HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1975-07-09, Page 8Lent's Restaurant will Re-Open for Business Tuesday, July IS Sugar and Spice by Bill Smiley Many people have a peculiar idea of "progress". They confuse it with change or growth for their own sakes. All too often, these things represent regress, rather than progress. I try not to be bitter, but I have a perfect example of that kind of "progress" right outside my front door. When we moved to this house, it was on a quiet, residential street, a leafy tunnel of voluptuous maples and stately oaks, with a green boulevard on each side of the street‘ It was gentle and pleasant and safe for children. The town council ; in the name of progress, tore out the boulevard, cut down some trees, and widened the street. Results? We now have a speedway out front, and you can scarcely risk crossing the street to the mailbox. The squeal of tires makes the nights hideous, as the punks try to proclaim their dubious manhood. The remaining trees are dying because their natural environment has been disturbed and because they get a heavy dose of sprayed salt from the snowplow each winter. ' Much beauty lost, and the only ugly things on the street, dead cedar poles for telephone and hydro, left standing in their nakedness. Just to complete the picture, there has been a "development", which is synonymous with progress in many small minds, at the end of our street. What was once glorious bushland is now an asphalt wasteland inhabited by supermarkets, a gaggle of gas stations, and the inevitable hamburger joints and milk stores. Because of the "development" and its accompanying "progress", traffic on our street has quintupled about five times, with the accompanying multiplication of stink and noise. Tough hick, says you. Right, says I. But this is not just a private beef. I've seen this sort of thing happen so often on handsome old streets in pleasant small towns that it makes me sick. First move of the progress-happy morons is usually to cut down the trees,some of them 70 years old, so that they can widen the road. Grace and shade and dignity are sacrificed to the number one god. of North America - the car. In the cities, the same process holds. Potential parklands are turned into instant, parking lots. Thruways slaughter miles of greenery. Ranking high among the villains are the "developers". In more enlightened cultures, they would be called ecological rapists. They take a section of beautiful bushland, fertile farmland, or lush fruitland. They send in their bulldozers to ensure that the property will look like no-man's land. They then carve it into 50-foot lots and. jam in the jerry-bt.ilt houses, cheek by jowl, give the whole thing a fadcy name, spend a fortune on advertising, and flog the swollen-priced abortions, to poor suckers who are so desperate fOr aihopse of their own they shoulder a mortgage they can never possibly get out from tinder. This, when Canada has more land that is useless for anything else but building than it can ever use,That is "progress.' Oh, "progress" has many faces, and many sounds, and not a few smells. Far below the roar of the over-sized, over-priced cars burning up precious energy as they whoosh down the super highways may be heard the whimper of starving children. Behind the smiling face and honeyed words of the Public Relations Department can be seen something not unlike a mountain range - huge, ever-growing piles of non-returnable bottles, rusting cans, and indestructible plastic garbage. And the stinks! "Progress" will take a cool, clean, sweet trout stream and poison it with chemicals and detergents and other toxic elements, because "We need the industry." And the big, belching smokestacks go right on belching their nauseous gases from their rotten stomachs, laughing hilariously when the government slaps them on the wrist with a stagger ing $25 fine. "Progress" hoists, again and again, the taxes on booze, because governments would fall without that revenue, and sets up a cheap and panty- waist program barely hinting at the evils of drink. "Progress" produces bigger cars that go faster and burn more fuel on bigger highways, the vehicles propelled, in many cases, by drivers who couldn't handle a crisis in a kiddie-car race. "Progress" taxes everything but the living breath of the working stiff, but encourages the plumpies with the expense accounts and the credit cards to go out and live it up and lie and cheat on their taxes. Medical "progress" means turning a great number of adult neurotics into drug addicts by socking the pills to them, and with the other hand giving a stiff-arm in the face to the dirty, sick, frightened kids of the drug age. A pretty dim view of progress? It is, as many people look on the word. But surely there are enough of us left who believe in the real meaning of the world - moral, social and intellectual progress- to try to do something about the spreading sickness Same time next Sunday, please. In the meantime, on guard against the "progress" people. Cranbrook B.C. family visits area Robinson, and daug. hter, Kitchener, visited friends and relatives in this area on Iiday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirkpatrick, Mr. and Mts. Wm. Muchan, London, visited with Mrs. Glenn. Sr. and sons Keith and Bruce, Iluether and Mr.s Mac Engel on London, visited on Sunday with. Monday. Mr. and MrS. Gordon Mitchell and family , Thorold, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Howatd Mitchell. Mt, and Mrs.Earl Dunn attended the funeral of Mrs. Bertha Black in London on Wednesday and visited later with Mr, and Mrs. Bill Muchan, Mrs. Cecil Robinson, Kelowna,. B.C., her Son Kerry and Mrs. The settlement of Ttikoyakttik on the Arctic coast near the Mackenzie River Delta, Northwest Territories, is the only nertiletli Canadian seaport at the mouth of a major river. BRUSSELS POST', JULY 9 0 1975 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dunn. Mrs. Calvin. Cameron visited friends in Galt and Brantford the past week. M rs. Howard Williams, San Francisco, spent a few days with Mrs. Cameron. • Correspodnent Mrs. Mac Engel Iwo are 0.0 Th en istri esig em ovi unc him finis co !mm Th tier eel mist once en i gge ould Business Directory ,........,. BsiyAttiLEs & SERVICE 523-9640 . & RADIO TV (Electrohome) ' ',' L'''' ' I`, ,...„...;.....,,,,,, '.; Bray Chiropractic Office 197 Josephine Street Wingham, Ontario Phone 357-1224 Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Watch and Jewellery Repairs — We Sell and Service BU LOVA — ACCUTRON — WATCHES 3 Stores — SE4FORTH CLINTON — WALKERTON J.E. LONGSTAFF - OPTOMETRIST - CLINTON SEA.FORTH By Appointment [Monday Only! 527-1240 482-7010 a SIAFINTII ILICTIONICS SALES & SERVICE • TV • RADIO • HI-FI • STEREO 144027-115O ! 17 SPARLING STREET `,I-: 11 1 )R 1 II BRUSSELS TRANSPORT Livestock Trucking and Shipping Service Local and Long Distance Phone 887-6122 (Evenings) George Jutzi, Brussels Sta-Rite Dairy Systems COMPLETE LINE OF DAIRY SYSTEMS. Brussels Guelph 887-9426 — 824.1330 • BELGRAVE CO-OP For Feed & Fertilizer Petroleum Products Hardware and Appliances Universal Milker Equipment and Cleaners, BRUSSELS WINGHAM 887-6453 357-271 1 ------- McGavin r We spe Ctalize s Farm in a Complete Equ ip meant Line of FARM EQUIPMENT Sales and Service Brussels Seaforth 887-6365 Walton 527.0245 JIM CARDIFF REAL ESTATE BROKER —, GENERAL INSURANCE Agent for Howick Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance FIRE — AUTO ,-- LIABILITY Phones: Office 887-6100 Residence 804164 _..,....,