HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1975-11-19, Page 2*CNA
by Karl Schuessler
Mail strikers, that's alright. You don't have
to se ttle. You don't have to give in and Start
hoisting your heavy mail bags over your
shoulders and carying all those letters to 'my
I don't mind. Keep away. Keep, my mail box
empty. Bill free. Clutter free. Who needs all
those sales ads? These free offers? Those
promises of a thrill of a lifetime if I tear out
this sticker and return immediately?
I don't miss offers like that at all. And'
another thing I don't miss is all those business
letters that makes my world go around.
1 knoW. I should be. impressed with one of
those letters. Embossed paper. Well blacked
ink. Catchy letterheads. And all the words
come straight out of an electric typewriter. All
signatured and secretary initialed.
' I should covet one of those letters. The
government or business firms pay out $10.0.0
to send one to me. That's what they figure it
costs to reply. les just not the stationery and
stamp of course. WS the secretary's and.
boss's time it took.
But their expenSive looking letters don't do
anything for me. Maybe it's because 1 don't
understand them. Those business letter
writers 'talk in a Strange language, They shift
into foreign gears. They put down in print
What they. Would never dream of saying out
Dne man wrote that "each year a certain
amount of preventative maintenance should'
be perfornied on asphalt driveways to prevent
the outward migration of localized failure
Arid when asked what that Meant, he said,
"Pix The cracks".
geO, Why can't he say in print what he
says in mouth? Why can't latter Writers talk to
me instead of battering the with *drag? Why,
do theybuild word fortreSteS 50-1 can't get In
Is there any reason why a government has
to write back to an army veteran and say,
"The non-compensable evaluation hereto ire
assigned you for your service connected
disability is confirmed and continued."
The man wrote back'in plain English,
`Whatcam. thee hell does is no thatchamngee in an?" The
reply your
physicoanl eyco7,1ition and so you still will not get
any in
kinThat's what I like about the mail strike. it
connects people directly. There's no piece a
paper to link them. To tie them up into verbal'
If people really want to do business, they
have to come and see me or telephone. Th,er!
Wunedecrasntathadlkeaseehnsoitbhleivy.rWheefi we
talk psuat sVet
all those words that can only parade and pomp
tahretriadlkinztrlidnt; They never could make it in
Then ..,vire Can put aside all the Secretary s'-
eliehes. and lay MiSSElrovin--and her boss-to
"Take 'd POetii o Miss Brown". „ „
We beg to advise you, and Wish to slaw
that yours has arrived of recent date We have
it before us, its eoritenta noted; Here WI'
enclosed are the prices quoted. Attached you
wi l pwe
wy oonuri dr esquu;sets,
h s
g:radi tit; johu:
matter and. due to the fact That up 0 tide
Mei/lent your order wevellacked We hlt„
yteortawittil yt otit:tt, vileerlayYtriut lyu,tidtilYi ma beg v
russels Post
Serving Brussels. and the surrounding corrimunity.
Published: each. Wednesday afternoon at Eirrissels. Ontario
by McLean Bros. Publishers, Limited.
Evelyn Kennedy - Editor Dave Robb - Advertising
Member Canadian. Community Newspaper Association and
Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association
Subscriptions (in advance) Canada $6.00 a year, Others
$8.00 a year, Single Copies 15 cents each.
An earful
We hope the Royal Commission on Violence gets .
an earful when they sit in Wingham on December 3.
Now that the Ontario government is going after
violence in the communications industry and
violence in hockey, maybe they'll get around to
trying to control violence in real life. We'd like to see
'it made harder to buy guns in ouurovince and we'd •
like to see licencing or registering of those who own-
hem now.
Stricter gun rules won't do much to disarm
rithinals ... they'll get' guns legally or otherwise.
3ut it will help prevent tragedies like the high school
chootings in BIrampton and Ottawa..
Disturbed people shouldn't have guns. It's as
simple as that. Without a gun a temporarily crazed .
perpn can beat or knife someone, but they can't kill
and wound a whole group at one fell swoop as
happened with the high school "massacres".' ,
In American cities where guns are easier to get
than they are in Cianada, domestic arguments often
pad to shootings. An angry , frustrated person picks
a gun and shoots a family member, because the
gun is handy.
Gun control can prevent these spur of the moment
And a control on TV violence can. discourage the
impression that an atmosphere of mayhem and
injury is acceptable, even entertaining.
Though the inquiry is supposed to focus on the
communications industry, those who talk to ?he
commission will probably focus on TV violence.
Nobody could make a case that local weeklies are
,coo violent, not even with the pre-Hallowe'en
lamage in Seaforth that we reported last week.
From the looks of reports coming out of some
.;omens' groups, there will be local submissions
iticizing violence and obscenity on Tv. We'd like to
::)parate the two.
The real obscenity on TV is not the occasional nude
lot or love scene in a CBC play: And tasteful,
alpful discussion of sexuality on TV isn't obscene.
We don't watch much TV but when we do, it's the
Ilings (often 3 or 4 per hour) and the damage that
!Liman beings do to each other that are really
,osetting. If they bug adults, what, kind of effect do
hey have on impressionable kids?"
It's up to us to let Judy La Marsh's Commission on
/iolence know that we's like to see less beating and
killing on the tube. We can also let the prOvince know
that we favour tighter restrictions on gun ownership
and that we agree with their initiatives in making
hockey more like a game than a battle.
Then we'll all be so pure and non Violent that we'll
have to pick fights with our spouses to put a little
spice into life in Ontario.
To the editor
No name, rya answer'
councillor says
In response to the letter in last week's paper regarding
council salaries, I have a reply ready to be published but net
this week due to the fact that the person that wrote last
week's letter didn't sign his name. The person shall get no
• reply unless their name goes under the written letter,•
If they pan 't put their name oh it they shouldn't expect an
anSWer, at least from nie.
eminent& Harold Bridge