HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1975-04-09, Page 16MCCALL - STOREY Aria Wedding (Photo by Phillips) McCutcheon Grocery Phone 887-9445 We Deliver Woston 6Se CHOCOLATE SWISS ROLLS , • • • 490 Chas* and Sanborn lb .09 PERK COFFEE Schneiders; Family Size Ali BEEF PATTIES .. 2-lb carton only1 a59 Ontario POTATOES „ „ 104b- bag 396 STEPHENSON'S Bakery Grocery . Alymer • CANNED TOMATOES „. Royale ' Twin PO* PAPER- TOWELS Dutch SET ONIONS taintit- 2 to a: CuSfOni.er SOAPTIDE - e., w „ King grizio 27;A:).9, Phone 881.9226 Free belivery. 19 oz CI.96 • i ii*V44:5.4'4"61,1e 890: per lb. 69e 20. Auction Sales Pull Ty pe Sprayer, new; 6 Furrow 16 in. Automatic Reset Hydrene Semi Mount Plow; 3 Furrow 14 in. Hydrene Plow, 3 Pt , , Hitch. HARVESTING EQUIPMENT - Super 1000 Fox Harvester, fully equipped with 2 Row Corn Head, Cutter Bar and. Pickup and Automatic Knife Sharpener and 1000 P.T.O.; Keels Blower and Pipes; TWO 3 Beater Grove Self Unloading Wagons; One 2 Beater Grove Self Unloading. Wagon Mounted on 9 Ton Wagons with Flotation Tires. HAYING EQUIPMENT - New Holland Model 461 9 ft. Cut Haybine, New Holland Model 268 Baler with Super Sweep Pickup; 20 Ft. P ipe bale elevator; 25 ft. Pipe Bale Elevator, 3 Wagon and 16 Ft. Hay Racks, One 16 Ft. Hay Rack. OTHER EQUIPMENT - Bush Hog Rotary Mower, New Holland Model 350 Mix - Mill, Gravity Grain Box, 15 Ft. Allied Grain Auger with Motor, Allied 6 in. Grain Auger, 40 Ft. on Rubber, P.T.O. Driven; McKee 6 Ft. Snowlander Snow Blower, Model 620; Farmhand 300 Bushel Tandem Axle Manure Spreader; 6 Ft. 3 Pt. Hitch Scraper Blade, 450 Gal. Water Tank, Several Other articles too numerous to mention. TRUCK - 1974 Dodge Half Ton pick up and racks, fully equipped with power steering, power brakes, automatic 'transmission, only 12,000 miles, Will sell with safety certificate. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE : The above machinery has been exceptionally well kept and is in like new condition. ********0cLAssiFI ********4c 19. Notices SPRING CLEANING TIME Turn your old furniture and household effects into cash. We, will either buy or sell it for you. From smallest item to the largest estate. Phone KNAPP'S FURNITURE AND AUCTION ROOM 482-1336 19-704 20, Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Machinery and some Household Items will be held for CHESTER HIGGINS, Lot 1$, Concession 4, Morris Township, 4 miles east of Belgrave or 1 block north and 3 mile west of Brussels on SATURDAY, APRIL 12 1:00 P.M. Livestock- 22 Hereford and Shorthorn cows; 3 B WF cows, some cows fresh, balance due by sale time; All cows bred Charolais; Holstein steer; 16 yearling beef cattle. Machinery - Massey Ferguson gas tractor with live power; Triple K Kongskilde 111/4 ft. cultivator; Massey 3 furrow trail plow; Massey Ferguson 3 furrow hydraulic plow; 10 ft. land packer; New Holland 67 baler super hayliner; New Idea 7 ft. trail mower; 4 row Maurer bean puller; Electric hammer mill with 3 h orse motor; Hayloader; Wagon with rack; 2 wheel trailer; Turnip pulper, wheel barrow; Cream separator; plastic pipe; Barn scales; hard maple wood, Lumber; Some fertilizer; 10 ton mixed grain; Chevy II (2) 4 cylinder car (as is) White sewing machine; Dresser; Antique Table; Antique cupboar d; Numerous small articles. TERMS CASH — FARM SOLD Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents BRIAN RINTOUL, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL Clerk 20-70-2 AUCTION SALE )f late model farm machinery at kULD CROFT FARMS, Brussels, ![ mile North of Brussels and 1/4 Vliie East, Lot 4, Con. 7, Grey Township THURSDAY, APRIL 17 at 1:15 P.M. TRACTORS 030 Case Comfort King Diesel, :ully equipped with tinted cab, ,seater, power steering and 3 pt. titch, 3100 hrs.; 530 Case Diesel vith power steering, 3 pt. hitch, .ydraulic control for 2 way ylinder, fully equipped, run 1700 rs.; 504 International Farmall liesel with wide front end, power teering, fully equipped, run 1480 rs.; 3500 Industrial Ford Diesel ractor and Loader, fully quipped with power steering, %mire fork and wide bucket, in xcellent, condition. EEDING TILLAGE q)UIPMtNT - 17 Run Massey ;ergusen Model 33 Grain and :ertilizer Drill with Grass Seed tAtachtnetit, like new; liternational Model 400' Six Row lycla Corn Planter, fully ;quipped with Insecticide ittachnierit, new:. Lily Fertilizer !roadcaster, 3 pt. Hitch arid ,.T.O.; Bush Hog 36 Plate Wheel Brady Cultivator, 18 Pt p ith Wings; Sprayrnotor 300 dal. i'6—"ilniE BRUSSELS POST, Any announcements or corrections will be given verbally day of sale. TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE NO RESERVE AS FARM IS SOLD Owner or Auctioneer Not Responsible for Accidents Day of Sale. CARSON'S AUCTION SERVICE In Charge of Sale, R.R.3, Listowel. For further information Contact: David Carson, 291.2049 or Albert Carson, 291.139S 20-71-1 22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate Of WILLIAM DAVID GRANT BRITTAIN, late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, hotel proprietor, deceased. ALL. PERSONS having claims against the ' above -estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of April, 1975,' after which date the estate's assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that' have then been received. CRAWFORD, MILL DAVIES Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix 22-71-3 APRIL. 0. 1975 24. Cards of Thanks The family of the late John. Beer express sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives, neighbours and friends for the kind expressions of sympathy extended to them in the passing of a beloved husband and father; for their cards, visits and inquiries while he was a patient in Westminisfer, University and Victoria Hospitals. 24-71-1 We wish to express our thanks and appreciation for the party held for us and for the lovely'gift we received. — Jim and. Linda McLellan. 24-71x1 25. In Memoriam SOMERS — In loving memory of a dear wife, Dora', who passed away April 10, 1974. This month comes with deep regret; It brings back a day we will never forget She fell asleep without a good- bye, But our memory of her will never die. To hear your voice, to see your smile, To sit with you and chat,awhile, So you who have a loved one, Cherish her with care. For you'll never know the heart- , ache, 'Till you see her vacant chair. — Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by husband Earl and son Paul. 25-71x1 SOMERS — In loving memory of a dear Mother and Grandmother, Dora, who passed away April 10, 1974. In a quiet country graveyard, Lies the one we love so dearly. You never failed to do your best, Your heart was true and tender. , You always thought of those you loved, And those ' you loved remember.. — Always in our thoughts, son Atichie, Granddaughters Dale and Suzanne and families.25-71x1 26. Personal Mr. and Mrg. Lawrie Cousins of London are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Catherine Lynn to Mr. Murray Mulcahy of London. The wedding ceremony will take place May 10, 1975 at Gethsamane United Church, London. 26-71-1 27, Births STEISS — Stewart and Madelene Steiss are proud to announce the arrival of their son, March 31st - a brother for Steven, in Victoria Hospital, London. 27-71.1 Short Shots (Continued from Page 1) They were obliged to get the shovels swinging to dig themselves out ,of the drifts after last week's storm. qz• * * * * A common problem in a . community such as the crippling storm we experienced, proves that peOple do care aboUt others. neighberS calling neighbors to enquire if they Were alright; did they have adequate food supplies on hand; did they need help? Snowmobiles were carrying needed things to shut-ins. When the storm subsided there Were offers of assistance front all sides to those less capable; to blear walks and free entrapped vehicles for Which people were very grateitil. 24. Cards of Thanks_ The family of the late Donald Currie extend sincere appreciation for the comfort and kind expresSions of sympathy from relatives and friends at their time of bereavement. We would like to thank relatives and friends for flowers; and charitable donationg to the Cancer Society, The BrUsSeIS Cemetery Chapel • Building Fund, and The Medical-Dental Clinic Building Fund. 24-71-1 Cheryl Emma Storey of Sea- forth and Murray Charles McCall of RR 4 Walton were united in marriage at Cavan. United Church Winthrop on March 21 .at 7:00 p.M. with Rev. M. E. Reuber performing the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville St .orey of Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McCall of Walton are the parents of the groom. The bride, given in marriage by her father wore a white flocked polyester dress fashioned with lily point sleeves and high neckline. She: wore a long veil and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Mrs. ,Pat Cooke of Varna was the matron of honour and the bridesmaids were Miss Lorna Davis of Thorndale, Miss Vicki Bennewies of Bornholm, They were gowned in pink flocked polyester fashioned with sweet- heart, neckline and short puffed sleeves. They carried white baskets with yellow and pink baby mums. Kathy Cooke was flower girl. Rick McDonald, Blyth was groomsman and the ushers were Don McCall of Brussels and Jamie • Hugill of Seaforth. The ringbearer was Robert Cooke. Mrs. Arnold Scott was organist and Julie McCall of Brussels was soloist and the music consisted of: "Wedding Song" and "Love". The reception was held at Family Paradise at 9:00 with Ian Wilbee Band playing. Guests were present from Seaforth, Walton, Wingham, Stratford, London, Mitchell, Brussels, Blyth and surrounding community. After a wedding trip to Niagara Falls the couple will reside at RR 1, Seaforth. Gr stts Res Tha qu ge