HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1975-06-18, Page 1THE WALLS ARE GOING UP — Senior Citizens in Brussels and area must be quite
happy to see the progress on the building, of the new Senior. Citizens Apartments. in
the village. Work is progressing quickly in the fine,,spring weather and the. Ontario
Housing Corporation units may be ready for occupancy in the fall.
(Photo by Langlois).
LAVINGL.A WREATH Many truttal6 OrgatiliatitifiltObk, pati thth'Inaniortat
dedOratibh daY,SerVide—aet taftiateia bettteterroh Sunday. Above' Mrs. Jack thynna
Via . a' Wreath tJh .b'ehalf tof the Morningitar Aebekaha 'Eft titeele:
(Photo by Lan gibia)'
On Sunday, June 15th the Rev.
ed Carson of St. John's Angli-
n Church presented pins and
rs to the children of St. John's
nday School. These pins are
perfect attendance for the year
Those receiving pins and bars
Marlene Pennington - 5th yeat
; Louis Alcocic - 5th year bar;
McCutcheon - 4th year bar;
arleen Stephenson - 3rd year
r; Jeffery Alcock - 2nd year
r; Corrinna Stephenson 1st
ar pin and bar. -
Francis, Michelle, Erika and
ed Stagen were unable to
end to receive their first year
The IOOF and Royal Canadian
Communion services followed Legion held their joint annual
epresentation of pins and bars. church service and decoration
104th Year - Issue No. 26
FOr decoration day
Legion, 100F lead march
to Brussels cemetery
The' last vestige of C.N.R.
passenger service disappeared
from its long-time location in our
village on 'Friday.
The old station, which had been
pureh'ased by the Brussels Lawn.
Bowlers and partially dismantled,
was moved to its new location at
their greens to be used as 'a club
Many residents will recall when
CN station
gone for good
'The Brussels Lions Club made
plans for further work at the Lions
Park and for attending Centennial
parades in Listowel and Clinton at
Those participating in the
1.0.0.F. ceremonies were Bob
Fraser, Noble Grand;Ross Nichol.
Chaplain and. Ray Adams who
read names of deceased mem-
bers; Mrs. Leona Connelly, Noble
Grand of Morning Star Lodge and
Mrs, Sarah' Stephenson.
The Legion servic e was in
charge of Padre,LeDrew with the
president, Tom Garniss, reading
the names of deceased comrades.
In spite of the 'windy day a'
number of people gathered at the
cemetery for the service,
:Vandals are at it again. The
in in the ladies' public
shroom was ripped from the -
II and pipes bent sometime
r the weekend. It is
heartening to provide public
lilies for the use of people and
e them frequently damaged or
Toyed by inconsiderate .and
active persons. if this sort of
g continues the washrooms
y have to be closed. It is
°Mtate that others who
reciate such convenience, May
o to be denied them becatise
he few who are responsible for
damage which proVes costly
his is Senior Citizens Week'as
Jared by the Village of
sstl. Our Senior Citizens
p need no prodding to get
nt moving. They are a lively g concern engaged in a
ely of activities participated in
many senior citizens of
skis and area with a great
1 of enjoyment. It would be
However, if all the young" pie would, ;his week at least,
e a special effort to improve
thoicaticitis with all senior
ens they are in contact '
'Even a friendly "hello" to
they meet on the street d help,
Do tot forget the Optimist
Country Auction Sale at the Sels Ball Park on "Saturday at 'clock. You might be abld
uf) that special something
you have been looking for at. a
bargain price.
Tuesday, June 24th is the day
to take your cats and dogs to the
Free Rabies Clinic at the Brussels
'Fite Hall, two to eight P.M.
Protect y our pets! See that they
get their rabies shots on' Tuesday.
The high winds and heavy rain
on Sunday did no serious damage
in Brussels as in some other
communities. Small branches and
clusters of twigs and leaves were
whirled and tossed through the
air and littered the ground *here
they finally came to rest. Flowers
in bloom were battered leaving
them bedraggled. The way the
tall maples in our village were
tossed and bent by the fierceness
of the wind made one fear that
one Would come crashing doWn.
The Women front the United
Church Evening Unit entertained
on Monday; June 2nd at
Huronview in the afternoon, That
'evening they did two shows; one
upstairs and one downstairs; for
the residents at Callander
Nursing Hoine.
The residents enjoyed the two
dance numbers a doctor/patient
skit and Selections by the ladies
Those participating WeretAhha
Watson; Sarah Stephenson+ Barb
MeCtitaiteett i 1eleti Wheeler,
Rene kiclittiotid; Ruth Htipfet,
arid Nelva Scott.
Brussels had four passenger
trains daily. This was cut to two
trains a day, for 'a time mixed
trains which made for a long,
slow, tiresome journey with stops
at practically 'every station, on the
Later there ,was' good rail liner
service direct from Kincardine to
Toronto and back. Then,, despite
(Continued on Page 16)
their meeting June 9. Donations
of $100 each were - made to the
Wildwood Park for Youth
Exchange and to the School for
the Retarded in VVingham. Lion
Wayne Lowe thanked the club for.
its11,600 donation to pay for half
the floodlight repairs at the ball
Lion George Mutter installed
the following slate of officers for
1975-76 - Past President Ross
McCall; President - Jack
McCutcheon; 1st Vice President-
Bill Beacom; 2nd. Vice President
Jim Johnston; 3rd. Vice
President - Clarence
McCutcheon; Directors - Wayne
Lowe, Gordon Workman, Jack -
Knight, Wallace Bell; Secretary -
Jim Arnistrong; Treasurer - Jim
Prior; Tail Twister - Dave
Hastings; Assistant Tail. Twister -
Wayne Lowe; Lion Tamer - Cec
Moore; Assistant Lion Tamer
Albert TenPas.
Huron B of E
gets guidance
The guidance heads of the five
secondary schools in Huron
County met with the education
committee of the Huron Board of
Education Monday= night to
discuss ,mutual problems.
In beginning the discussion
director of education D. J.
Cochrane said there is sometimes
a misunderstanding or difference
of opinion on what guidance
really is.
Gotd Smith of Central Huron
said, "about 75 per cent of my
time is spent in handing out
information. I see myself as the
stu ,dents' advocate or lawyer
(Continued on Page 16)
service on Sunday.
Western Star Oddfellows,
Morning Star Rebkahs, Royal
Canadian Legion members and
the Ladies of their Auxiliary
attended morning service at the
Brussels United Church with the
Legion Band in attendance. The
service was conducted by
the Legion Padre, Rev. E
LeDrew, minister of the United
In the afternoon they marched
from the mile and a quarter
corner to the Brussels Cemetery
for the Decoration Service at 2:00
t John's
eceive pins
Short Shots.
by Evelyn Kennedy
Lions name officers
for '75 ,plan floats