HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1975-04-30, Page 2"You have no idea "4. 011'14 • ART60131`4 'H j 040 the trouble fire started," ,,e• had getting that Br Fr sa Pre welco to the Fries memt The he ntar ugtu A ober 5.40 udiei eleca Et Stones and ice Amen (By Karl Schuessler) Mis 24 excited three and four-year-old children. Add four even more excited lambs. Let them all run loose for an hour. And What ,do ‘you get? B dlam? Frolic? Fun? Chaos? Lambie pies? Raisin piesffheWorks? Water works? You'd expe'tit a bit of each. And you're right. I know. I tagged along the, day the lambs, went to school. Those lambs didn't follow Mary to school that day. They were driven. In high style. In the back of the car. And the driver-sotheone like Sharon. Rau--doesn't mind transporting lambs to school. She likes lambs, those little wooly lambs. And she likes' other kinds of land's; too. She often brings her own two to nursery school in the United 'Church in Clinton each week. But the day she drove the four wooly lambs to school was different. She had to admit. She got up earlier than usual that morning.She drove the extra miles to her father's 'fartri. And gathered up the four lambs she'd picked out days before from her father's flock. Now she piled up all seven in the car. Herself: Her two children. And the four lambs. And when just the right time came for the nursery school surptise that morning, Sharon Went out to the car, and brOught in--one by one in her arms the lambs. And the children gathered all around. They felt the lambs.They petted them: Hugged them. Held them. Carried them. One got a ride in a wagon. One played house: One kicked up its heeIS--performing one of those famous lamb jumps when sheep spring and jump over fences that aren't even there. The lambs didn't seem to mind. Oh, they bleated and ba-a-ed. And if one escaped tiny fingers, it didn't run far. It always came back to the others. Lambs, I learned that morning, do like to stick together. Each child hdd his turn. At holding and feeling. 5 'roking and petting. At looking inside and seeing the large bottom milk teeth. hooves. This long tails and perky ears. Cloven This was better than any African safari-this new idea in zoo .s where the animals run free and you drive your car through the bush and look for animals. But there you don't touch. You wouldn't want to touch in' most casesl But being able to touch the lambs is important to Sharon. She doesn't like the idea of children standing in' lines and looking at lambs in boxes or cages .L ambs are animals to feel and touch and' smell. To explore. She wants to give the children direct contact experience." To her that makes all the difference in the world. And it is different. Nursery school teachers rtinning around with broom and dust pan. Sweeping up lamb raisins as fast as they, appear. And wiping up water spills whenever they occur. Thank heavens for paper towels and cement floors in Church basements used tor nursery schools. Maybe that's the only place-the ones with cement floorS--where lambs can go to school. The dinnei Palme Mrs. won ti Mr. n cha nited Mr. lorith tan A Mrs ndeq is WI Mr. Mrs. C mith, rs. isited unda3 Mr. ave pendh lorida Miss ranck and r helbu oddei Mrs. helbu oddet Mrs. d Mt So odder Mr. 411111y ( r, an Mr. t onega eirne, isited lexan Mr. t Brus s. t orAkiisio t gBrussels Post .0ROszkpi ONTARIO 'WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30th, 1975 Serving Brussels and the surrounding community. Published each Wednesday afternoon at Brussels, Ontario by McLean Bros.Publishers, Limited. Evelyn Ketthedy - Editor Dave Robb - Advertising Member Canadian Community Newspaper Association and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association. Subscriptions (in advance) Canada $6.00 a year, Others CORM $8.00 a year, Single CopieS 15 cents each. “ ..../LAJLATION Meeting our deadline We hate to harp away on the same old subject, but our deadlines force us to. We all agree that a newspaper is much more interesting to its readers when the news in it is up to date, right? We have a problem getting the latest news in our editions of the Brussels Post each week, because the Post goes to press on Tuesday. Although, it is dated Wednesday, and is mailed out Wednesday morning to our subscribers, the actual printing is done Tuesday night. Because most stores in Brussels are closed' on Monday we find that the heaviest flow of information for the paper comes into our office on Tuesday morning. We are very pleased to receive and print all this news, but we would be even happier, if we-bould get it earlier in the week. It becomes increasingly difficult to type, layout on pages and shoot all the material that goes into a paper of about 16 pages in one day. From the time the bulk of the copy for the Post is picked up Tuesday at noon, we actually have only the afternoon to make sure that the news which is brought into our office Tuesday morning, gets into print. - We'd like to ask the co-operation of everyone who supplies news to the.Post so that we can make extra certain that all the news gets into the paper during the week in which it happens. Our' office is open all day Monday and we'd like to get as much news as possible in by Monday afternoon. If a meeting that you want press coverage of happens on Wednesday night, please write it up and bring it into our office on Thursday---don't wait ,until Tuesday morning. News can even be brought to our office over the weekend. There is a mail slot in the front door that is there so that news can be dropped off even when the office is closed. The more news we can get before the mad rush of Tuesday morning,. the easier it is for all of us. You get a better, more up-to-date paper. We have the time to treat the news carefully .and to give it the emphasis, headline and poiltion in the paper which it deserves. Some Tuesdays it feels as if we are starting from scratch at 2 in the afternoon to put a paper together that must be ready for the printer about three hours :ater. And some Weeks it shows. We'd like to keep the Brussels Post a high quality, award winning newspaper; that really tells people what's going on in' the community. Will you help us by getting the news to our office right after 'it happens, and by Monday afternoon if it's at all possible? 1