HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1975-02-26, Page 1 russels Post Pah BRUSSELS ONTARIO 104th Year - Issue No. 9 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1975 Polar Daize success, rain cancels snowmobile races Brownies entertain mothers at banquet The Brownies. of the 1st Brussels Pack and their mothers spent a delightful evening at the Feb., 19th, 1975 Mother and. Daughter Banquet. Marilyn Higgins, President of the L.A.. opened the banquet with a warm welcome to everyone, Debbie Higgins read the Brownie Prayer. The mothers prepared a lovely dinner of meat loaf, scalloped potatoes, coleslaw, tossed, salads, apple and cherry pie. The Brownies 'lent a hand' by making some cookies and brownies. Sherry Heibein,. Debbie Hall, Vicki Machon,. Kim Bauer and Kim Exel, the sixers, gave a brief summary of how Guiding began. Next Brown Owl, Tawny Owl and Snowy Owl -handed out the badges and stars that the girls had earned. Kim Bauer received - skating, singing, 2nd yr. star. Darlene Bishop - cook, needlework, singer, skater, 2st ' yr. star. Colleen Bridge -; puppethe.,F, singer, toymaker, housekeeper, 1st yr. star. Gwen Cousins - cook, .art appreciation, singer, skater, toymaker, 1st yr, star. Becky Dunbar - singer, skater, writer,: toymaker. Donna Elliott singer, skat .er, 1st year star. Kim. Exel - skater; singer, cook, Toymaker, 1st yr. star, Sharon Exel Singer, skater, writer. Darlene Freeman - Toymaker, housekeeper, cook, musician, singer, skater, 2nd yr. star. Debbie Hall - skater, singer, dancer , 2nd year star. Sherry Heibein - skater, singer, cook, housekeeper, pet keeper, 2nd yr. star. Wendy Heibein - singer, skater, writer.. Debbie Higgins - Collector, toymaker, cook, singer, skater, writer, housekeeper, thrift craft. Sandra Heuther - cyclists, singer , cook, art appreciation, 1st yr. star. Vicki Machon - musician, singer, skater, weaver, artist. needlework, 2nd. yr star. Rosie Marks - Singer, skater, writer. Michelle McMahon - singer, skater, 1st yr. star. Margie Raymond - toymaker, writer, singer, skater, golden bar, 2nd year star. Marianne Scott - singer, native lore,' 1st year star. Susie Smith —Cook, singer, 2nd. yr, star. Kelly Stephenson - toymaker, singer, pet keeper, 1st year star. Kim Stephenson - toymaker, singer, pet keeper, 1st year star. Patricia Ten Pas - Singer, skater, writer, Michelle Voder - singer, skater, cook, 1st yr. star. Janice Adams - Singer, skater, 1st yr. star. Marian Scott displayed work she did for native lore badge. Brown Owl announced that the weekly collection would be upped to 25 cents starting Mon. Feb. 24, 1975. The Brownies Wore their uniforms to school on Friday, Feb. 21, 1975 to honour Thinking THE WINNER — Ken Ritchie, the winner of the Polar Dip into the icy Maitland at the Brussels Lions Polar Daize over the weekend wades his way out of the water. Nine contestants, all men, entered the "swim" this year. (Photo by Pat. Langlois) ew column this week ESTABLISHED '1672 MEN starts this week in the uron Expositor and the Brussels ost. We thought you'd like to -tow who writes AMEN and what lle's trying to say in this weekly lumn. AMEN takes a light look at life ght here where it's happening. hat can mean the barn, the arden, the kitchen, the town ump, an acution sale, a tennis ourt, the theatre, the highway, ain Street, the church, the class oom, the office. Wherever you ye. AMEN makes no attempt to be rofoundly religious, profoundly hilosophical, profoundly rele- ant to social and political The end of February is the last ay for getting your 1975 car cense stickers. Mrs.Glen Smith, al issuer of licenses, reported at car owners have been slow in btaining them and the rush is ow on to get them before time xpires. It would speed matters p considerably if people ,would ck up the necessary validation arils at • Brussels gas stations, ost office or bank, and fill them ut before applying for their cense. problems. In fact it makes no attempt to be Profoundly any- thing. In some columns it's only one man's point of view. Or it may be everyman's. Whether it matches or scratches yours, AMEN welcomes your response in letters to the editor. Karl Schuessler was in the parish ministry of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod for ten years. He's earned a Bachelor of Divinity from Knox College, University of Toronto. He now is a nfreelance writer, broadcaster and lecturer. He prepares documentaries for (Continued on Page 11). Some optimistic gentlemen have declared their belief that our winter is over.' They predict •that snow storms are over and that spring is already here to stay. Let us hope that their opinion is not too far wrong and that we will not . have a long cold wet spring. A Torchlight Parade of snowmobiles and pedestrians, from the ball park to the Fair Grounds, touched off the Lions Club annual 4-H Polar Daize events here on Friday night On arrival at the fairgrounds the parade was joined by an enthusiastic crowd for the Christmas tree bonfire. The sing-song with the mus is of "Kenny Wood" and his Honky Tonk piano, which followed in the Palace, was thoroughly enjoyed by those present. Kenneth Wood D.C. of Clinton. a former Brussels resident, is well known for his talent on the keys and gave a lively musical performance. POLAR SWIM The mild weather on Saturday, in contrast to the bone-chilling winds of last year, encouraged a large crowd of interested spectators to the Lions Park area for the polar swim, canoe race and thunder mug races. Watchers lined the bridge railing and adjacent river banks. Two lions Club members, in appropriate lion costumes were observed mingling with the crowds. Nine brave souls braved the Maitland's . water for the polar swing. Winners of the event were , 1st Ken Ritchie; 2nd. Pierre (Continued on Page 1.1) Short Shots * * ** * * The mild weather of the past cckend no doubt helped swell he crowds at the vasrious Friday ight and Saturday attractions of olar Daize. It, however, brought tsappointment to those who were respective competitors in the nowmobile races and the people • ho were anticipating the xcitement of watching them, as cll as the Lions Club organizers. he entire program of races had o be cancelled because infavourable conditions created y the weather. Brussels Pair Board already are yell ahead with plans for the 1975 all Fair. The prize list for the Ladies' Division has already been nacle available for those who ant to get started on eedlework,The Board are to be congratulated for their efforts in keeping the Brussels Fait alive and healthy. They have not given up the struggle and let the fair become a thing of the past as has happened to many srtiall fairS. Myth, as reported by the Myth Standard, has abandoned the effort to keep their fair goings GOOD EATING FOR ALL Mother's and daughters photographer The. banquet was.. hold. in the lower „.„,„ , 'at the. annual. Brown ie`.Banquet wedne§day night library: (Phtititi by .Pat.Langldis) were enjoying their Meal when caught by the Post