HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1975-03-19, Page 5Income Tax Prepared Farmers — Businessmen Individuals At Reasonable Rates .Ronnenberg ,Insurance Agency Olson In Brussels . Tuesday and Friday Only — Ph. 387-6663 ., Monkton Office Open Monday to Saturday Noon. Phone 3474241 — Any Time. Phone Early for Appointment and Avoid the Rush - yaleinfloglammiMial IS $4 7 COMING Its time to order your Seed Grain Grass Seed and Fertilizer Requirements Flax seed also available For further information contact : TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED Brussels 887-6011 • • Some good things happen at 65! Free Health Insurance. But. you must apply for it. It becomes free as soon as you or your Spouse turn 65. For both of you and any eligible dependenta. Provided you have lived in Ontario for the last year. Phone, write or visit your OHIP District Office for an application form. You've earned it. Ministry of Health Hon. Franks important: Always quote your OHIP (Mather When contacting CHIP. The OHIP District Office in your' area Will answer any questions and help you with your application. Landon 227 Oueehe Avenue' 433-4561 Missisiauga 55 city Centre brivd 2784730 6 Alberttiai 75 Street 237-9100 Peteiboraniti 311 Gedrge Street North a 745-7379 • 743.2140 • THE BRUSSELS POST MARCH 10, 1975 *-5 St. Catherine* 15 Church steeet 682-6658' (21.:1g9t.1561 ii'l)Ytia°6116P 648621'111 Win dsor 1427 OlieilettiiMentie' 258-7560 Barrie 114 keypi.,§loy Street 726-0326 Hamilton 25 Main Street West 526-3481' Kingston 1955 Priheets Street 546-3611 Kitchener 68 King Street East Ontario Bluevale WMS, WI and Ladies Aid meet a Correspondent Mrs. Joe Walker Mrs.Doris Adams and Mrs. lba Mundell were in charge of the euchre party in the Blttevale Community Hall when 15 tables were in play. High Ladies' prize was won by Mrs. Ross Turvey; Low Lady - rs. Alex McCracken; High Man Ray Grubb; Low Man - Ross urvey; Lucky Draw - Walt er Sellers, The next euchre party will be March 27 with Mr. and mrs. Burns Moffatt, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moffatt and Mrs,Ross Mann in charge. W.M.S. meets The March meeting of the omen's Missionary Society of nox .Presbyterian Church was eld at the home of Mrs. Glenn McKercher. The meeting was pened with a call to worship and scripture reading of St. John 12: 3 by Mrs. Glenn Golley. The singing of "0 Master, Let Me alk with Thee" was accompanied by Mrs. Glenn Snell on the piano. Mrs. Burns Moffatt 'cad scripture from St. John 12: 24 and gave the comments, and rs,Golley offered the prayer. oil call was answered by embers reciting a verse from he Bible containing the name of a ree. Members' discussed plans for the thankoffering service on April and 'Mrs. Gordon Mundell gave he treasurer's report. Mr. eKercher received the offering which was dedicated by Mrs. olley. Mrs. Gordon Mundell, ssisted by Mrs. William Elston, rs. Glenn Snell and Mr.s ernard Thomas presented the opic from the study book entitled `Unknown Country, Chapter wo, City Traffic." The talk entered on three major projects nitiated since 1973 in major ides: Tyndale House in WATCH SALES Montreal, the Lorean Christian ' Centre in Osaka and the Port Harcourt project in Nigeria. The speakers explained that Tyndale is operated as a centre for community activities for school children and senior citizens and is an active Christian agency. The Korean ehristian Centte services about 100,000 persons in its mission of study and action, willing to help where necessary and serving s a church among the Koreans in Japan. The Port Harcourt project was renewed in 1970 and, under the direction of Minister Donald MacKay of the Presbyterian Church, has initiated a 'day care program, an adult literary class and a study session. After the meeting ended, lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Burns Moffatt ' and Mrs. Glenn Golley. W.I.Meets Mrs. Soren Anderson was hostess for the Women's Institute on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Wendell Stamper presided and the meeting opened with the Opening Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect. Thank-you notes were received from Gordon Hall, Mrs. Wayne Baswick, Mrs. Eva Ferguson, Jack Nicholson and Jim Johnston. The President announced that a garden club for 4-H girls dealing with the use of vegetables would be held this summer. Mrs. Charles Mathers volunteered to be leader if enough girls are interested. Members voted on what Short Courses, Training Schools and Food Forums they wished to attend. The annual meeting in 'April will be held in the Presbyterian Church and the ladies of that church will cater to a hot dinner preceding the meeting. Gifts for the Cancer Cupboard are to be GUS' JEWELLERY GUARANTEED Watch, Clock Repairs Complete line of Jewellery 887-9001 — Brussels taken to the April meeting, Mrs. Harry Elliott was appointed as an auditor for the year, replacing the late Mrs. Jack Wickstead. Mrs. Jim Armstrong announced that a Flower Festival night will be held on May 29 with neighbouring Institutes invited. Mrs. jack Nicholson, Public Relations Convener had charge of the program. The Roll Call brought forth many interesting articles from Home and Country. Each member brought a big of humour and these were given at different times through the meeting. Mrs. Nicholson had charge of the topic "Turn to page 12 of your handbook. She explained about standing committee conveners, annual reports, where they are sent, why they are made out, and what information they should contain. Mrs, charles mathers conducted a contest on, "Do you know" from the Handbook. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Alex MacTavish, Mrs. Alex McCracken and Mrs.Chas. Mathers. Ladies' Aid The Turnberry Ladies' Aid met on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.Glenn McKercher. Mrs. Jack Willitts opened the meeting reading from the 25th Chapter of Samuel. Mrs. Glenn Snell read the minutes of the last meeting and gave the treasurer's report. Eight "Country Mice" spent the afternoon quilting. A delicious lunch served by the hostess, brought the meeting to a close. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott and family of Newton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall Mrs. Ross Mann spent a few days with Mr. and mrs. Les Taws and mr. and Mrs. Al Cherney, all of Mississauga. Mr. and mrs. John D. Mann of Clinton• visited on Saturday with mrs. Ross Mann, Mrs. Murray ,Bourne of Chiliwae B.C. was also a gtteSts with mrs. mann, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Snell and family and Mrs, Albert Snell of Caledon East visited Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ruff, Gordie and Beverly and also wiith Henning relatives in the area. Mrs. Daisy Hooper, Bowmanyille, visited with Mr.and Mrs. Jack Nicholson on the weekend, --1 POUND BLANCHED PEANUTS FOR ONLY (One Pound Only Pet Family) When You Present This Ad Personally At COYLE'S FACTORY OUTLET 260 TILLSON AVE.. AT COYLE LANE,. tiLLsONBURo Fresh Roasted Casheiess, Peoriuts & Mixed NOS. Maple Sugar. Syrup, & Butter. Wilton Of Chicago Cali. Deicatations 265 Mils Of Assorted Goodie", STORE HOURS: Mon. to Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thurs. and Fri...9 gin, tO 9 p.m. OPen Good -Friday a tOfian. a -Swim Children must be accompanied by an adult This Offet ires April 26, 1975 i t