HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1975-03-19, Page 9—1 POUND
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tHE BRUSSELS .Stitti 111,1:A001 1 1975
UCW decides on quilt prices
Mrs Allan McCall
Mrs. Howard Hackwell was
hostess for the Walton Unit in her
home on Wednesday evening,
March 12th,
Mrs. W. C. Hacwell opened the
meeting. Hymn !- 'In The Cross of
Christ I Glory" was sung accom-
panied by Mrs. Herb Traviss at
the piano. The Scripture from
portions of Luke were read by
Mrs. Hackwell, followed by the
meditation, "Easter is the Festi-
val of the Christian Church" read
by Mrs. H. Traviss. ' Mrs.
Hackwell led in prayer. Hymn
"Jesus Christ is Risen Today"
closed the devotional period.
Mrs. Herb Traviss chose as her
topic, "Treasures in Heaven",
saying we should count our world
treasures and we should always,
give God first place in our
everyday life, closing with poems,
Huron County was featured in a
policy statement which was
adopted 'by the NDP in Toronto
last weekend. Paul Carroll of
Goderich, a teacher at Seaforth
Public School made the policy
Mr.Carroll's statement. read: ,
"Regional government was
introduced by the Tories as a
response to demands for local
government reform, that emerged
in the 1960's. Local governments
established in the 19thCentury
were unable to deliver 20th
Century services efficiently.
There were so m any fragmented
jurisdictions that rational land use
planning was impossible.
Unfortunately, the cure offered
by the Tories has been worse than
the disease. The financial and
planning problems of the 1960's
that prompted the shift to
Regional Government are still
with us. But they have been
joined by other problems -- of
access to local government,
autonomy of local
decision-making, effectiveness of
local government s a political
institution, duplication and high
cost of services -- all of which
have been made worse 'by
regional government.
Costs have gone up and people
want to know why. Has the
service improved or is the system
merely inefficient? Are new
services things people want, or
are they just the plans of
politicians and bureauerats who'
can hide in an inaccessible
government. Larger lower tier
and regional governments have
become insensitive to grass roots
wishes. They have proven
incapable of responding to the
rapidly developing concern of
Ontario residents for local issues.
Regional governments were
imposed not to enhance the power
and effectiveness of local
government but to enhance the
efficiency of the provincial
administrative apparatus and to
provide a political shield betweeri
truly local government and the
Province. In many cases, regional
governments have been used as
scapegoats for proVindial
planning failureS.For example,
Regional Niagara is being blamed
for the Provitide4 S failure to
protect the fruitlandS.
Despite the govertithent'S
protestations to the contrary, its
polity on regional government
has not changed. Secret plans in
Queen's Park have been replaced
by "Incally4nitiated" studieS
ateOrdirig to Provincial
""Prayer for th Day and "I'd Like
to Attend Church".
Mrs. Mac Sholdice collected
the offering and it was dedicated
by Mrs. W, C. Hackwell.
Envelopes were given out for the
Bakeless Bake Sale to be returned
at the April meeting.
Mrs. William Thamer con-
ducted the business opening with
a poem "God's Hand". The
minutes were approved as read
by the secretary, Mrs. Howard
Hackwell. 22 members answered
.the roll call.
The president announced the
thank offering would be held on
April 6. Rev. John
Roberts, Belgrave will be the
guest speaker and the Belgrave.
Men's Choir will provide special
music. Easter • fillies are to be
ordered for several members for
Easter Sunday.
A discussion followed on the
prices of quilting quilts. It was
agreed the price should be raised
according to size of quilt. Making
of a banner to celebrate the 50th
Anniversary was discussed.
Collecting was done for an up
coming shower. Mrs. Thamer
closed the meeting with prayer.
A social half hour followed when
lunch was served by Mrs. Carol
Collins, Mrs. Murray 'Smith and
the hos tess.
Card Party
There were nine tables, of
euchre in play at the Walton
Community Hall on Friday night
with hostesses Mrs. Nelson Reid,
Mrs. Frank Kirkby, Mrs. Jack
Gordon and Mrs. Ken McDonald
in charge.
Prize winners were: High Lady
- Mrs. Jean Miller; Low Lady
Mrs. E. Stevens; High, Man -
Mrs. Harold. Bolger playing as a
man; Low Man Dave Watson.
changes on a provincial level that
would improve the functioning of
local government in general.
I would urge this Party to
support and endorse the folloWing
1. Stop the establishinent of
further ' regional-type
governments until a thorough
review can be made of financial
'and political problems of the
regions now in existence.
2. Revise the guidelines for
"county restructuring" studies to
permit more flexibility in the kind
of reform to be recommended and
pay enriched "regional" grants
to any restructured municipality.
As it now st ands, the terms of
reference of restructuring studies
virtually guarantee a traditional
"regional government"
recommendation; and, the special
grants are available only to
restructured counties that are
virtually identical with the
existing regions.
3. Proceed with local government
reform only with local initiative
and direction.
4. Establish a procedure whereby
the existing regional
governments and any local
government could review their
own structure and function at
regular intervals; this would
permit changes both to correct
past mistakes and respond to
changing local circumstances.
5 Formulate a Provincial
economic plan • which would
provide a context within which
local municipalities could plan
land use without the fear that
unexpected Provincial schemes
(eg. Ontario Hydro) will over-rifle
local plans or make them
6. Implement the NDP's
Foundation Plan for Municipal
Finance which would equalize
fully the tax burden required to
provide an adequate level of
7, Relinquish for municipal
purposes one-to-two points of the
income taxi to further redute the
burden, on the property tax base.
The result of the
implementation of the *above
policy would be a municipal
government system that truly
reflected the needs of local
citizens in an efficient and
serviceable way, It would provide
the variety and flexibility
required to suit the wide-ranging
differences in geOgraphieal
distributien. population
Variations and life-Style
Variations across the entire
Birthday nearest to St. Patrick's
Day was Mrs. Joyce Colyer with a
birthday on March 17th. There
will be another euchre this. Friday
evening, March 21 st at 8:30 p.m.
8th and 16th Unit Hold Meeting
The March unit meeting was
held on Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Jim McDonald.
• Mrs. Jan Van Vliet opened the
devotional period with the theme:
"Life Begins at Easter". , Hymn
"Jesus Christ is Risen Today"
was sung followed by the Scrip-
ture reading. The topic: "The
Window Over the' Sink" was
given by Mrs. Van Vliet when she
said - Be it at office desk or sink
we all need to get away from the
nearness of life, it opens our lives
to wonderful views to look out a
window wherever we are. Hymn
"Welcome Happy Morning" was
followed by prayer. Mrs. Van
Vliet closed this portion with a
poem "'The Touch of the Master's
Mrs. Alvin McDonald con-
ducted the business. Minutes
were read by Mrs. Don Mc-
Donald. Eleven members
answered the roll call. Names
were taken for coffee spoons
being purchased by the U.C.W.
The Easter thank offering service
was announced for Sunday, April
6. There is to be no U.C.W.
.general meeting in- April. A
discussion on making a banner -
MrS. R. -Houston will Purchase
material with ideas to come to our
next meeting. A bale is to be
packed by the Supply and Wel-
fare Committee early in May.
The, copper money was
collected with leaders.: Mrs. Jim
Fritz and Mrs. Jim McDonald in
charge for this year, June 3rd
„was.the tentative date set for the
ham supper, tickets to be avail-
able. Prior to lunch, Mrs. Van
V1iet conducted a contest "The
Word Shamrock". Mrs. George
McCall and Mrs. Jim McDonald
were hostesses.
The McKillop Unit of the
U.C.W. held their March meeting
at the Church with 12 members
Mrs. G. McNichol was in
charge of devotions the theme
being on 'Easter, The Festival
of the Res 'urrection". Hymn "In
The Cross of Christ I Glory" was
- sung. Mrs. N. McGavin was
pianist. Scripture taken frog
Matt. 28: 140 was read by Mrs
D. Watson followed by prayer.
The offering was taken by Mrs
M. Hackwell and dedicated.
Hymn "The Day of Resurrection'
was sung followed by a piano
instrumental by Mrs. N.McGa
yin. Mrs. N. Schade had the topii
"St. John's Fun"; also read twg
Easter readings. Mrs. N. McGa
vin than gave the Easter symbol;
explaining where they came fron
and what they meant. Mrs
McNichol closed with prayer.
Mrs. M. Dennis presided fo
the business period opening witl
a poem. Roll call was answered
by everyone suggesting some
thing the church could plan fo
the 50th Anniversary. Mrs
Ha,ckwell gave the treasurer'
report. Mrs. M. Dennis close
the meeting with prayer.
Lunch was provided by Mrs. C
Wey, Mrs: K. Rock and Mrs. M
Ross Bennett is a patient ii
Clinton Pubic Hospital, Navin;.
surgery last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Saunder
of Royal Oak Michigan ar
holidaying at the home of Mr. an;
Mrs. Allan Searle,
Gary Elston of London spent •
few days this past week with Mt
and Mrs, Cliff Ritchie.
Girls wishing to take the 4-1
Garden Club are asked to get ii
touch with the leaders Mrs. Peat
McCallum and Mrs. Bev Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Achille
were guests on Thursday evening
with. Mr. and Mrs. Don Achille
and family on the occasion o
Danny's tenth birthday.
Congratulations from the corn
munity are extended to Mr. an;
Mrs. William Blake, who cele
brated their 40th wedding anni
versary on Sunday at the home
his, brother Jack Blake of Blyth
There is no U.C.W. genera
meeting in April.
DIAL 887-6641
guidelines. Imposition. from
Toronto has been replaced by
"financial incentives" to
"restructured counties". But in
their basic form the new re-
structured counties Will be the
,same as the politically discredited
regional governments. The Tory
"policy change" does not address
.the basic problems of local
government in general or of
regional government in
If Huron County might be used
as an example, the area
represents the geography and the
sparcity of population which does
not fit the provincial plan. The
desire for reform is, in fact,
present. Witness the facts: Huron
County, on its own initiative,
developed the first County
Official Plan. (It has been used by
our NDP study committee as one
frame of reference) It has reached
agreement with the local
governments on an integrated,
County-operated, social services
system. It has had the foresight to
coordinate its Development
activities in Tourism arid Industry
on a County-wide basis. In the
near future, it may well examine
the need for regional police
The point I am trying to make is
that there are areas within the
Province of Ontario where
progress is being made and the
whole question of the most
efficient ways to deliver services
- at the local level is being
examined. And yet, in many
ways, it is being hindered by the
present position of the Tory
government at Queen's Park.
The so-called financial incentives
to "restructured counties" have
been a stumbling block rather
than an aid to reform. The Huron
County 11 ealth Committee has
had difficulty in expanding its
level of services because the
Government criteria does not fit
our population base.
To facilitate the locally initiated'
desire fOr reform, as, exhibited in
areas like Huron County, the
govertinient'S approach to local
governMent reform Must permit
the kind of flexibility that, is
necessaty if local governments
are to respond to changing local
needs It should respect the need
for local residents to decide for
themselves the kind of Municipal
goVetnitient they Want, It would
respect the desireS of local
reSidetitS to keep services
delivery and responsibility as
close to the local level as pOSsible.
And it should enact specific
NPD cites Huron in
regional policy plan