HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1975-04-09, Page 10Indoors Time to start seeds This is the time of year that gardens look their worst. Well, neighbours, let's get rid, of the winter debris. Use your spring- toothed rake to remove fallen twigs, papers and other material that makes the exterior look untidy. The light raking will give lawns and flower beds a better chance to absorb the warm spring rains. After raking, apply a fertlizer which is specially designed for lawns and is long lasting. You be sure to read the directions for application on the bag and you'll have a lawn that will be the envy of your neighbours. A good green well-kept lawn will give your home that extra "side-walk-eye- appeal." April, of course, is much too early to mow your lawn but this is a good time to discuss your mower. If you didn't take my advice in the Fall and have the machine serviced, better get it done as soon as pos'sible. A sharp blade makes a good clean cut. Dull blades will tear the blades of grass and give it a "browned-tip" Another important point I'd like you to remember all during mowing season is to attach a grass catcher to your lawn mower. Why? It will catch the Cut blades of grass and prevent thatch build up. The grass can be put on the compost pile and reused for your garden. The catcher also will prevent the spreading of weed seeds. The time for seeding the n ,ew lawn is very short in the spring. However, if the seed can be applied early and gets a chance to grow it will be strong enough to stand the hot weather to come. Fall is really the best time to seed 'but if your lawn is sparse, better 'sow some good quality seed now. The spring rains will be beneficial for growth. Start Seeds Indoors Many varieties of flower and vegetable seeds need starting early indoors to get good sized transplants for setting into the garden in warm weather. There are several reasons for this. In many cases there are varieties which require a longer-than-usual growing period in which to flower or bear fruit. In other cases, such as hybrids, seed is too expensive to sow directly into the.garden. With other plants, such as petunias, the seed is so tiny iti needs indoor protection to encourage a good stand. If seed is started indoors now it should be ready to set out when the weather is reight, usually not ''before May 24. Remember that if •ou transplant outside too early it vill stunt, the plant's growth. Play the gardener's waiting ,;ame. Wait until the weather is your favour and the weather- man says danger of frost is past, hen go. I'll list a few of the most lopular fruits and vegetable -seeds for starting indoors and the approximate number of weeks teeded to grow healthy trans- plants. Seeds best started early indoors: No. of Weeks Before Setting-out Time Ageratum 6-8 i3egonias 12 Broccoli 8 Cabbage 8 Cauliflower 8 Celosia 4-6 Chrysanthemums 6-8 Coleus 10 Dianthus 6-8 Dusty Miller 10 Eggplant 8 Geraniums 14 Gloriosa Daisy 6-8 Hollyhock 6.8 Impatiens 4-6 Lobelia 10 Pansies (hybrid) 10 Parsley 8 Peppers 8 Petunias 8 Salvias 6-8 Snapdragons - 10 Tomatoes 8 Verbenas 10 The soil in your vegetable or flower garden may be worked when a handful of soil will crumble when pressed in your hand. Turn the soil over, and add an excellent vegetable garden fertlizer. If you have any particular questions about gardening, just write to me at the Garden Information Centre, 165 Univer- sity Avenue, ,Toronto, Ontario, M5H 388. And, don't forget to ask for my new vegetable garden ;vide. Just send a self-addressed 'tamped envelope. Soup is our versatile food • I Try as you may, you'll have a tough time finding a more versatile food than soups. That's saying a lot, but just look at all the ways soups can go, plain or,fancy. A soup is any liquid in which solid foods such as meat, poultry, ; cereal, vegetables or fruits are cooked.Soups can be classified into three groups: .THIN, CLEAR SOUPS: bouillon, broth or consomme. Bouillon - a broth made by ,simmering meat, fish or vegetable, in water to extract their flavors, and then strained to keep just the liquid. Broth - a term used inter- , changeably with bouillon. Consomme - a broth that is sparkling clear and free of all floating particles. LIGHT, DELICATE SOUPS: bisques, thin cream soups or Cheese soups. Bisque - a rich cream soup . generally made with vegetables Or shellfish. 0EARTY, THICK SOUPS: meat Or fish soups, chowders,- and thick cream soups. Chowder a hearty soup that was originally made with fish, vegetables and milk, but that now uses practically any meat, poultry or fish in a variety of liqnids.- When is the best time to eat fl 'soup? Any time.. If you want to chase away those "betWeeii-nieal iningries" without getting into :he heavy foods, have bouillon or " :onsenithe: They're refreshing, lot or cold and low in calories.As in appetizer or first course, serve ;mall .portions of a light ,,:reatn ;Oup, btoth or fruit soup. or a great Change of pae0 for lunch or i light supper, try a hearty soup with a salad and desSert. I Getting a soap together can be in interesting experience. Almost , . fi everything in t he refrigerator can 10,4`HE BRUSSELS POST, go into it. For liquids, .try. seasoned tomato juice, chicken broth, beef stock or liquid from canned vegetables. The list of vegetables is endless - tomatoes, carrots, celery, parsley, rutabaga, peas, mushrooms, corn or cabbage. Since different soup ingredients . 'have different cooking times, the trick is to add the quick-cooking ingredients at the end, so that everything is done at the same time. Use this guide as an indication for cooking times for several soup ingredients, simmering in a covered pot. Soup bones - 2 to 3 hours Waiting for a "safe cigarette? Better quit. There's no such thing as a safe cigarette. And little hope for one. There is some evidence that cigarettes with Lower tar and nicotine levels may be less 'hazardous than those with higher levels. But anything that burns - tobacco, letfuc, Kentucky bluegrass -- creates- gases that assault the lungs. Insurance companies know the ta.tistics. About two dozen U.S. life insurers provide discounts to people who don't smoke. Sonic companies offer lower rates to nonsmokers for automobile insurance, homeowners insurance, and disability interne itistitante. Smokers are involved in inore traffic accidents, cause more home fires, and Suffer greater disabilities than nonsmokers. Before granting lower rates i some companies require that the person has never smoked. Generally, though, the emphasis APRIL 0,105 Raw 1-i4ch beef, lamb or pork cubes - 1 to 1 1/2 hours Whole vegetables' or large vegetable pieces - 45 minutes to 1 hour. Sliced vegetables or small vegetable pieces - 30 minutes Vegetables when shape is important - 10 minutes (mushroom. slices, zucchini slices) Canned or cooked vegetables - heat till soup returns to a simmer. Cheese - Add at end of cooking period and stir until melted. Heat thoroughly but don't boil. is on present smoking habits. At least three major companies require only a simple statement that the person hasn't smoked for one to three years. Several others rely on ntervieWs and inspection reports. The benefits of quitting smoking can come quickly. One experiment in Canada showed remarkable improvements in lung function after only six Weeks of stopping smoking. Sensitive tests showed there had been a reversal of the king ddmage -- blockage of the small breathing passages done by Sri-taking. Even in one subject Who had smoked for 46 years! The benefits are usually permanent, ton. Staying off cigarettes for ten years forces the premature death rates or smokers dawn to the levet for nonsmokers. To find out ways to -quit smoking for yourself and those you love, contact your Christmas Seal Association, It's a rater of life nd breath. No smoking is insurance Business Directory SALES & SERVICE Blyth. 523-9640 RADIO /1 TV ,..,, (Electrohome) - :- ;.,th': ' " --......,;;;,......z., _v-r--_, `: ° 4. , . Chiropractic Associcites Health Centre WINGHAM, ONTARIO R. Bray, D.C. - D.Lee, O.C. Phone: 357-1224 Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Watch and Jewellery Repairs — We Sell and Service — BULOVA — ACCUTRON — WATCHES — 3 Stores — SEAFORTH — CLINTON — WALKERTON J.E. LONGSTAFF - OPTOMETRIST - CLINTON SEAFORTH By Appointment [Monday Only] 527-1240 482-7010 SIMINTII EUCTIONICS SALES & SERVICE • TV • RADIO • H I - Fl • STEREO Pilsoe 5 2 7 - 1 1 5 0 • 17 SPARLING STREET BRUSSELS TRANSPORT Livestock Trucking and Shipping, Service ' Local and Lon'g Distance Phone 887-6122 (Evenings.) George Jutzi, Brussels Sta-Rite Dairy Systems COMPLETE LINE OF DAIRY SYSTEMS Brussels . Guelph 887-9426 _ 824-1330 BELGRAVE CO-OP For Feed & Fertilizer Petroleum Products — . Hardware and Appliances Universal Milker Equipment and Cleaners BRUSSELS WINGHAM 887-6453 357-2711 _....,;..........—.................,... McGavin's Farm Equipment We specialize in a Complete Line of FARM EQUIPMENT Sales and Service Brussels Seatorth 887-6365 Walton . 527-0245 JIM CARDIFF REAL ESTATE BROKER ,, GENERAL INSURANCE Agent for HOwick Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance FIRE -,- AUTO — LIABILITY' Phones: Office 887,6100 Residence 80410 —_,--..,i......m...doh