HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1975-01-22, Page 8Snowmobile Club Meeting
Brussels Legion Hall
January 30th 8:30 p.m.
All Snowmobilers Please Attend
Friday, January 24th -
Admission $3.00 per Couple
Auspices of Canadian Legion Pipe Band
Friday and Saturday Nights:—
Entertainment at
* Friday Saturday and Sunday * * * *
From Kincardine * * * Sunday Menu: BEEF DINNER
11 Dinini Lounge, Open Nightly from Now on. 11
On MOH 's suggestion
Board of Ed. may loin health committee.
The Huron County Board of
Education is interested in having
a School Health Co-ordinating
Committee established in the
county. The board chairman's
advisory committee was
authorized at a board meeting in
Clinton Monday to ask the
Executive Committee of Huron
County Council to meet to discuss
setting up the committee. It
would include elected
representatives from each body.
The suggestion to form the
Co-ordinating Committee was
made in a letter to the Board by
Dr. G.F.Mills, Medical Officer of
Health for Huron.
Trustee Mollie Kunder of
Seaforth, chairman of Education
Committee said with the
co-ordinating committee the
board would know ahead of time
Of new types of programs
introduced into the schools of the
,eunty, such as the birth control
ype of program put into the
schools, which she learned of
econd hand. She said the sooner
he board and council committees
iteet the better.
Trustee Charles Thomas of
-brussels said the Board of Health
:n Huron is different than in most
other areas where the Board
covers more than one county or
where there are separated cities
or towns. He said in Huron the
Health Board is directly
accountable to Huron County
Council only and the two boards
are in a position to co-operate
more fully.
Complaints from parents of
Grades 7 and 8 students in
Goderich regarding the distance
they have, to walk to school to
attend classes at Robinson
Memorial School was referred
back to the Management
Committee of the Board and the
academic superintendents of
education for further study. The
parents feel it is unfair for some
of their children to have to walk
more than two miles to and from
school daily in all kinds of
weather to get to that school when
they have Victoria Public School
in their area with students up to .
Grade 6 only. •
Ronald Bushell, representative
for the concerned Goderich rat
i epayers, in a letter to the Board
last month stated that all the
children should be bused who
had to walk one mile or more one
way to school and that while the
Huron County Board of Education
is carrying out a construction
program at Victoria School in
Goderich "we would like to see
arrangements made for the
accommodation of Grades 7 and 8
to be taught at this school."
In his letter, Mr. Bushell had
pointed out at the present time all
Separate School children' in
Goderich who attend St. Mary's
School and living more than one
mile away, are bused to and from
school in the morning, at noon
and after school. "We feel if this
can be done for some children in
our area, it can be done for all,"
he wrote.
R. L. Cunningham,
transportation manager for the
board, who had looked into costs
of busing these students, advised
that the quoted price from Hilton
Automotive and Supply,
Goderich, is $40 per day for a
morning and after school route
around the perimeter of Goderich
(similar to the route followed by
the Huron-Perth County Roman
CAtholic Separate School Board)
or $60 pet day if transportation is
to be provided at the noon hour.
D. J. Cochrane, Director of
Education, pointed out if a single
bus Was Used to Make the double
rut; Meriting and night then some
students would be deposited at
the school long before bell time
and then would be late leaving
after school.
Mr. Cunningham said to use
twowehicies the total cost per day
was reported to be $80, and Mr.
Cochrane said he questioned the
extra high cost for this. E. Cayley
Hill of Goderich asked how much
grant was available and was told
93 per cent if below ceiling, but
that the $80 figure was above.
Mr. Hill said it was a "fairly
hot issue in Goderich" but it is
something that should not be
confined to Goderich and the
Management Committee should
look into other areas across the
county where students must walk
more than a mile from school. He
said the board would be open to
criticism if "we do differently
than the separate school board".
Three Field Trips were
approved: 20 students,. members
of the Senior (Alters Group at
South Huron DiStrict High School
for an overnight excursion in the
Exeter area on January 24-25, at
no cost to the board; about 15
students, members of the Junior
Outers Group a t Exeter for an
overnight excursion to the Hay
Swamp 'on January 24-25 a t no
cost to the Board; and for 50
Grade 8 students at Clinton
Public School for an overnight
visit to the Maitland Block on
January 30-31- at a cost to the
Board for one supply teacher and
An allotment of $4,500 was
granted to be used for a seminar
front after school on Thursday,
April 3 until noon on Saturday,
April 5, possibly at the Sutton
Park Inn, Kincardine or another
suitable location, to which would
be invited all elementary school
principals, principals of schools
for the trainable retarded, all
elementary school
vice-principals, trustees and
members of the executive council
and that secondary school
'principals and vice-principals be
invited after school on Friday to
the conclusion of the seminar.
Approval was given for Mrs.
Marion Zinn, Lucknow and
R.J.Elliott, Blyth to act on the
budget committee as
representatives from the
Education Committee.
The board approved a motion
that Clarence MacDonald,
Exeter, act on the budget
committee as representative from
the Management Committee but
rejected a motion that Jack
Alexander of Wingham be named
to the committee. Mrs. Mollie
Kunder of Seaforth first raised
the objection saying it was not
right for someone to be put on a
committee "when they would not
be here to attend". Mr.
Alexander has been holidaying in
Florida since December and is
reported to be staying until
March. The Management
Committee was asked to name
another tnember of the committee
to act in place of Mr. Alexander.
Three trustees were
re-appointed to act on the
Advisory Committee on Schools
for Trainable Retarded Children
for 1975-76—Vice-chairman
Herbert Turkheim of Zurich, Mrs.
Ktinder and Mrs. Dorothy
Wallace of Goderich.
The Board approved the group
insurance coverage endorsed by
the Ontario Trustees Council for
board trustees while on board
business for 1975 ast a cost of $18
per trustee and as supplied by the
Reliable Life Insurance Company,
Any trustee wishing to have the
additional coverage of the Death
and Dismenibernient clause in ,
effect when a trustee is engaged
JANUARY 22, 1975
on other than board business may
do so if the coverage of $25 is paid
by the trustee himself.
A borrowing by-law for eight
million dollars was approved for
the board to borrow if necessary
to carry on board business. Tst the
question as to whether the board
had ever borrowed the full
amount R. B. Dunlop,
Superintendent of Business
Affairs, replied the most was half
a million and only for a day or a
few days to tide the board over
until a grant payment came
R. J. Elliott, Blyth, discussed
interest rates paid by different
banks and Cayley Hill, Goderich
and Charles Thomas, Brussels,
agreed that rates should be
investigated and Mr. Dunlop was
authorized to re-negotiate terms
with the Bank.
Mr.Liunlop suggested that if
the board asked for school levies
to be paid oftener than twice
yearly by the various munici-
palities then interest would be
down considerably:
Cayley • Hill was appointed
chairman of the Board's Ad Hoc
Salary Negotiating Committee
with the teachers and he was
given authority to choose a
committee of five additional
Miss Mary Campbell, student
services teacher, has completed
her probationary teaching
contract satisfactorily and was
given a permanent contract
effective January 1.
An amending by-law as
approved for the chairman's
advisory committee to include the
past chairman of the board if still
on the board so that the
committee will be composed of
the chairman of the board, the
vice-chairman of the board, the
chairman of the education and the
management committees and the
past chairman, but if he is no
longer on the board then a
member at large to be elected as
the fifth member of the
committee at the. Inaugural
An amendment was made to
the by-law that the chairman's
advisory committee shall act as an
external relations committee of
the board to deal with liaison,
communications and problems
affecting harmony, and
co-operation between the board
and other branches, of local
government, and between the
board and representataives of the
news media.
Mrs. Dorothy Wallace and E.
Cayley Hill, both of Goderich,
were appointed to attend a public
meeting on Wednesday,
February 5, in Goderich
regarding the proposal to widen
Highway 21 from a two-lane to a
four-lane highway in Goderich in
the Victoria Street --Britannia
Road -- Bayfield Road area.
Mrs. Wallace and Cayley Hill
had expreSsed their concern at an
earlier board meeting that the
school crossing at Victoria Public
School over this widened highway
and the changes in the present
traffic pattern would make the
area extremely dangerous. They
had requested some safety
improvements for Victoria
students be considered.
Clarence Ball s• custodian at
Central Huron Secondary School
will be retiring effective January
3L and Kenneth C. Bridges,
andio-viStial technician, South
Huron District High School, will
retire effective June 30.Mr. D.
Gower be promoted to the
position of night supervisor to fill
Mr. pall's poSitien.
David Jefferson submitted his
resignation from Goderich.
District Collegiate Institute
effective December Oi 1974, and
Mrs. Janice Brouillette to
Robertson Memorial Public
School and Randal Smith to
Student Services have been
engaged, on probationary
contracts effective January 1.
Miss Janice Bonthron has
accepted a transfer to Usborne
Central Public from Robertson.
Memorial, effective January 1.
Liaison bus drivers'
remuneration was raised, to $25
Per bus per year effective January
I in addition to their regular
salary. They had received $15.
Mr. and -Mrs. Danny Wellsley
and family of Brantford were
Sunday visitors with Earl Somers.
Mrs. James S. Armstrong
spent some time with her
daughter, Mrs Robert Joyce and
family, Mississauga and with Mr.
and Mrs. Maurice Laycock of
Waterdown while Mr. and Mrs.
James Armstrong and family
were holidaying in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Lamont
of Clifford and Mr. and Mrs.
George Baxter and Georgie of
Liaison drivers work out of the
following schools, Brookside,
Grey, Howick, Stephen and
While travelling on board
business trustees will receive a
mileage allowance of 15 cents per
mile effective January 1, up from
10 cents.
Chairman Wilfred Shortreed,
representative of the board on the
Board of Directors of the Ontario
Public School Trustees'
Association for 1975 said he had
(Continued on Page -16)
Guelph spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lamont
and attended the fortieth wedding
anniversary party for Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Alcock at the Legion
Hall on Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duncan
were weekend guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Bronson of
Mrs. Bert Heibein who was a
patient in Listowel Memorial
Hospital, came home on Monday.
People we know