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wish to announce the appointment
as an agent for the Company
For any or all of your
Insurance' Requirements call
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ter . •
received a $2700 grant. The grant will finance a
recreation program at the library basement and will
include activities like quilting, oil painting, wood
working, carpet bowling and upholstery.(Staff Photo)
Cheques coming
despite strike,
ministry says
Arthur Meen, Provincial
Minister of Revenue says the
ministry has set up procedures to
minimize hardship the mail strike
may have caused people
expecting ministry of revenue
"We have 272,000 pensioners
expecting gains cheques by
November 15," Mr. Meen said,
"We are also concerned that
cheques are issued promptly to
the 2,000 people who qualify each
week for their first $1,000 of the
homebuyers grant, and that sales
tax rebates on the purchase of
new cars are sent to applicants,
Tax payments must still be
filed on time. "We have made,
arrangements for these
remittances as well as other
ministry mail to be left at any of
the ministry of revenue offices."
Barkwell (with beard) a New Horizons representative
explains details of the federal program to members
of the local Senior Friendship. Club which has
Neighbours honour families who've moved
Mrs. L. Stonehouse
The November meeting of the
Evening Unit was held at the
I home of Mrs. Ross Anderson with
15 present.
-,.Miss Annie Cook opened the
..tneeting with the worship service.
The .theme was "The Gospel
Address" :;41 Hymn "0 For a
Thousand Tongues to Sing" was
sung, followed by responsive
reading of Psalm 145 taken by
Mrs. Robert Grasby, and Miss
1 , Annie Cook.
i ' The scripture was read by Miss
Annie Cook. Hymn "Christ For
the World We Sing" was sung.
The offering was received and
dedicated. The meditation "The
Gospel Address" was read by
Mrs. Laura Johnston followed by
prayer. Hymn "From Greenlands
Icy Mountains" closed the wor-
ship service..
Mrs. Murray Lougheed
onducted the business. Minutes
vf the last meeting were read and
The General meeting was
announced for November 25th.
Mrs. Robert Grasby and Miss
\ nnie Cook announced a Birthday
'arty to be held November 11th.
The December meeting will be
Acid at the home of Mrs. Murray
lougheed. Mrs. William Coulte.s
'tad charge of the programme
'Women it Canada".
Lunch was served by Mrs. Jack
Higgin's group.
Neighbours Gather
Friends and neighbours of the
1th Live of East Wawanosh'
4athered at the Belgrave Com-
, i ' ,nunity Room on Saturday for a
social evening to honour Mrs.
:1 1 . Hugh Blair who has taken up
residence in Blyth and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Taylor, Trudy and
Mark who are now living near
The evening was spent playing
progressive euchre and Lost Heir.
Winners for the euchre were:
High Lady-Mrs. Bruce Campbell,
!,! Low Lady-Mrs. Murray Marks,
High Man-Robert Taylor, Low
Man-John Guay. Lost Heir Win-
ners Were: High Lady-Mrs. Ross
Taylor, Low Lady-Mrs. Charles
Smith, High Man-Victor Young-
blot. Low Man-Gordon McDowell
Annie, Jack and Mary, Trudy'
In q and Mark were asked to come to
the front. An address was read to
each family by Clifford Coultes.
Gifts were presented to them by
Stanley Black, Eldon Cook, Karen
Dunbar 'and Ken Marks. The
,recipients made fitting replies
and lunch was served.
W.M. S. Meets
Mrs.. Joe Dunbar on November
4th. Mrs. Dunbar presided and
opened the meeting with a call to
worship Hymn "light of .the
Lovely Prilgrim Heart" was sung.
The theme of the meeting was
"Jesus the Light of the World".
Mrs. Victor Youngblut read
scripture from Matthew. Mrs.
J.C. McBurney read- from St.
John's. The meditation was
entitled "Windows" and was
read by Mrs. Stuart Cloakey. Two
poems,My Windows and Wash-
ing Windows was read by Mrs.
Alan Dunbar. The prayer was
takenic by Mrs. Mac Scott.
The topic was given by Mrs.
Athel Bruce and she read a story
about Nigeria and Christian
growth there and an account of
growth of the church in Canada.
She also told of how the people
in Holland remember the fallen
Canadian soldiers in their land.
The secretary report was read by
Mrs. J.C. McBurney and the
treasurers report by Mrs. Victor
Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Nicholson and
Mrs. Cloakey were asked to make
up programs for the next year. It
was agreed that everyone keep
their offices for another term with
rotating leaders.
Mrs. Youngblut gave a'report
on the Fall Rally. The roll call was
answered by a verse on "Joy".
The offering was received.
Twenty-one sick calls were re-
corded. Hymn "Lead Kindly
visiting with Mrs. Olive Campbell Light". was sung and the meeting
closed with prayer. and relatives in Belgrave.
The hostess served lunch':
East Wawanosh School
Last Friday the Kindergarten
Class had a Halloween Party.
They made orange freshie and
jello. They also ate cookies. Later
they made masks and sang songs
while going ar ound the other
The grade 1-2 class also had a on Sunday with their cousins Mrs.
Halloween Party.. They made Olive Campbell and Mrs. Ivy
Jack-o-Lanterns and coloured pie- Ansley.
tures. Later they had a treat and Little Jamie Rae spent last
made Witch Puppets, Grade 1-2 week with his grandparents Mr.
also¤ planted a tiny tim plant and and Mrs. James R. Coultes while
they have four tomatoes on it. his parents Mr. and Mrs. Don,
The grade 2-3 class made a play Rae holidayed at the Bahamas.
(Alt of a story they read in their Mr, and. Mrs. Glen Taylor of
reader. This class also had a Hamilton spent a couple of days
Halloween Party. la.t week with Mr. and Mrs.
The grae 6 class are studying Robert
useh flies and weeds.• They are The Netriber meeting of the
Belgrave W.I. will be held in the also creating poems.
The grade 7 claSs went on a arena rooins on Tuesday Novem-
Woodland Stludy in the bUsh of bet 18th at 8:15 pan. Mrs. tart
Lloy Robinson, they studied the Anderson as ConVerot of this
trees. The gr ade 7 class had I Education meeting.* Mr, William
their assembly on the 22nd of Stevenson of Belgrave is the
October and the theme of it was guest' speaker. All mothers of
f'Olyinntcc. Public School age children in the
Mrs. George Walker aid Miss Hi C Meets
Dorothy Higgins. The Belgrave Hi-C meeting
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cook and was held on Sunday evening at
Mrs. Telford Cook were Saturday the home of Glen Nixon. After the
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert roll call there was discussion
Cook and family of Shelborne. about Toc Alpha. There are six
Robert Hibberd along with members hoping to attend this
Lloyd Hern of Exeter attended the year: Toe Alpha is a yearly
annual meeting of North Bruce Conference for youth held at
Loyal Orange Lodge on Saturday /Niagara Falls. There was a
afternoon. discussion on what the Hi C
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Martin, planned on doing in the near
Michelle and Christopher of St., future.
Clements, Mr. and Mrs. Frank The next meeting will be held
Workman, Craig and Peter of on November 30 at the home of
Cranbrook visited last Sunday Wayne Cook. A story was they.
with their grandparents Mr: and read and discussed about a young
Mrs. Mark Armstrong. amputee girl.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vincent Glen served lunch and the
visited with Miss Reta Mathers of meeting closed with several
Woodstock last weekend. ' • games.
into marble shirts.--The grade 7:8
boys and girls . played soccer
against Turnberry teams and
both won their games. Boys 3-0,
and the Girls 1-0.
The Grade 8 assembly will be
held November 10 the theme is
Remembrance Day by Mark
The Annual supper of 1226
Royal Black Knights of Ireland,
Blyth was held in the Belgrave
Women's Institute Hall on Friday
evening. Musical numbers were
provided by Mrs. Emerson
Mitchell on the 'violin accompan-
ied by Mrs. Bert Elliott on the
piano and her son Ted on the
banjo. Edgar Howatt played
guitar and mouth organ accom-
panied by Mrs. Peter Rommer on
the piano.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davidson
and Janet of Shelborne, Mrs.
Walter Scott visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes
The Belgrave Men's choir
assisted at the Sebringville
United Church Anniversary on
Sunday evening. '
Mrs. Glenn Coultes, Paul,
Steven and Tim spent the week
nd with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Scott
and family of Barrie.
Mrs. Stan Hopper and Debbie
were weekend visitors with Mrs.
and Mr. Jack Van Niekerk, Sheryl
and Jeff of Shanty Bay.
Mrs. Ivy Ansley of Thessalon is
Mrs. Ivey Ansley, Mrs. Olive
Campbell and Mit. Rod Ansley
visited last week with Mrs. Reg
Martimer and Jamie of Port
Mrs. Lillian Elliott of Bluevale,
Miss Edith Harniss of Goderich,
Miss' Ann Wheeler and. Miss
Lue lila Brewer of London visited
the sevembet meet/hit thevet one in the class brought are especially invited w.ms. was held at the home of tshirts to school and dyed them Lunch committee is Mrs. Glen
4,,,THE BRUSSELS POST, NOVEmBER 1075 coutteso mtg., utile lathiesorio