HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1975-05-14, Page 3ShOol „children. present' operetta
Mrs. Ella, Mar'shall, Seaforth,
formerly ofWalton, is a patient in
the Stratford. Hospital, following
surgery. Her many friends wish
her a speedy recovery.
Mrs._ Chas. McGavin is a'
patient in Seaforth Hospital, she
was formerly from the. Walton
Rev. and Mrs. Walter De Moss
with their children, Martha,*
Walter and Matthew of Ghana,
West Africa, visited. Martin, and
Mrs, Baan and family for a few
days last week.
'We regret to hear that Mrs.
Wm. Blake has been a patient in
-the Clinton Public Hospital
Irecovering from a fall when she
injured her knee. We wish her a
speedy recovery.
' Mr, 'and Mrs, John Ranson of
Hamilton were Saturday supper
guests at Mrs. Maud Leeming's
' and they visited • Mrs..
W. J. Leeming at Seaforth.
Hospital and Mrs. Leonard
Leeming at Mitchell, "
Mrs: David Allison and Mrs.
Harry Kestle both of LOmion,
visited Mrs. Walter Broadfoot a
week ago Monday.
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DaVit• • • . „
W. Darcy 'Nftt<eough- Premier` Atthut Mebh.
Minister 'of fieiteritie
•11194 •
Titatliedt" of Ontario
Correspondent • at the unit meetings,
Mrs. Allan McCall After much thought it was
The children of the Walton voted to have the June meeting a
School presented an "operetta" little earlier as a general meeting,
on Wednesday afternoon, May , with . all units to attend, on
7th in the Walton Community Wednesday, May 28th at 8:15
Hall, Wilfred Shortreed was. P.M. The Banners from each unit
chairman of the program. are it0 be brought to this meeting.
The program consisted of Surprise Party
choruses by the Kindergarten A number ,.of friends .and
entitled "The Three Little Pigs" relatives gathered at Family
under the leadership of their Paradise on Saturday evening for
teacher, Mrs. Bursch. Grade. I a surprise party to honotir Mr.
sang "Sing a Song of and Mrs. Nelson MaricVon their
Springtime" led by their teacher, forthcoming 25th wedding
Mrs, Roy Alcock .and Miss anniversary.
Walsh's Grade II class presented • Among those attending... were
"The Golden Goose". This was the maid of honour, Mrs. Howard
followed by Mrs. A. Tall's Grade Hackwell and, the groomsman
111 ,class doing ."The Farmer in Lawrence Marks.
the Dell", accompanied by their Following an evening of
music teacher. - dancing to the music of "Four of a
by all who attended.
Church Happenings.
Mother's Day and Christian
Family Sunday was 'obServed at
Duff's United Church in 'Walton
Sunday morning and Rev. Docken
spoke on the theme "The
strength of family life".
'The Junior Choir attended and
endered two selections, "Happy
is our Mother's Love" and "Dear
Mother, We Love You"
accompanied by -Mrs. Ray
Huether at the piano. The third
selection "Jesus Master" was
accompanied by Rev. Docken on
his guitar.
The offering was received by
Allan Searle, Bruce Clark and'
Mac Sholdice. Mrs. I. Wilbee was
organist for the hymns.
Executive Meeting,,,, ,
The U.C.W. executive met
Wednesday night for their May
meeting. Thirteen members-'
attended the meeting in the
church basement.... •
The President, - Mrs. Neil'
McGavin opened the meeting
with prayer and the purpose of
the United Church Women was
repeated in unison. Mrs. Herb
Traviss read the minutes and
Mrs. Ken McDonald gaVe the
financial report. •
Further plans were made for
the celebration of the 50th'
Anniversary at the Walton Duff's
Church on Sunday, June 8th: A
menu was decided for the 4:
uncheon to follow the morning
service. Anniversary spoons are
available from any of the unit
presidents. Anniversary' church
pins are also ordered:
Mrs. Allan McCall,
corresponding secretary, read
thank-you cards from Mrs. Jean
Broadfoot, Mrs:Marilyn
McDonald, Mrs.Helen 'Craig and.
Mrs. Dave Sholdice.
Flowers are to be put in the
hutch on Sundays in ,May by the
8th and 16th unit, in June-e.
Maillop Unit, 17th and.
Boundary unit - August, Walton
unit in September,
Mrs. McGavin is to be
°Enacted if anyone wished to
order the Upper Room. A bate
as to be packed and sent. to
London MissionS. A delegate *as
sked to attend Westminster
eekend for Women. Mrs.C. 'Vey 11 attend from the Regional, It
was reported that toffee pots
ere missing frOni the church,
tiliboardsJ each presidentis to
noire about their 'thereabouts
MAL 887.6641.
The hall was beautifully kind". Everyone returned to the
decorated for the occasion and the Mark's residence where .5tewart
children delighted the tarde McCall acted as master of
audience with a splendid ceremonies and expressed a few
performance which 'was enjoyed humorous and fitting remarks to
tile couple.
Many lovely gifts were opened
after which Mr. and Mrs. Marks "
both expresSed their thanks. The
evening closed with everyone
being treated to AnriiVersary
Mother's , Day guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie
Stevens were: Mr. and Mrs.
LOndon; Mr. and Mrs. Murray
Crich and family-of Cargill, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ken MeDonald arid
family, R.R.#2, Blyth.
Mr.' and Mrs. Fred Rutledge of
Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs. Horace
Rutledge of London spent a few
days this past weekend with Mrs.
Roy Bennett,
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Achilles
and Debbie and Jim Brunskill of
Fergus spent Saturday at the
home of Rollie and Mrs. Achilles,
Miss Lynne McDonald, nurse-
in-training at Woodstock Hospital
spent the weekend at the home of
her parents, .Mr. and. Mrs. Alvin
Mrs. Margaret Potter, Trenton
spent a few days last week with
IvInand Mrs. Jack Gordon in the
Mother's Day guests with Herb
.and Mrs. Traviss and Gail were:
Mrs. Hilda Sellers, Seaforth; Dr.'
Brian and Mrs. Traviss, 'Alison
and Lesley of Wit erloo; and Mr.
Ken 'Moffett of Stratford.
Miss Karern McEwing of
Ingersoll spent the weekend at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack McEwing.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ennis of
Seaforth were supper guests
Sunday of Mr.' and Mrs. Torrence
Mrs. W. Stutz and Natasha
spent the weekend at the same
Robert Stevens and family, of home.