HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1975-04-09, Page 3`kV
To the editor:
Players say thanks
The Guelph Holody Platers wish to
extend their sincere thanks and
appreciation to the Brussels OptiMist Club
for the hospitality shown them during the
Brussels Optimist Atom Hockey
Tournament held recently.
The Tournament organizers, officials,
ladies auxiliary and numerous other
volunteers did a tremendous job in
accommodating all of the participating
Your Mr. Frank Stretton deserves
special mention for his untiring efforts.
Our congratulations to the "Brussels"
Novice "C" Champs.
Needless to say, we are just as thrilled
over our success at the Tournament.
Vince MCCafferty
Jerry Hackett
Holody Guelph Platers
WHERE TWO DRIVERS GAVE UP - Two cars were abandoned by their owners
who had to give up all hope of driving through the deep snow .on Brussels streets,
during last week's , storm. The ears are eventually removed so that snow plow crews
could get through to clear the streets. (Photo by Langlois)
BPS news
Floor Hockey Standings
Grade 5 & 6 Our national
(Continued from Page 2)
in regular classes and in extension and night classes
for adults.
In our universities, the majority of teachers on
many faculties are Americans who teach American
theory and practise, at best only trying to adapt it to
Canadian situtions. Canadian studies programs are
now springing up at our universities but in most
sociology, literature, political science and history are
taught from an American point of view.
In short, is it any wonder that we are so blissfully
ignorant about our country, its issues, its important
people and even its geography? „
Given that we don't want to give up completely
and become the 51st state, what are we going to do
about our collective ignorance?
A crash program in our schools, including night
school courses on Canada and Canadians might be a
good place to start. More Canadian emphasis on our
radio and TV stations, something that the Canadian
Radio and Television Commission is pushing for, will
also help.
Here at the Expositor we try to do our bit by
searching for Canadian jokes and features and by
commenting occasionally on the important national
If we want to really know our country and be able
to make informed jUdgments about its future as
voters and citizens its going to take a lot of work from
all of us, But the only alternative in sight is
countdown Canada and "My Country 'tis of thee" in
a very few years.
W L T Pts
Raid Fire 5 0 0 10
Bears 3 3 0 6
Hot Shots 2 4 0 4
Super Cool 2 4 0 4
Growlers 2 3 0 4
Mufflers 4 1 0 8
Butt Enders 2 3 0 6
Ramblers • 2 4 0 4
Hot Rods 1 4 0 2
Grade 2 Assembly Tues. Mar.11
Sharon Exel and Mike Smith
opened the St. Patrick's Day
Assembly with a warm welcome
and the singing of '0 Canada'.
The class then sang a number of
songs including 'Jesus Bids Us
Shine' and 'We Have an Anchor'
followed by a choral reading of
the 23rd Psalm. Wendy Martin
led them in the Lord's Prayer.
Then they did a medley of Irish
songs including Peggy O'Neil,
Sweet Irish Rose and When Irish
Eyes are Smiling. Cindy Seddon
and Jeff Culbert click their heels
and Debbie Johnson and Lisa
Glanville step dance to the song
Patty McGinny Plays Her Harp.
Devitt McArter closed the
assembly with the singing of God
Save Our Queen. We would like
to thank all the parents, friends
and grandparents for the good
turnout at this St. Patrick's Day
Assembly. By Dianne Stephenson
K Donna Aitchison
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Watch, Clock Repairs
Complete line of Jewellery
Brussels .
ouncil tries to
olve dog problem
The dog problem in Brussels
'as again a topic of discussion at
he April council meeting Monday
VVinghant and Blyth were
ontacted about how they handle
c problem of dogs running
loose. Both municipalities said
hey are at a loss about what to
o The problem seems to be one
where to put the dogs once they
Brussels council decided to
ntact a man to act as dog
teller in the village and to look
r a place for the dogs to be put.
A fire siren which council was
onsidering purchasing from
istowel will be sent back because 18 :lot loud enough, councillors
cidcd. They Will look into
rehasing a hooper type siren ; Council will also look into a
quest to replace a fence
tweeri the village owned trailer
rk and Ross St, property owned
lah McDonald.
Herb Stretton, an observer at
e meeting, asked tottricil for
formation on erecting street
hs in the village: Council will
check with the PUC and Ontario
Hydro to see if they have any
objections to' having the signs
placed on hydro poles.
Brussels will contact the
Maitland Valley Conservation
Authority requesting some
student workers in this summer's
Experience '75 program to clean'
up the Maitland riverbank within
the village.
Councillors voted a donation of
$200 to the Brussels Horticultural
Society for 1975 and granted a
building permit to Taro
Properties Inc, for construction of
the Senior Citizens ApartnientS,
Council received a letter of .
appreciation froth the Canadian
Cancer Society for their donation
to their canwaign.
We know
an in way
for you to look good.
It's called
getting active.
Watch for Details in Next Week's Paper.
Keatitsg"s..'Phar:macy Limited