The Brussels Post, 1975-10-29, Page 3when in BRUSSELS Stop in at' the rev, GRILL & GAS. 'BAR 41C° '1' Try our Bacon & Mushrooms on a Bun DINNER SPECIALS DAILY Jane and Ken Webster Your Hosts TENTED CITY SITE SET — The sign went up at the Jim Armstrong farm in Morris last week, at the site of the 1978 International Plowing Match. Rev. Ken limes of Brussels, centre, blessed the ground, while a group of the Match's organizers watched. From left are. Roy Bennett, Wingham, Ray Scotchmer, Bayfield, Gordon McGavin, Seaforth, Howard Datars, IDashwood, Rev. Innes, Don Pullen, Clinton, Bill and Jim Armstrong and Allan Campbell, McKillop. ther-in-law initiates new member New Horizons Senior club gets grant The Brussels Senior Friendship Club met on Wednesday, October n in the Canadian Legion Hall. President Edwin Martin presided and welcomed all, wishing them a pleasant afternoon. Community singing with Mrs. Verna Thomas at the piano, ws enjoyed, using the new song books. Discussion took place regarding the change of the club from Zone 1 to Zone 9, which will be a Huron County Zone but no decision was made until further ' information is received. A message of thanks from Zone 1 officers was conveyed to the group for 'their preparations for the Fall Zone Rally. Mrs. Elinor Hemingway announced the receipt of an Horizon Grant to carry on a "Work and Play" Club. • • Seven tables of progressive euchre were played. Prize's were awarded as follows: High Man - Mrs. Torrance Dundas (playing as a man); Low man - Mrs. Alex Steiss (playing as a man); Low Lady - Mrs.C. Matheson; High Lady - Mrs. Glenna. Stephens; Lucky door draws- Mrs. Ida Evan's, Mrs. Ernie Stephens, Mrs. David Watson, Mrs.C. Matheson. Eye :,r1 to cads and from over :floor man e.,; Get those ;h or eeve, She's iy of have But you. Mrs. ;pset. en.' ”nen 3er. I done lidn't want :thing I was s and ;t feel t Puff omen thank led to rand Master visits Brussels lodge Bert Urquhardt, our most recent appointed Grand Steward.. The introductions being completed the regular business 'was attended to. . The highlight of the evening was the initiation of Leslie Knight into the Masonic Order, with that - honour being done by his father- in-law, Wor. Bro. Allan McTaggart of Goderich. The capacity attendance came from North Huron District, South Huron District, Bruce District and Toronto District. The Masters of the attending lodges spoke and conveyed their wishes of enjoyment to Mr. Knight. • Rt. Worshipful Bro. Mac Ingles was thanked for his attendance by Wor. Bro. Wilfred Shortreed. Following the closing of Lodge a social ho ur a fine social evening. was held, Making and fraternal USE. POST WANT-ADS DIAL 887-6641 Rt. Worshipful Bro. Mac es, Clifford, Ontario, District puty Grand Master, North ron District, made his official it to St. John's Lodge #284 F. &A.M. Brussels, Ontario on tober 14. 1. Worshipful Bro. Ingles was rted and introduced to the ge by Rt. Worshipful Bro. iam Turnbull and Rt. rshipful Bro. Calvin Krauter. e market at Brussels yards last Friday was active all classes of cattle selling nger, STockers were Steady, traded higher. oice Steers - 49.00 to 51.00 sales to 51.40 d Steers - 47.00 to 49.00 wo steers consigned by Hilray of Holyrood averaging lbs, sold for 51.40 with their nng of 10 steers averaging lbs. sold for near the 50.00 1. steer consigned by Jim trong of R.R.4, Wingham, 01411190 lbs. sold for 51.25. II steers consigned by George its of Wroxeter averaging fibs. sold for 50.00. ody•two steers consigned by Adams of Brussels aging 1145 lbs. sold for an all price of 49.85. steer consigned by Gerald of Embro weighing 1140 lbs. for 51.50 with his offering of fancy light-weight steers ging 951 lbs. selling for He was invited by Wor. Bro. Max Watts, master of St. John's Lodge to assume the gavel. He brought best wishes to the Lodge and all attending from the Grand Master. of the Order, then spoke on the aspects of Free Masonry, the man and the community. Rt. Worshipful Bro. Calvin Krauter introduced Past Grand Lodge officers atending and especially Very Worshipful Bro. Choice Heifers - 45.00 to 47.0 t) with sales to 47.70. Good Heifers - 43.00 to 45.00. Two heifers consigned by Bruce Blake of Brussels averaging 850 lbs. sold for 47.70. A heifer consigned -by George. Blake of Brussels weighing 1020 lbs. sold for 47.50 with his 32 heifers averaging 874 lbs. selling for an overall price of 45.90. A heifer consigned, by Nelaway Farms of Brussels weighing 860 lbs. sold ftir 47.7 5. Eight heifers consigned by Robert Blake of Brussels averaging 861 lbs. sold , for 46.60. Choice Cows - 23.0 to 25.00 with sales to 28.75. Good Cows - 20.00 to 23.00. 30 to 40 - lb :pigs sold to a high of 47.90. 40 to 50-lb. pigs sold to a high of 52.75. 50 to 60-1b. pigs sold to a high of 59.50. 60 to 70-1b. pigs sold to a high of 72.75. russets. Stockyard Report WEEKLY SALE BRUSSELS STOCKYARDS LTD. EVERY FRIDAY.. At 12 Noon phone 881•6461 11"M" • BALANCE Y OUR-DIET WITH EXERCISE "To bring to the, attention of the people of Huron County that nutrition is essential to overall good health and vitality and that sound eating habits provide many benefits to all ages, I hereby proclaim November 2 - 8, 1975 as Nutrition Week". PROCLAMATION A. McKinley, Warden, countytif Huron 'THE BRUSSELS 'MM. OCTOBER 29, 1975,6‘•