minntes 6f the •
November and December 'meet,:
ings were apprOved as read. Mrs.
Jim Hart gave- the treasurer's
report. And the pennies :for
friendship •were taken:
Mrs. Clare Veitch •thanked the
conveners and those who helped
at the Christmas concert and the.
secretary was asked to send
special thanks to Mr. Jack'Conley.
and Mr.' Doug Purdy. MrS.
Wilfred Strickler discussed plans
for the summary day for "Salute
to Vegetables" being held Jan. 21
in Winghain: A -short practice
session is to be held January 191t
1:30 at Mrs. Leslie Knight's.
Training schools for the 4H
club "A touch of stitchery" are
being held in. February. Cran-
brook requires a leader for this
club and anyone interested in this
position is to contact Mrs. Veitch.
Mrs. Strickler reported. ,On a
district meeting held to' plan, the
District Annual for May 11, in the
Molesworth Presbyterian Church.
Cranbrook is required to supply a
convener for Family and Con-
sumer affairs.. Miss Kate McNabb
volunteered to undertake this
position. A letter seeking finan-
cial aid from C.N.1.13. was read.
It was moved by Mrs. Strickler
and seconded by Mrs. G. Engel
that the group not contribute.
Mrs. Leslie Knight and Mrs.•
Bill Elliott, conveners of Citizen-
Only. five tables
(by Wilma Oke)
Anthony Chater Cathar-
ines was hired Monday night as
the co-ordinator of the family life
program by' the Huron-Perth
County RomanCatholic Separate
School board at a meeting in
Mr. Chater will go into the 19
separate elementary schools
under the board's jurisdiction and
set up the family life program.
Pilot family life programs have
been carried out in Grade 8
classes in the schools, and in
Grade 7 at St. James' school in
Seaforth, during the past two
A number of the teaching staff
in the system have been taking
the family life courses at St.
Jerome's College in Kitchener
during the past two summers so
that they are trained to teach the
Mr. Chater will start his
duties with the board on February
E. Lorne Rideout 'was hired to
teach Grade 8 at Our. Lady of
Mount , Carmel School at
Dashwood and Mrs. Mary Jane
Osborne was hired to teach music
at the same school on a part time•
basis, effective this month.
The resignations of Clement
Steffler, principal of St. Joseph's
School, Kingsbridge, and Melba
. Park, Grade 2 teacher at the same
school were accepted.
The board granted easement
for the sewer at St. James'
School, Seaforth, to the Ministry
of the Environment which is
constructing the sewer system in
the town.
"VinCent Young , Goderich
board member, in reporting on'
Friendship Club keeps active with
a number of undertakings includ-
ind crafts. Who can say' there in
nothing to do in a. small village?
There is something to do here for
almost all age groups.
For all
rrUS7 dittiMOANYtr;4dt
ebtiSffigi Mapaget
Listowel, Ofitatity
the information meeting held in
Wingham with provincial cabinet
members, said he believed Darcy
McKeough, provincial treasurer,
when he said he didn't have any
money. He warned the trustees
that they would have "to take a
hard look at all our expendi-
tures". Jack Lane, Superin-
tendent of Business and Finance,
said, he -didn't expect the govern-
ment to announce the •grant rates
before March as it hadn't in
previous years when "things
were a lot simpler than this
R. D. Labelle and R, Ventreck
of the Stratford Advisory Leisure
Council discussed their aims and
priorities for leisure activities for
over an hour with board.
The delegates were informed
that because the council is for
Stratford and district and the
school board represents both
Huron and Perth Counties,
financial support would not be
After the delegates left the
board endorsed the aims of the,'
council but decided not to appoint'
one of the Stratford members
until it was learned when the
council plans to hold its meetings.
Howard Shantz, a Stratford
trustee, reported he found he was
unable to attend the Recreation
Committee meetings in Stratford
after being appointed.because the
meetings were held the same
night the bOard met.
The board will hold county
professional development day on
February 2. Workshops will be
held both morning and afternoon
at St. Columban School, St.
James' SchoOl, Seaforth, and St.
Patrick's School, Dublin. The
meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m.
play at the card patty held in St.
Ambrose Church hall On Tuesday
JanUary 20th due to the incletrient
weather and a turnout that the
party had been cancelled:
A pleasant evening was Spent -
with winning players as follciws:
High lady, Mrs. Hackbart, Low
lady, Mrs. George Blake St.,
Iligh Man,. Tein Murray, tow
Man, Mrs. Lawrence Ryatt (play,
ing as a mail). Clogest'biethday,
Mrs. Jim MeTaggart.
Couch was served to bring: the
evening to a closer
Short Shots