The Brussels Post, 1975-05-14, Page 23$ 1,000.00 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1,$00.55 $ 5,000.00. ::...:...........:. .•.......$ 7,952:65 $10,000.00 :..........:x.$15,905.28 $20,000.00 VG Insurance Member Canada bepo§it. Corporation ••:$ 00 cre arm SERVICE 'We will pick up. all Dead and Disabled .Cows and Horses and Stocker Cattle' and all small animals for . a small service sharge. We have three trucks to service you 24 hours 7 days a week. Phone Collect 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies Lic. 399-C73 19-70-ff NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the ESTATE OF HENRY GACKSTETTER , • late of Townthip of Grey in the County of Huron, retired farmer, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the underSigned on or before the 28th day of May, 1975, after which . date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. - CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Brussels, Ontario er call collect 681-3800 days . Solicitors for the Executrix venings 15-70-tf 22-75-3 Auction Sales • NTED Canada's Heading nufacture and Distributor is king a choice residential site to lay their new 1975 above and redwood pool. Your kyard is the prime location we consider. An excellent ortunity for you the home 20. Auetion Sales operty for Sale ar Brussels. Soil is a rich dark y loam. Land is level, 75 acres kable with remainder a bush and maples and a few cedars. d-sized barn and two separate 'Idings for implements and ng stock. House is fortable with modern bath attractive layout. Contact WILLIAM M. HART esman * * Seaforth -0870 or 527-1972 .2855 GEORGE R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. Realtor West Lorne , 14,76-3' Don Hamilton eal Estate & Insurance Limited bedroom home, completely modelled. Ready for immediate ssession. Priced to sell. * * * * * * acre farm in Morris wnship. Good barn 54' X 52'. plement shed. Five room house ar paved road. Priced right. * * * * * * edroom insul brick home, odelled kitchen and dining m on a large lot. Priced to sell. ** * * * * mily -sized home on a large lot. ur bedrooms, 2 and 3-piece ths. Hot water heating and a * * * * * ** more information on these ngs and many more in ssels and surrounding areas Contact IVAN CAMPBELL at 887-6672 Representing N HAMILTON REAL and INSURANCE LTD. . 132 Wallace Ave. North Listowel 19. Notices SPRING CLEANING TIME Turn your old furniture and household effectsinto cash, We will either buy or sell •it for' you. From smallest item to the largest estate, Phone KNAPP'S FURNITURE AND AUCTION ROOM 482-1336 19-70-tf WEBERS SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE Modern equipment used. We pump septic tanks, pigerys, • lagoons, etc. Phone 887-.6200, Brussels. • '19-70-tf AUTHORIZED dealer for Filter Queen Vacuums in Huron County.. 44 West Street, -Goderich, Phone 524-9024, Mike Mehta. • 19-75-4 22. Legal Notices -22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the ESTATE OF BERNARD TEN PAS, late of the. Township of Grey in the County of Huron, contractor, deceased. ALL persons baying claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 28th-day of May, 1975, after' whicii date the estate's assets will be, distributed, having regard only to claims that have • then beer received. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix 22-75-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS . In the ESTATE OF ELIZABETH (BESSIE)MOSES, late of Brussels, Ontario, Spinster, deceased. • ALL persons having claims against the above estate• are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of May, 1975, after which date the estate's assets wine distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Brussels, Ont ario Solicitors for the Executor 22-75-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the ESTATE OF DONALD STEWART CURRIE, late of Brussels and Township of Morris, labourer, deceased. „ ALL persons having claims agiinst the above estate are required to send full particulars of Such claims.to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of May, .1975, after which date the estate's assets wilt be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 22-75-3 24. Cards of Thanks We would like to thank• our friends and relatives for the many carcls and calls and especially our neighbors 'for the lovely plant brought 'to our home when our son-in-law passed away so suddenly. Your kindness will always be remembered. — Jennie and Wilbur Turnbull. 24-76x1 The family of the late , George Habkirk wish to express sincere thanks to relatives and friends for their expressions of sympathy during our recent bereavement. -- Helen. Habkirk and Family. .24-76-1 25. In Memoriam McFADDEN, Hazel E. — In loving memory of a dear Wife, Mother' and Grandmother who passed awayMay 18, 1973. A heart of gold stopped beating, Helping hands at rest, God broke our hearts to prove to us He only takes the best. -- Ever remembered by husband Cecil and Family. • 25-76x1 26. Personal Mr. and Mrs. Alec Voison, Varna are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Linda Mary to Kenneth Donald Bird, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ives, R.R.2, Blyth. The wedding will take place June 28th at 4:30 p.m. in Varna United Church. 26-76-1 USE POST WANT-iiAD ,ZIP ELECTRIC ' CONTRACTING Residential, Commercial Industrial ;Brussels, Ont. — Ph. 8878486 WAYNE GRUBE Bluevale • , Su n day assists ,Mr. Wayne Baswick was assisted in the service at the Presbyterian Church by' members of the senior Sunday School class. They were David Golley, Annette Dorsch, DeWayne Golley, Mary Ellen Elston, Cameron Ross and Eric Ross. The Sunday School attended with their teachers. The choirs anthem was "Faith of Our Mothers". Mr. Baswick's sermon was, "More Valuable • Than Gold, Mother, Wife". Mrs. Jack King and Mrs. J.J.Ellioft attended a 90th birthday open house on May 7th for Mrs. Wm. Haney of Wingham. Mr. Wayne Baswick spent a few days in the nospital, returning home on Saturday. Miss Connie Mann and Mr.Bill Taws spent the weekend with Mrs. Ross . Mann., Mother's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'George Fischer, Dayle and Kalvin were Pam Hickey, Grace Jeffray, Mrs. • Lloyd Henning, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cretier and Amy,-Jo, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Henning, Mr. Larry Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Walker, Daryl, Marie, Kathy, Sheila and Kevin. Mrs. Edna Forbeck of Niagara Falls spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Elliott. On Saturday they attended 'the wedding of Patti King and Donald MacDonald in Wingham and the supper and reception at the Legion. CLASSIFIED Reminder eekly Auction of New Furniture- every Friday night .511 .8 :PA._ of .BoO AuCiTont Brussels Ohtiati0 Sale consists • Of new chesterfield, .kitchen and bedroom suites i. stereos, Maple bunk beds, recliners .tOffed and end table. SAW. continental beds in all SiZe8; lamps Of all kinds; lilostOn. rockers; Walnut . corner • cupboards;. sewing machines; dishes;, radios; , silverware; bictureC all email household appliances and. many — more Rettig too numerous to mention,' • - 101\18 OF SALE Cashi Cheque or Budget Plan Plenty of parking and seating with snack bar and ikiwiroomk, Auctioneer A 'Boll Phone 867=61'66 INNIS MIMI IMO 27. Births SMITH Mr. and M.S. Bradley Smith, Brussels are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Jill Christina on May 8, 1975 at Wingham & District Hospital. A Mother's Day gift. 27-76-1 UCIA4as pot luck supper The Evening Unit of the U.C.W. met in the church on Wednesday May 7th. This was our annual Pot Luck Dinner to which all the ladies of the Church were invited. Betty Campbell welcomed all those present. Grace was sung. Everyone enjoyed the sumptuous dinner of various dishes. LArke°McDonald took charge of the meeting, opening with 'a verse on Mothers followed by singing Hymn When Mothers of Salem.• Emily Cousins gave some interesting and humerous facts on Mothers. Larke read the scripture from Proverbs followed by Prayer. Hymn Jlappy the Home when God is There . Betty and Emily favoured us with a duet. Karen Cardiff introduced our guest speaker for the evening Mrs. Marie Bolton .. Mrs. Bolton spoke on Amnesty International, an Organization set up to help those illegally imprisioned. Karen thanked Mrs. Bolton for * her enlightening topic and presented her with a gift of our appreciation. • Barb McCutcheon announced that June 2nd was the date chosen to go ' to Huronview. Anyone wishing to go is to contact her. Birthdays for June and July were given out. June 8th is the date we are to celebrate our Church's 50th Anniversary. A Pot 'Luck Dinner is to be held after Church. The General U.C.W. Meeting is to be held June 20th. It is a visitation meeting. The spoons commemorating. the 50th Anniversary ofour Church are on sale. Anyone wishing to purchase may do so. The meeting closed by repeating the Mipzah Benefiction followed by coffee and tea. Get a Head Start with a 5 year 91/2% Guaranteed Investment Certificate with interest cumulated over 5 years, our Investment Certificates would be worth as foll Amount ' Invested Mrs. Sharon E. Scott o Manager tomagoommomkgb..A..... ,6:.i.,,. ., -T ..".!..w.:$:ft Amwmk.omm „...... .... .... o , . ..,.., THE BRUSSELS POST, MAY14,, 1976 —28 Guaranteed ows: Value At Maturity -G TRUST COMPANY 1889 Stre et, East, Listowel o Ont,