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.Serving Brussels and the surrounding community.
Published each Wednesday afternoon at Brussels, Ontario .
by McLean Bros. Publishers, Limited.
Evelyn Kennedy - Editor Dave Robb - Advertising
Member Canadian Community Newspaper Association and
Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association
Subscriptions (in advance) Canada $6.00 a year. Others
$8.00 a year, Single Copies 15 cents each.
410 CNA
gBrussels Post
Here's your chance
Many local people were involved with discussions
with Ontario Hydro . on where to put their
transmission lines from Douglai Point. And many
learned that the planning for the future use of
electricity in the province can effect their day to day
Ontario Hydro's energy plans can mean transmis-
sions towers on your farm land. They can mean a
nuclear generating station in your county.
• Is the province planning for everincreasing use of
energy by the people of Ontario or do they recognize ,
that people are starting to • get interested in
conserving energy? Is Ontario Hydro going to
continue a pricing procedure that rewards big
electricity users and charges the scrimpers
proportionately more?
These are some of the questions that have to be
answered about the future of elecrtricity in the
province. The Porter Commission is listening to
Ontario citizens' views on the subject and it'll be in
Listowel tomorrow night.
The Commission was in Wingham in December
and people from our area had so much to say that the
group came back. The meeting was to have been
held last week but was postponed because of stormy
It's an important subject. What do you think?
That's Thursday, January 22, at 7:30 p.m. in
Listowel Public School. •
Snow whee S
Enjoys. . People We Know
Dear Mrs. Kennedy
I am enclosing cheque for $6,.01 as
paynient otit. Brussels Post for the ,year
Also-enclosed is a photostat of receipt for
1915. subscription.
1 enjoy receiving the Brussels Post and
reading the hews of Brussels and Walton
expecially the "People We Know' column.
With 'best regards,
Yours truly,
Harvey Bryans
419 Baker St,
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by Karl Schuessler
No place like home
I know that sounds trite. Corny. Common
and not profound in the least. But I don't care.
I still insist.' There's no place like home.
I am convinced. The best part of a vacation
is coming home. If a vacation does anything, it
makes you appreciate what you have It lets you
know you belong soine' place. That you don't
have to uproot yourself about every other day
and move on. .
You don't have to-keep asking who am I ?
And what am I doing here where I don't
belong? I don't know anybody in these strange
parts --only good time Charlies who smile
when they take my tourist dollar. And if I
didn't have the dollar, I. think they wouldn't
My vacation has made me take a new look at
snow. Beautiful stuff. Drifting into banks and
shifting into all sorts of patterns. Driven by
insisting and persisting .winds.
I didn't even grumble once when I had to
- shovel out my driveway-three times last week.
Good exercise. Just breathe in that fresh air.
Now that's exhileration for you.
And it never occurred to me to swear when I
got stuck two times in that same driveway.
Such creaky, squeaky snow. Piles and piles of
it. ' •
What's a January for? But to enjoy -- all this
manna from heaven.
Why I even pulled out an old broken down
pair of snow shoes I bought last summer at an
auction. If the Indians could track snow, ,why
can't I?. A man can't huddle in his. house.
He's got to go out in the storm -- and walk.
And I'm even beginning to warm up to
Celsius. Fahrenheit was always my man. For
a while there when the weatherman talked
about 6° minus celsius i i shivered and thought
I should run for my fur lined underwear. And
To the editor:
Dear Editor:
We wish to extend an invitation to your
readers who are interested, in attending the
annual meeting of the Corporation' 'of the
Huron Historic Gaol which has been Set for '
7:36 p.m., January 28, at the 'Governor's
House' in the gaol.
For a norninal membership fee'you will
have the opportunity of taking part in the
when 'We talked about 8 centimeters of snow
on the way, I didn't know whether I should 'get
out my shove, call in the snow blower or just
ignore him.'
I always felt sympathy for the old lady' who
complained if God had meant for us to go on
Celsius, Jesus would have had ten disciples,
not twelve. '
Another woman insisted that Celsius was
the work of the devil--a big plot since the
French Revolution to_undermine Christianity.
Wasn't the great pyramid of Cheops -- one of
'the seven wonders of the world--built on the
inch measurement? The Almighty himself
laid down the great inch principle. It's a
universal and sacred precept. Go look up
Isaiah 19: 19-30, she said.
And I heard once again the temperatures in
good old Fahrenheit and the rain in inches in
Florida, I started to think those two women
might be right after all.
But I'M converted now. I'm changed. Who
cares if the weather is in fahrenheit? That
weather inFlorida—Measure it by any name: -is
still cold. It just wasn't behaving itself--not
even for Fahrenheit. -
That's what I like about Ontario weatrier, It
acts up like it should. It's at least honest
weather. Good and cold. Believable.
Ontario weather is gobs and gObs of vanilla
ice piled high with whipping cream -- and all
winter ,sundae. I like it. r like. it. •
I'll keep eating away at -it. Licking it.
Shoveling it out. Shoveling my way through it
untilI come to the end - until I find the crocus
*peeking and the maple sap weeping.
• That's what I like about an' Ontario winter. I
.can always come back home -- to spring.
activities of the Baord "whose aim is to
restore and develop this important historic '
With your support arid encouragement',
we look forward to even greater success 'in
1976; -
Yours frilly ;
.I.Van den Broeck
Corresponding Secretary
Huron Historic Gaol Board
A Goal, meeting
I fM. THE KING OF Adults 'May
think much of, the record January show falls, that
Brussels and area have bean. gad tim, but kids 16Ve
them, These two, the children of Me; and Mrs, Larry
Rica had 'a great titi*.tlitlibitig uo and sliding down
thathowbahks that were up'. alMOSA the porch roof
fronttheirhOuta„ (fshotO by Latigio18).