HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1975-04-16, Page 17. Corning Events Huron County Health Unit vites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education • Classes being held in the HEALTH UNIT OFFICE WINGHAM HOSPITAL WINGHAM commencing *ednesday, April, 16 1975 from 7:30 -9:30 p.m. ,ould anyone who is interested ease pre-register by calling 00-265-4485 toll free or the ealth Unit office at 887-9331. ****** ih husbands and wives are vited to attend and participate orpe discussions. 1-70-3 JELGRAVE Men's Choir Concert 'nth supporting talent will be ld in the East Wawanosh Public ool, Friday, , April 18th at 8:00 , Tickets are available from eir members or at the door. 1-71-2 -- 19. Notices CROP ,Insurance Agent, Neil Edgar, 357-2440, RR 3 Wingham. Application deadline for insurance, May 1st. 19-72-2 CHAIRS rewoven and recaned. Contact Don Miller, R.R,1,,Ethel, 887-9290. 19-704 SERVICE We will pick up all Dead and Disabled Cows and Horses and Stocker Cattle and all small animals for a small. service charge. We have three trucks to service you 24 hours 7 days a week. Phone Collect 881-•9334, Brussels Pet Food Supplies Lie. 399-C73 19-704 20. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE ESTATE OF JAMES DOULL Lot 25, Con. 10, Grey, 6 miles East of Brussels and 6 miles West of Newry, on County Road 16. MONDAY, APRIL 28th at 1:30 P.M. REAL ESTATE: Consisting of 19• acres; more or less, situated on this propery is a real old fram,y ehouse also frame barn. Natural spring for water supply. FURNITURE: Antique Grand Jewlelcook stove, oven door in each side; brass and iron bed; 3 chicken coop chairs, bench, coal oil lamps. 7 bunches cedar shingles, some tools and other artiles. Terms on Real Estate: 10% cash day of sale, balance in 30 days when possession will be given. To be sold without reserve of any kind, , Terms on Furniture: Cash JOHN J. SCHNOCK C. M. DENNIS Executors JACKSON & JACKSON Auctioneers 20-72-2 22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS hi the estate of WILLIAM DAVID GRANT BRITTAIN, late of the Village,,of Brussels in the County of Hurop, hotel proprietor, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of April, 1975, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. CRAWFORD, MILL -- DAVIES Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix Additional' Classified an Experienced Bookkeeper Wanted for Seaforth Office The successful applicant will be reliable, able to work independently and to assume responsibility for accounting ,procedures and collections. Please reply stating references and salary expected to BOX 3173 The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 4-72x1 Classified. Rates Effective January 9th, 1974 WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of ords. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $1.25, 5c per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 3c per word, mininum .75c. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.40. 1:)r column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.26 per column, inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office - 50c,per insertion. BIRTHS -- 20 words $1.25, 5c , per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $1.25,each additional word 5c. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.25 plus 10c per line of verSe. COMING EVENTS - 20 words $1.25, eact, additionai word5c.Three insertions for the spriceof 2 CARD OF THANKS. -- 30 . Words $1.25, each. additional word 20 per word. 2$c D1SCOU NrFOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE TUESDAY OF WEEK FOLLOWING FINAL INSERTION Deadline for Classified ads is 4:00 p.m tvlohday. No cancellation of Multiple insertion advertisements after Noon, Mondays. Phone '881-4641 ***Ple**4000310100116**4 1. Coming Events All 'Star Tours FLORIDA & TEXAS CIRCLE April 12 from $385.00 NASHVILLE - 3DAY TOUR May 23.- 25 from $80.00 Includes' 2 nights accommo- dation. Motor Coach. Transpor- tation $5.00 reserved seat at Opry Show. CALIFORNIA 21 DAY HOLIDAY Departures in April, May, Aug, Sept. - Oct. from $500.00 VICTORIA WEEKEND TOURS May 16 - 19 Boston, Mass. Washington, D.C. SHORT SPRING TOURS June 13 departures Cathedral of Tomorrow April 18 and June 6 OTTAWA AT TULIP TIME 5 departures in May from $60.00 ALSO AVAILABLE TOURS to Canadian West Coast East Coast Alaska Many Others NEW BROCHURES ON REQUEST GOOD TIMES TRAVEL Box 789 Phone 527-0050 Seaforth, Ontario 1-70-tf 4. Help Wanted 11. Articles for Sale MAPLE Syrup. 887-6827. 11-72.1 WHITE SEWING MACHINE DEMONSTRATOR SALE Straight stitch Reg.119.95 Now $79,95 Zig Zags Reg. $149.95 now, 99,95 Stretch Stitch Reg.239.95 Now $189.95 Fully Automatics Reg. 309,95 Now $249.95 Also a good supply' of used machines , over 50 Singers from $19.95 SEW AND SAVE CENTRE 149 Downie Street (2 doors south of Hudsons) Stratford 271-9660 Closed Monday 11-68-6 ADDING machine rolls, typewriter ribbons for most machines. The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Sea forth. 11-70xtf TWO wedding dresses, size 10. Both like new. Mrs. Mary Jarvis, 887-6523 or 6893. 11-71-2 ELECTRIC Chord Organ, like new with stool and music books. For information, call 887-6559 after 6 p.m. 11.71x2 GESTETNER ink available at The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Scaforth. 11-70-tf A Post Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial Brussels 887-6641. 4. Help Wanted 1. Coming Events Good Times Tours FRANKENMUTH, MICHIGAN Bavarian Festival June 7 and 8 Tour Includes • night , accommodation in Saginaw, Mich. 1 day at Frankenmuth Motor Coach transportation $30.00 per person, double occupancy. SCOTTISH WORLD FESTIVAL Canadian National Exhibition Sunday, August 17th Admission, Transportation evening Grandstand Show $17.00 per person Good Times - Travel Box 789 Phone 527-0050 Seaforth, Ontario. 1-71-tf HOWICK Lions' Bingo will be held on Friday, April 18th at 8:30 p.m. in Wroxeter Community Hall. Admission $1. 12 Regular games for $10; 2 Share the Wealth; one $25 Special: Jackpot *of $95. on 58 calls; Door & Consolation Prizes. 1-72-1 8. Farm Stack forSale 1 LACOMBE Boar 14 month old pure bred. 1 Yqrkshire Boar . 6 month old. Phone Mr. H. J. Hull, 887-6823, Brussels. 8-72x1 11. Articles for Sale COPIES Copies of your important papers or documents while y ou wait. Letter size, 25c each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth 11-70-if CEDAR fence posts. Contact Don Miller, RR 1, Ethel, Ontario, 887-9290. 11-724 WESTINGHOUSE wringer wash- ing machine. Older but almost like new; hardly used. 887.-6162. 11-7/-1 SWINHVIING POOL SACRIFICE. Leading Manufacturer and distributor has above ground ,aluminum penis` left over from 1974 season, 1/2 price, guaranteed installation and terms, Call Credit Manager dotted, London 519,681.M05, 'days or evenings. 111.,704 15. Property for Rent' WANTED Canada's leading Manufacture and Distributor is seeking a choice residential site to display' their new 1975 above ground redwood pool. Your backyard is the prime location we will consider. , An excellent opportunity for you the home owner call collect 681-3800 days or evenings. 15-70-tf 19. Notices WEBERS SEWAGE . DISPOSAL SERVICE Modern equipment used. We pump septic tanks, pigeryS, lagoons, etc. Phone 887-6700 0 Brussels. 19-70-tf' SPRING CLEANING TIME Turn your Old furniture and household effects into cash. We will 'either buy or sell it foeyceit From smallest item to the largest estate, Phone KNAPP'S FURNITURE AND AUCTION ROOM 4824336 Page i 6 19.70-tf THE BRUSSELS POST APF111.. 160 1075 -15