HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1975-04-30, Page 3HANSEL. AND GRETEL — Hansel and Gretel was Grade 4's contribution to the
Brussels Public School Spring concert Friday night, as part . of Education Week.
From left are two fairies, Janice Adarni and Brenda. Ten Pas, Kevin Wheeler, the
sandman and Shirley Dorsch, a witch. • (Photo by Pat Langlois)
riendship Club invited to CKNX
210 lb. Self Seal 3 in 1:Ashpalt shingles $.1 , el E.
0 All Stock Colours per 100 sq. ft. 1 J.Y sq.
$ 17 25 . sq.
Masonite Pre-Finished White Cottage
Siding $39.95
Sale Ends May 17
Galvanized Metal Roofing all stock
lengths and cut to length
ti4E. BRUSSELS .00St .APOIL 30 iOtt
Bill Hanley is
Huron's new clerk
President Eleanor Hemingway
welcomed members and visitors
to the April meeting of Brussels
Friendship Club. About 60
embers were present.
The 17th annual convention of
e United Senior. Citizens of
ntario was announced for
ugust 19 and 20 in Ottawa.
A telephone call ,from Don
obertson C.K.N.W. invited
.40 Senior Citizens to be the
udience for one of the Circle 8
telecasts.Quite a group expressed
a wish to go and will be notified of
a night to go.
The May meeting will be held
on the afternoon . of Wednesday
May 21 instead of the usual May
28, on , account of another
previously arranged event in
Eleanor Hemingway reported
on the Spring R ally of Zone 1 at
St. Marys on Thursday. The
Brussels Club. will host the Fall
Rally of the same zone in October.
Mrs. J.Van Vliet delighted the
audience with a reading and a
solo accompanied by Mrs.
Mrs. Ida. Gordon presented
information on several bus trips -
one day trips to Edward's
Gardens, O'Keefe Centre,
Toronto City Hall and Casa. Loma.
Three day trips to ,Ottawa in Tulip
Time,Cathedral pf To-morrow,
Akron, Ohio.
The Ottawa trip seemed to be
most popular and a list of
interested people was made.
Business concluded 14 tables
played progressive' euchre with
winners as follows; High lady -
Mrs. J. Yuill; Low Lady - Mrs. C.
Hemingway; High Man - Mrs. M.
Ward (playing as a man); Low
Man - Mrs. S. Baker "(Playing as a
man); Closest wedding
anniversary - -Mr. and Mrs. Mack
13,G.Hanley has • been
appointed Huron County Clerk-
Treasurer, and Administrator,,
effective itnmediately. He
succeeds John. G. Berry who died
recently following a lengthy
Acting Deputy Clerk is Mrs.M
ildred Simpson and Acting
Deputy Treasurer is Mrs. Martina
Mr, Hanly told members of
Huron County Council last
Thursday in Goderich that the
temporary appointments of Mrs.
Simpson and Mrs. Schneiker to
chief county posts will allow time
to "take a look at the overall
The Administrator said that
before his death, Mr Berry had
made some recommendations for
possible changes in the county
administrative staff. Mr. Hanley
felt now is the best time to
consider these recommendations.
"The present system is
probably the best one," Mr.
Hanley said, " but maybe - very
maybe there should be some
changes. We'd like time to study
Mr. Hanly's salary will be
$22,000 per annum and Mrs.
Simpson and Mrs.Schneiker will
each receive $25 per week in
addition to their regular salaries
for their added responsibilities.
Council authorized the
purchase of a memorial plaque in
recognition of the 26 years of
"faithful and dedicated service to
the County of Huron of the late
John G. Berry".
Miss Cathy McKinley,
daughter of Warden and Mrs.
Anson McKinley, has been hired
as Program co-ordinator and
supervisor for the History Project
in Huron, providing the project is
. approved by the Ministry of
Miss McKinley worked on the
project in 1973. with Professor
James Scott who had been
engaged to supervise the project
at that time. Professor Scott is
unavailable this year.
"The Committee is confident
that Miss McKinley, with her
educational qualifications and
former experience on the project,
can capably finalize this
undertaking," said Robin J.
LaWrie, Reeve of Blyth and
Chairman of the Executive
Miss McKinley recently
graduated in • jouralism from
Ryerson P—olytechnical Institute in
Bruce Tyndall has been
retained by the county as a
caretaker. 'He replaces: Len
Westbrook who retires in May.
Reeve Stan Profit, Chairman of
the county, property committee,
said that 22 applications were
received for the position.
An offset duplicator and
binding equipment has been
authorized for the.county building
at a cost of $11,794.02. It is
believed that considerable money
should be saved in printing costs
with this intstallation.
County Librarian Bill
Partridge has made application
for two students under the
Experience '75 program
sponsored by the Ontario
government, These two students
would be engaged in providing
paperback books at certain'
summer facilities in Huron
County, such as Point Farms
Provincial Park.
Mrs. Margot 'Loucks has been
appointed supervisor of the
Wingham Branch Library,
reported Library Board
Chairman, Norman Durst.
Bowling club
has dinner
Mrs. Cliff Bray
The bowling club enjoyed a
dinner at "Ranton's Place" in
Palmerston on SAturday evening,
Mrs. Gordon Ross and her team
on the trophy.
Mr. LarryKing of Bluevale was
n charge of the service in the
nited Church on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Carson of
lorida visited with Mr. and Mrs.
tan Alexander On the weekend.
Mrs. Percy Stephenson is
ndergoing surgery in Hamilton
his week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bray,
s. Gordon Speiran, Mrs.Frank
mith, Mrs. Mery Richards and
s. Lottie McCutcheon all
isited with Mrs. Bert Bray on
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ellis
ave returned home after
pending the winter months in
lorida, with their son.
Miss Penny Godden, a
granddaughter of Mrs. Godden
nd David Johnson, both of
helburne, visited Mrs. Bert
odden on Sunday.
Mrs. Mervin Godden of
helburne visited with Mrs. Bert
odden for three days last week.
Mrs. VV.L.Mitrray-of St. Mauls
nd Mrs. Ball of St: Marys visited
n Saturday With Mrs. Bert dden,
Mr. and Mrs. Elvvin Hall and.
amily of Owen Sound visited With
Mrs; Roy }tall. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Douglas Of
onegal and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
eirnes of R.R.2, tistowel sited with Mr. and Mrs.Stan lexander.
Mr. and Mrs, Jim. Mcilaggart
Brussels Visited with Mr, and
S. Douglas WarcilaW,
Mr. and Mrs.Wm. Doig of
R.R.2, Wroxeter visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Bremner on the
will have
Mrs. Mac Engel
The Sacrament of Baptism will
be observed in Knox Presbyterian
Church on Sunday morning, May
The Y.P.S. will be holding their
Walkathon on Saturday,May
beginning at Cranbrook and
going to Melville Church,
Brussels, "`and back, a total of 10
Mr. and Mrs, Bill Henry,
London, visited Mrs.Stuart
McNair on the weekend.
Mr, Carman Fischer, Rexdale,
was home on the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Muchan,
London, visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs.Earl Dunn.
Mrs. Leslie Knight, Jeffery,
Ricky and Gerald visited her
patents, Mr, and Mrs, Allan
MeTaggart, Goderich, on
John McDonald and Miss Holly
Elliott, Toronto, were weekend
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
W.G.ElliOtt and Latirie.
John Perrie,Stahley Fischer,
Jatit and Leslie Knight were in
First Prebyteriari Church,
Seatokthi on Sunday for the
Traihing School for Elders.