HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1975-06-18, Page 151. iVerit$ • Friends and relatives are welr omed to Open House, Sunday, one 22, 2 to 4:30 at the home of r. and Mrs. Gordon Grant on he occasion of their Golden edding Anniversary. 118' Mill treet, Brussels, Ont. 1-8Ix/ friends and relatives, • we extend an invitation to come to our 50th Anniversary Party in the Ima Memorial Community' Centre, Atwood, Friday, June 27 t 8 p.m. Entertainment 8:15. ancing 9:30. No gifts please. est wishes only. Stan and Margaret Speiran. 1.81-1 7. Situations Wanted Hire a Student Any Job Any Size Cali 291-2922 7-81-1. 11. Articles for Sale STRAWBERRIES - pick your own by appointment only. Mrs. Gilbert Hetherington. 887-6817. 11-81-1 NEW Idea Roll Rar side take in excellent condition, phone 887- 9418. 11-81x2 UNIT STEP, the easy way to buy better concrete steps. No waiting for concrete to set. Many sizes And styles in stock. Enchance the beauty and value of your home With precast steel reinforced concrete Unit Steps, Our installa- tion crews work quickly and cleanly. Call Prank Kling Ltd., phone 5274320, Seaforth. 11.78-6 SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE, Leading Manufacturer and distributor- has above ground poOls4 left OVer from 1074 season, VI pike,- guaranteed installation and teritts. Call tredit Manager collect, ,r Londoh. 514-6131.3805, day's' dr eVetiinkSi. 11494 AMER $0311:0*, Re quires' SEASON WORKE S TO HELP PROCESS DELICIOUS AYLMER & DEL MONTE VEGETABLES • Day and night shifts • Light and heavy labor `No Previous Experience Necessary Register in person at Canadian Canners Limited "M EM StUitaste 210 Wellington St. W.' EXETER, ONTARIO or at your local CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE 4812 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies Lie. 399-C73 19 79-tf 1 . and Disabled Cows and Horses and Stocker Cattle and all small animals for . a small service charge. We have three trucks to service you 24 hours 7 days a week. Phone Collect 1 , We will pick up all Dead SERVICE 5. Property for Rent , WANTED Canada's leading Manufacture and Distributor is seeking a choice residential site to display their new 1975 above ground redwood pool: Your backyard is the prime location we will consider. An excellent opportunity for you the home owner call collect 681-3800 days or evenings. 115.794 19. Notices ROME Improvements and Renovations. Wood windows, screens, frames, (any size). Free Estimates. O. (Gord) Connally. Phone 887-6112. ' 19-80x3 7 WEBERS SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE , Modern equipment used. We pump septic tanks, pigerys, lagoons, etc. Phone 887-6700, Brussels. 19.794 emember I This Is Hire A Student Week Phone 291-2922 19-81-1 SPRING CLEANING TIME Turn your old furniture and household effects into cash. • We will either buy or sell it for you. From smallest item to the largest estate. Phone KNAPP'S FURNITURE AND AUCTION Room 482.1336 19.794 4. Belpi Wanted. 4. BelP Wanted F E 1111111 MR OM old de e said oz his ay at look$ and it ;visiot Box 789 Phone 527-0050 Seaforth, Ontario. Good Times Travel SCOTTISH WORLD FESTIVAL Canadian National Exhibition Sunday, August 17th Admission, Transportation evening Grandstand Show $17.00 per person Good Times Tours 1-79-tf READ and USE POST CLASSIFIED DIAL 887-6641 11. Articles for Sile KITTENS Free to a good home. 887-6838. 11.81-1 COPIES Copies of your important papers .or documents while y on wait. Letter size, 25c each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth 11 -79xtf RID-O-RAY Electronic Fly and Insect Killers, also P.T.O. alternators for stand-by electrical power. Glenn Schwartzentruber, 357-2608.E 11-80.3 ADDING machine rolls, typewriter ribbons for most machines. The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth; 11-794 SWIMMING pool repossessed, excellent condition, leading manufacturer willing to sacrifice at half price. Call collect 416-536- 9278. 11.794 CEDAR fence posts. Contact Don Miller, RR 1, Ethel, Ontario, 887-9290. ;11-704 DELUXE, redwood, above ground pools (2) 16 x 24; 16 x 32 Complete. One year old. Repossessed by bank Sacrifice,. half price, Call Mr. lathes '519-681-3804. 1180-tf GESTETNER ink available at The ituren Expositor, 521-0240., Seafortb., 1 1140xtf 1Z. Wanted to Buy SETS a pressed back chairs, wicker furniture, sealers, what • have you. Phone 345.41298. 12-86E6 13 Wanted MANUPACTIIRER8 Rep would like attractive site for display of new above' ground pool. Call Collect 416:5364278., ',13-/9-tf THE BRUSSELS 0081", JUNE 16, 19 Classified Rates WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20'wordi $1.25, 5c per word • thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS No copy changes, 3c per word, minimum .75c. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION $1:40 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.26 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch*.) BOX NUMBERS to this office -- 500 per insertion, BIRTHS - 20 words $1.25, 5 c per word thereafter MARRIAGES , Engagements, Death Notices - 20 20words $1.25, each additional word 50. IN MEMORIAMS $1.25 plus 10c per line of verse COMING EVENTS v - words $1.25, each additional word 5c, Three insertioris for the of 2, CARD OF 'THANKS pride 30 Words $1.25, each additional word 2t per word, 2Se DISCOUNT POR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE TUESDAY OF WEEK FOLLOWING FINAL INSERTION adline tot tlattilfleti tid$ is kW- PAC Monday cancellation Df rifitlltipie thaettlOtt advorlitettellta afterAO611., IVIOhda* Phone 887.6641 v and flower ungest attired,: ,,styled!' senior: the glassy, an evale, s the'. were: alkot sin of ray of: of the omels zedos', t and, blue while Z. Coming Events All Star Tours Wheeling, West Virginia, • Jiie, 13 - 15 .-... . $50 per person Cathedral of Tomorrow, Akron, Ohio,June 6-8 '$59 per person SENIOR CITIZEN TOURS Eastern Canada Polar Bear Tour Western Canada Smokey Mountains SUMMER TOURS Ontario, Eastern Canada, Western Canada, Newfoundland, Alaska. Quebec and many more. More Inforniation' and New Brochures on Request GOOD TIMES TRAVEL 527.0050 ' Seaforth 1- i9-tf 2. Lost, Strayed MINIATURE TOY French Poodle , white with brown eyes. Answers to "Susie". Please call 887-9438. 2-81-1 CiasOfied an Pa 16