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(By Evelyn Kennedy)
Miss Beth Dolezal, a friendly,
vivacious 15-yean4ild young lady
from Minneapolis, Minn,
has been a guest in
Brussels on the Lions Club
exchange program. She arrived
here on Saturday 12th and left for
home on Saturday, August 2nd.
Her flight from Minneapolis to
Toronto was her first experience
of air travel and she found it
exciting. On that trip there were
other Lion Exchange students, six
from Minneapolis and four from
Georgia, bound for different
Ontario communities. From
Toronto they were brought to
Atwood where they were met by
Lions from various centres. On
arrival in Atwood they were
treated to a chicken, barbeque
(Kentucky Fried Chicken) -
Lion Ross McCall brought Beth
°Brussels where she was a guest
of the McCalls for five days, then
russels "super nice"
exchange girl says
An 18 year old Brussels area
oung man was killed Thursday
ight when a car collided with the
motorcycle he was riding. Ricky
acker, son of Garry and Betty
acker of R.R,2,--Bluevale was
ding on county road 12 about
vo miles north of Brussels when
e fatal accident occurred.
The driver of the car, Neil G.
yan, 20, of Calgary, was released
n $10,000 bail in court in
oderich Friday on a charge, of
minal negligence in the
peration of a motor vehicle. Two
her charges, impaired driving
ad having more than .08
illigrams of alcohol in the blood,
ere adjourned to August 7,
hen Mr. Ryan will face the
The accident occurred about 10
m. Thursday night.
Ricky Thacker attended
russels Public School and
,E,Madill Secondary School in
inghatn. Along with his
arents, he is survived by a
rather Larry, Brussels, a brother
ad and a sister Cindy, at home.
Jehovah's Witness service was
onducted Monday from the
,L,Watts Funeral Home,
tassels by lay preacher Grant
Man killed
in cycle-car
Planner Hill resigns
TILLSONBURG AT B AT — Tillsonburg and Thamesford were playing the last
inning of their game in the Brussels Mens Invitational Softball Tournament on
Monday. Thamesford eventually beat Tillsonburg, 2-1, Tournament play resumes
next Sunday when the top six teams fight it out. (Photo by Langlois)
County names deputy clerk
russels Post
104th Year - Issue No.33
AUGUST 6, 1975
by Evelyn
Ladies, the football season is
in full swing, three televised
games the first week,preceded by
exhibition games. If your
husband, or boy friend, is a rabid
football fan and you do not have
the same devotion to the game,
you had better cultivate an ab
sorbing interest in it pronto!: If
you do not; you might as well
make yourself scarce when yotir
Man plantS himself hi front of the
and turns off sight and
sound of everything but what
comes from the set, that he may
not miss bile single play Do not
dare to Speak while play is going
on of you may be rudely shitShed.
Thank goodness this faniily are all
football fans,
* * **4
Last Thursday TriethberS of the
visited from Wednesday to
Saturday at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Robert Raymond and
The Raymonds took her to
Wildwood Camp (near St, Marys)
where thirty-seven exchange
students spent some time,
"It was so much fun - meeting
other young people and being
involved .„ In the numerous
activities with them", the visitors
said. They enjoyed water skiing,
hayrides, a dance in St. M arys.
They visited a horse farm and
mink ranch.
The mink ranch did not appeal
much to Beth. "I would never
wear a fur coat, the killing of
animals for their fur is inhuman"
she said. "A visit to Stratford to
see Twelfth Night was impressive
to an admirer of Shakespeare but
trying to explain the language of
Shakespeare to a Japanese
student, who had great difficulty
with the English language, was
After attending Wildwood
Camp, Beth spent the rest of her
Ontario visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Richmond and family. With
them she again visited Stratford
to see Trumpets and Drums.
What she has seen of our
province she has found much the
same as the area in which she
lives. One thing she expected to
see, and did not, was mountains.
"Every pict ure I have seen of
Canada has shown mountains and
I expected to see mountains as
soon as I stepped off the plane".
Her one regret was that she did
not see a single R.C.M.P. she had
wanted to see one on his horse
but nowhere did she set eyes on
One Canadian brought up the
subject of U.S. prejudice in
regard to the Black people of their
Country. Miss Dolzel said they are
fighting that and that she herself
has no such prejudice, and that
Canadians outside the lar ger
cities have little or no contact with,
black people and so do not
understand the problems. She
hoped if they. were ever in
Brussels they would be as
welcome as she had been.
Beth, an intelligent lady, is a
sports fan, not a competitor, and
likes music. Many friends of her
age have a very real interest in
politics, and are concerned as she
is about affairs in their country.
They are active at election time,
telephoning urging people to
vote, distributing leaflets. Some
also work in support of
Asked if she had thoughts of
(Continued on Page 12)
' At the first evening session of
Huron County Council in many
years, members last Thursday
evening agreed to appoint
William R. Alcock of Goderich as
Deputy Clerk Treasurer, effective
September 3.
Mr. Alcock and his wife
attended the session and were
greeted by council members.
Salary for Mr. Alcock will be
$19,000 per annum with salary to
be adjusted to $20,000 per annum
effective January 1, 1976. He is
presently with A.M.Harper's
chartered accounting form in
Council also accepted, with
much regret, the resignation of
county planner Nick Hill effective
September 30. Mr. Hill will be
returning to school this fall and
will write exams in the spring for
a degree in architecture.
Mr. Hill's hard work in the
planning department was noted
by council. In answer to Reeve
Gerry Ginn's question concerning
whether or not it was partly a
question of money that Mr. Hill
was leaving the county employ' ,
Planing Director Gary Davidson
explained that Mn Hill was
"anxious to get back into
Planning Board Chairman Jack
L. McCutcheon said that a
replacement for Mr. Hill will be
sought, having a minimum of two
years' experience in rural
planning: The salary range is to
be $15,000 to $17,000 per annum.
Mr, McCutcheon noted that
was higher than the salary paid to
the previous planner, but
reminded council that when they
adve rtised earlier in the year for
a planner; there were "none with
the qualifications we asked for, at
the price we were prepared to
W.I. Morley Was appointed as
Executive Committee
representative on the Historic Jail
Board after chairman Rob in
LaWrie of Blyth found he could
not attend the Meetings dire to a
lack of &rte.
Council agreed to concur With
two` resolutions - One _from' the
Association of
was purchasing property for the
new bridge several years ago,
were forced to purchase the entire
holdings of Mr Verne Gledhill
which contained more land than
was required for the road
allowance," explained Road
Chairman Ralph McNichol.
The land, it is understood, will
be part of expansion plans for
Benmiller Estates Corporation
and a swimming pool is expected
to be constructed on it in
conjunction with the premises
(formerly the Pfrimmer Mill) now
undergoing renovation.
Council also agreed to sell a
parcel of land (2.5 acres) near,
Kirkton to Ontario Hydro for the
$1. Ontario Hydro will build a
new distribution station there, in
order to provide Hydro electric
power to a new plant located on
County Road 6 just west of
"It was the deCision of the
committee at that time, after
consultation with the Township of
Usborne, that this surplus parcel
of land was of very little use to the
(Continued on Page 9)
Huron County Library Board
made an inspection visit to the
Brussels Library. How fortunate
that the people of this community
have a good library. There is a
variety of books on Varied
subjects aS well as fiction and also
children's books. Something to
suit the taste, and requirements.
of every one. ;With the exchange
Of books, at intervals, from the
Huron County Library Board,
there is' always new reading
material' available. A number of
people make use of our library but
Many more could avail
theMselves of its facilities. The
librarian is always ready to be
helpful in the selection of books or
to try to get any book you want:
that is not on the Shelves, if it is
Ontario objecting to the rate
increases for Ontario Hydro, and
one from the County of Hastings
opposing the increase in the price
of oil and gasoline.
The Execqtive Committee has
arranged a meeting with the
municipalities in Huron where
public housing exists, is presently
under construction or being
considered, to discuss a
county-wide housing authority.
That meeting is set for
Wednesday, August 13 in the
Board Room of the County
Administration Building in
Goderich. Several members of
council insisted that the meeting
would be of interest to all
municipalities since public
housing may one day affect all of
Council gave permission for a
quarter acre of surplus land at
Benmiller to be sold to Benmiller
Estates Corporation at a cost of
$500. The land was originally
purchased from Verne Gledhill to
allOw construction of the new
county bridge in the village.
"When the County of Huron
ISITOR FROM MINNEAPOLIS, — Beth DolezaL )411t othenge visitor from Minneapolis left.
SOW* after toetioing- two weeks, in Brussels and
a rea . With Mr., and Mrs, ROSS' 'M dally Mr, and
,.5bli Raymond and Mr, and IChtittitt,
Mit,L Bob
(Photo by•Lengiols)-
Short Shots