HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1975-09-24, Page 5For the October 2 d draw, Wintario announces urtimet.the fun ra buck! For Example:* SERIES FIRST PRIZE TICKET NUMBER $100,000. NUMBER ' 1 WINNER OF $100,000. 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 _4 *- 5 35 WINNERS OF 10,000. 2 3 4 5 288 WINNERS OF 600. 3 4 5 2916 WINNERS OF 25. SECOND PRIZE $50,000. NUMBER SERIES TICKET NUMBER . 10 5 4 3 2 1 1 WINNER OF $50,000. 5 4 3 2 1 35 WINNERS OF 1,000. 4 3 2 1 288 WINNERS OF 100. 3 2 1 2916 WINNERS OF 25. THIRD PRIZE $25,000. NUMBER SERIES TICKET NUMBER 15 1 3 5 7 9 1..WINNER OF $25,000, 1 3 5 7 9 35 WINNERS OF $1,000, r. 3 5 • , 7 9 288 WINNERS OF 1 ' 100. 5 I 7 9 ' 2916 WINNERS or -25. FOURTH PRIZE $25,000. NUMBER SERIES TICKET NUMBER 20 2 4 6 8 0 1 WINNER OF - . $26,090,, . 2 4 6 8 0 86 WINNEiSy OF 1,000. 4 6 8 288 WINNERS OF • 100. 6 8 0 4 2916 WINNERS OF 25.,, TotAL 12,060 WINNERS 81477,006 J *based Ott 36 terieg, Tickets on sale now! Four times the fun for a buck! ONIVII0 LC-I-EA? CORPORATION 4° irt-it BRUSSELS POST'S SEfittiVIBER 4 1975 Separate "Big Prize" numbers Starting with the October 2nd . draw, four separate Winning numbers will be drawn instead of one. That means four times the fun and excitement every draw! times as many prizes In addition to the $100,000 top prize, there will be a new $50,000 prize and two new $25,000 prizes and an increase in the smaller cash prizes to over 12,000 per draw.* But tickets stay at just $1. times as many chances to win With four winning numbers being drawn instead of one, every Wintario ticket yob buy Will give you four separate ehances to be a big winner! Be there' See every draw live at 10:30 P.M. or the Global Television Network and selected Northern stations. (Check your lodal T.V. .Share in the fun. Violence commission will Baking.buddies. sit in. Win Dec. 3 S : .ople as toil' will and a in out iven by th Mrs, Ai% and ,ncknow, ardner of . Arthur and Miss w, a patient ospital, id Mrs, w home ontreal er Miss ham and staying r•in law 'octet:. trend at d Mrs, Pearl ts. Larry Karen r. and Clinton gins of f this 'd the tratford ear Dr. was Festival s choir ok and Rath id from hrough Ontario, at Mrs, tent in tai. mpbell, nne of mother last r, and nded a Huron ibberd arren p was from (tal on of rsdaY Hat ranbrook Correspondent Mrs. Mac Engel The date of Knox Church niversary has been set for tober 19th at eleven a.m, with. Rev, Wallace Murray of tchell the guest minist er. Mr, and Mrs. yv ,G. Ell iott oyed a holiday in Stanstead, bec and Ottawa the past k. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dobie d Susan, Auburn stayed at the ion home with Laurie. ls,Irs, Stuart McNair visited lb Mrs. Orlie Shaw in Mount est on the weekend. Mr. Carman Fischer, Rexdale, ent the weekend with his cuts, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley cher, Work has started on the dation for the new house ng erected by Don Cotton east the former school property. e wet weather is delaying the rk, 4-H Meets The first meeting of the anbrook 4-H Club was 'held on ptember 13 a t 1:30 p.m. at the me of Mrs. Clare Veitch. The I call was answered by eight tubers. The election of officers held. esident - Bernice Van ikersgoed; Vice-President - elville to ollect lour bags Tracy Engel; Secretary - Rotating; Treasurer Lynn Cameron; Press Reporter - Sharon Engel. The club's name will be decided at the next meeting. All meetings will be at Mrs. Veitch's on Saturday afternoon. The books are going to have pale blue covers with„l)laak lettering. Mrs. Veitch discussed "What goes into a loaf of bread-. Arlene Strickler discussed requirements for club members, working methods and Special project s for senior members. The girls made "Free4er Whole Wheat Bread" and then froze it for the next meeting. They closed the meeting with the 4-H motto. Baking Buddies The second meeting of the Cranbrook Baking Buddies was held on September 20 at Mrs. Veitch's. The meeting was opened with the 4-H pledge. All nine members answered the roll call. Lynn read the minute s of the last • meeting which were approved as read. The next meeting will be held September 27. Mrs. Veitch discussed the rising of bread and Arlene discussed "baking of bread" and the storage of baked bread and rolls. The group' asted the freezer whole wheat bread .made at the last meeting and finished baking at this meeting,,It was very•good. Wingham has been selected as the site of .one of some two dozen public hearings before the Royal Commission on Violence in the .communications Industry, The Commission will sit at the Madill Secondary School auditor- • ium on Wednesday, December 3, commencing at 7:30 in the evening.. The Commission was appointed earlier this year by the Govern- ment of Ontario to study whether people are harmed by the increas- ing exploitation of violence in movies, television, theatre, books newspapers, periodicals, comics, records and other methods of communications. Members of the Commission are: . The Hon. Judy LaMarch, P.C., Q.C.., LL.D., teacher, law- yer, broadcaster, former federal cabinet minister, who. chairs the Commission; His Honour Judge Lucien Beaulieu, a professional social worker, lawyer; legal aid director, crown attorney and now judge of the family division of provincial court; Scott Young, newspaper columnist, broad- caster and author of television documentaries, novels, biograph- ies and 'books for children. The Commission will assess. existing research material avail- able in Canada and other coun- tries,. but very important will be the. input through briefs and personal appearances 'before the hearings, Other hearings in this area will be at London, Owen Sound and Kitchener. The commission invited briefs and submissions from groups and individuals—whether the brief is a letter from, a concerned parent or a study by a large group. If you are planning, to write a brief it should be sent to the Commission at least three weeks before the public hearing in Wingham. That would be by November 12, The address is The Royal Commission on Violence in the Communications Industry, 151 Bloor St. W., Room 810, Toronto, Ontario. MSS- 2V5. Only one typewritten copy of a ' brief is necessary, but if you have access to copying equipment, six copies would be preferable. If you wish to address the Commission without a written brief, you are' asked to write to the same address, enclosing a short summary three weeks in advance of the hearing. Whether or not you p lan to submit a brief you arc encouraged to participate by at least attending the hearing. The most important briefs and submissions will be those which back up personal opinion with facts or experiences. For example if you are concerned with the way violence is treated in your news- paper you can send the Commis- sion specific examples of stories that worry you. If you want to report instances of violence in movies or on television you can keep a record of particular movies and programs, where and when they appeared and a small sum- mary of the particular incidents in them on which you wish to comment, (Remeinber that the Commission is, not authorized to study sexual obscenity or porno- graphy.) Every week more and more people disco;ler what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Post Want Ads. Dial Brussels 887-6641. e inlay On Tuesday Sept.' 16th the ild met in the church parlour th Wilma Hemingway presid- g & commencing the meeting h a poem entitled "Let us give auks." After reading Psalms 119 in son, Marguerite Krauter sented the topic on "Patience' chiding with prayer. Wilma \ ightedall present with her fine lection of the West Coast. argaret McCutcheon conducted business portion of the cling. All members and friends were quested to collect Monarch and ity Flour Bags indicating their. ght, The erection of a new sign for exterior of the church was over until a later date. The.committee in charge serv- a delicious lunch. MAITE-SIDE ORCHARDS Now Open for the Season It time to pick your own' Fancy MiseltitoSh Apples oe bill' theta picked. Apples picked to ChtstiSse, mm are Lobo; St. WOlt. Mitt. Mtfiftesh Roney And ; .1b. %Ain* Potatoes and tirlotti other items. Otien 7 days, Noah 0'8181:6 8 For. All Your Plumbing . Needs, Contact:— E. PARKER PLUMBING & HEATING RR 4, BRUSSELS 887-6079 "EVERY HOME NEEDS PARKER PLUMBING"