HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1975-11-05, Page 12New ignition good but not miraculous
Canadian experts . .
To the motorist who
lives in cold, snowy winter
weather, getting a car out
of a skid is hardly more
than a routine annoyance.
However, 'motorists used
to driving 'on normally
dry pavements can run
into problems should they
be traveling in frigid areas
or be confronted by a
freak snow storm at home.
Therefore, the Rubber
Association of Canada
shares its experience in
safe driving on bad roads,
With the reminder that
stopping on a wet road can '
take four times the normal
distance as on a dry road,
the association urges re-
duced speeds. Also dis-
tance between your car
and the one in front
should be doubled. ,
On starting out and with
no cars around, test the
surface by braking the
41',CinUix 1.4
car lightly. When braking,
pump the pedal, bringing
the car to a gradual stop.
Jamming on the brakes is
likely to lock the wheels
and put the car into a skid.. -.0—
Should you stqAto enter
a skid, take yotir foot off
the gas pedal, stay off the
brakes and steer in the
direction of the skid, When
the car is straightening
out, pump the brakes gen
tly to slow down.
The association offers
these tire care tips to help
avoid trouble. Keep the
tires inflated properly. Un-
equal pressure in the front
tires promotes instability
on bad roads.
Another important rea-
son to check tires fre-
quently in cold weather is
that tire pressure drops
approximately one pound
for every 10° drop in tem-
' .
Electronic ignition sys-
tems, standard equipment
on most late model cars,
were designed to help keep
emissions low. But they
still require periodicmain-
$t enanc,g,_ according ,to
Champion; Spare Plug
Largely due to require-
ments stemming from-
emissions control, the 'car
makers began using the
electronic ignition systems
to provide more voltage to
fire a wider-gapped spark
The new systems elimi-
nate breaker points and
condensers and replace
them with magnetic corn-
ponents that trigger the
system for secondary volt-
age. However, many of the
components of the elec-
tronic system are the same
as in converitiohal igni
tions and maintenance re-
quirements are not too
The condition of the
coil, distributor cap'an'd
rotor must still be check-
ed. Correct timing is criti-
cal to proper operation.
" Spark plugs are still sub-
ject 'to fouling from con-
taminent present in the
combustion process such as carbon, calcium, baie
ium, etc: And ignition Mr- ,! ing can still deteriorate or suffer damage, calming misfire..
Therefore, an annul ignition system service
still 'recOmmended
electronic sys•..
tern or not.
A piece of 4 x 4 x 12" lumber could come in
handy as a wheel chock
should you have to change
a flat tire. It will fit snugly
behind the spare, too,
Wouldn't skid you
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Marina also gives you the
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Your authiwited British Leytieritt'deiie ittifoii. 11,--114E BRUSSELS POST, NOVEMBER 6, 1975 •