HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1975-07-16, Page 1215. Property for Rent WANTED Canada's leading Manufacture and Distributor is seeking a choice res dential site to display their new 1975 above ground redwood pool. Your backyard is the prime location we will consider. An excellent opportunity for you the home • owner call collect 681-3800 days or evenings. 15-834 17. Wanted to Rent BARN for storage, also workable land for '76 season. Phone 595-8494. 17-84-2 19. Notices WEBERS SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE Modern equipment used. We pump septic tanks, pigerys, lagoons, etc. Phone 887-6700, Brussels. 19-83-tf SERVICE We twill pick up all Dead and Disabled Cows and Horses and Stocker Cattle, i d all 'small animals for A service charge. We have three trucks to service you 24 hours 7 days a week. Phone Collect 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies Lic. 399-C73 I 9-83-tf Grocery Bakery Free Delivery Phone 887-9226 McCutcheon Grocery Phone 887-9445 We Deliver Weston's GRANNY TARTS, doz. 1.19 Schneiders Frozen -- 1-1b. pkg. MINI-SIZZLERS SAUSAGE 990 Kellogg's FROSTED FLAKES . 18-oz. 990 CARROTS 2 lb. bag 43 STEPHENSON7S' Assorted StiniMitt ICE, CREAM I.-/q gallons 140'9 Zip Top — 24' s CAVALIER CANNED POP . " " 2.99 Alymer — 14-oz. CREAM CORN • . „ , . 2 for 690 ROBERTSON JAMS „ „ 12-Oz. 59,,.. CLASSIFIED MEM nal le 20. Auction Sales with 2 stairs. Cupboards, 2 baths, good floors and like new roof and furnace. Also on property is a 18 x 45 store or office situated on No. 4 Highway between post office and arena in Belgrave. Property will be offered for sale at 3 p.m. subject to a reserve bid. Terms on Property - 10% down balance in 30 days. Terms on Household Items - Cash For property information Phone 357-1628. Mrs. Jim Thompson will sell household items after Coulter Sale. BRIAN RINTOUL Auctioneer 20-85-1 EVENING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery will be held for ALEX H. .NETHERY, Lot 13, Con. 3, Morris Township, 1 block north and 3 miles east of Belgrave or 2 blocks north and 3 Miles west of Brussels on THURSDAY, JULY 24 At 6:30 P.M. David Brown 990 tractor with loader and 1200 hrs; John Deere A.R.tractor; 10 ft. Owatona swather model 29; New Holland No. 68 baler; Turnco 240 bu. grain bin; Case 77 combine pull type with air cooled motor; Case 75 combine for parts; Massey Ferguson 7 ft. mower; International side rake; Massey f&rguson 95 bu irignure ,snpreatler; International 4 furrow A bottom plow; 3 pt. H. John Deere 11 ft. cultivator; International 32 plate disc.; Bale stooker; 2 Wagons with racks; 1948 Ford truck (as is) ; Numerous small items. Terms Cash - Farm Sold Note time of sale 6:30 P.M. BRIAN RINTOUL Auctioneer 20-85-2 21. Tenders Wanted 21. Tenders Wanted County of Huron Huronview Tenders Sub-trade prices will be received by the , undersigned until 12 o'clock noon, JULY 29, 1975 for the work of kitchen alterations (carpentry) mechanical and electrical) at Huronview, Clinton. Plans' and specifications are available from the undersigned. The lowest or any tender shall not . necessarily be accepted. C. A. ARCHIBALD ADMINISTRATOR HURONVIEW. Clinton, Ontario 21-85-1 22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARGARET ELIZA PARISH ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of Margaret Eliza Parish late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 6th day of August, 1974, are hereby notified to send full particulars of the claims to the undersigned, solicitors for the Administrators with will annexed on or' before the 21st day of August 1975, after which date the estate shall be distributed having regard only to the claims of which 21.- Tenders Wanted Iroquois Village O.H. 1 _Kemptville O.H. 1 Leamington O.H. 6 Lindsay O.H. 9, Little Current O.H. 1 ,London O.H. 28 March Township 0.14,1 (Kanata) Merrickville O.H. 1 Moonbeam 0.H. 1 Mount Forest O.H. 2 Nepean O.H. 2 - Orillia O.H. 8 Ottawa OM. 55 Ottawa O.H. 58 Westport 0,H. 1 Windsor OM. 23 — 22. Legal Notices the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Listowel this 26th day of June 1975. BENSON & CARTER Barristers and Solicitors 140 Barber Avenue South, Listowel, Ontario, N4W 3H2 Solicitors for the Administrators with Will Annexed. 22-83-3 24. Cards of Thanks I wish to thank all who were so kind to me while I was in St. Joseph's Hospital and since coming home. For flowers, gifts, letters, cards, visitors, Rebekah . Lodge, Pres. Guild and to Doreen and Kitty Rutledge, Kathy McFarter and Fran Golley who dame to my assistance when I fell.— Jean Higgins 24-85x1 We wish to express our sincere thanks and, appreciation to our relatives, friends and neighbours, for the lovely cards and gifts we received on our Fortieth Wedding Anniversary. Special thanks to our family and the Afternoon Unit of the United Church that made it all pdssible. — Norman and Retta Hoover. 24-85x1 The family of the late Henry Armstrong wishes to express sincere appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness, floral tributes, cards, donations to the Ontario Heart Foundation and for all the baking sent to the house. Special thanks to the pallbearers, Tasker Funeral Home, Rev. Wittick and to all who helped in any way. Also thanks to Dr. Street and the staff at the Clinton Hospital for their kindeness and care and to all who provided transportation to Clinton for me. — Annie Armstrong and Family 24-85-1 24. Cards of Tha' Our sincere thanks and appreciation we wish to extend to our friends, neighbours and relatives who were so kind to us on the occasion of our Twenty-Fifth Wedding Anniversary. Your kindness will always be remembered. — joe and Bev. Smith. 24-85x1" 26. Personal Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kampersc Toronto and Mr. and Mrs, Cad' Hemingway, Brussels, jointl), announce the forthcoming marriage of Mary Elaine and William Ray on August 9th, 1975 in St. John's United Church, Agincourt. 26.854' Morris (Continued from Page 1) the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act and a program for expenditure was adopted. The report on Russell "A" drain will be considered on Aug, 5, 1975 at 8:30 p.m. Road accounts paid were $65,776.43 and General Accounts of 8,996.88 for a total of $* 74,773.31. Morris Council will meet again August 5, 1975 at 7 p.m. Phone rates (Continued from Page 1) two-party line phone. The service charge for the installation of new phones increases from $11 to $12.50 while last 'year the MTS requested an increase to $16.50 To install an extension phone it will cost $10.50 and a new business phone $20.50. Color costs and now residents will pay $10.65 for a colored phone, an increase from $9.70. There have also been increases in equipment and services. Owners of princess phones will pay ten cents more per month for this style phone. 1.1)TICE: There will he nu more public switriMing on Ian McDonald's farm - the privilege has been abused once too often. All permissions' previously given are revoked. - 19.85-1 SPRING CLEANING TIME Turn your olc1 furniture and household effects into cash. Wr will either buy or sell it or you. From smallest item to the largIst 'estate. Phone KNAPP'S FURNITURE • AND AUCTION ROOM 482-1336 19-83-tf 20. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of village property and household effects will be held for CHARLES R. COULTES in the Belgrave Arena SATURDAY, JULY 26th at 12:30 P.M. • CONTENTS - Chesterfield with chair; small tables; rug; round mirror; lamps; picture frames; day bed; clock;- vases; rockers; magazine rack; radio; dining table; buffet; chairs; writing desk; Peter W. Scott safe; chrome table and chairs; washing machine; Frigidaire dryer; Westinghouse fridge; Frigidaire stove, 23 cu, ft. freezer; pop cooler; Beatty .ironer; antique cupboard; stool;vacuum cleaner; Moffat stove; Wardrobe; dressers; spobl bed; iron bed; bedding; trunk; Mats; electrical appliances; antique dishes; cooking utensils; jars; flower pots ; numerous ,articles. PitOPEPTY has 5 bedroom home 12'.--THE BRUSSELS POST Bayfield 0.H.1 Belle River O.H. I Black River O.H. 4 Blenheim O.H. 1 Bradford O.H. 1 Brussels O.H. 1 Burks Falls O.H. 3 Chelmsford O.H. 1 Slinton O.H. 2 Cornwall O.H. 7 Edwardsburg O.H. 1 Forest O.H. 1 Gananoque 0.H. 1 Georgina Township 0.H. 2 Hamilton O.H, 38 Heast O.H. 2 16; 1975 MINISTRY OF HOUSING 0 Ontario Housing Corporation Supply, installation and maintenance of approximately 85 new coin operated washers and approximately 85 new coin operated dryers for: Reference No. P.C. 95/75 Tenders will be received for the above until 12:00 noon E.D.S.T. August 5 4 1975 by the Ontario Housing Corporation, 101 Bloor Street. West, Toronto ; Ontario, M5S 1P8, c/o the Chief Purchasing Officer, 1 ith floor, from whom details and specifications may be obtained Or telephone 965-9749, quoting reference tiunibet as above, Proponents May bid on one project ; a group of projects or all, projects. The lowest Or any tender not necessarily accepted. AN AGENCY OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 21-85-1