HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1974-12-04, Page 16Unicef cards
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Come to
in our store we have
— Lots of Fruits and Vegetables. —
Macintosh Apples, Spys, Courtlands, D
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Spanish or Cooking, Grapes, Turnip
Bananas, Cabbage, etc.
9:00•600 . Daily
1:00-5:00 4•4 i• Sunday
PHONE a • e 8874883
Visit us of the West End of Brussels
Congregation honor •McCaffolls
Rev.. & Mrs. C.A. McCarroll
were honoured on Sunday,
November 24 when members of
their two congregations, Knox,
Belgrave and Melville, Brussels
joined in the morning service and
for lunch afterward in the school
room. A number of friends from
the other churches of the village
were also welcomed.
Mr. McCarroll's farewell ser-
mon was appropriately entitled
"The Apostles' Benediction"
Acts 20 verse 32.
Preceding lunch, Wilfred Shor-
treed introduced two musical
groups, "A GM's Double Trio"
and the Melville Men's. Chorus
who each sang a number.
Addresses were read by Garner
Nicholson and James Mair and
gifts presented on behalf of
Belgrave and Brussels congrega-
tions respectively.
Mr. & Mrs. McCarroll each
spoke briefly thanking all for their
loyalty and co-operation. Peter
McCaroll, Burlington, was pre-
sent and thanked the congrega-
tions for their kindness to his
Rev. Eric Ledrew brought the
good wishes of the United Church
for a pleasant, healthful retire-
Mr. McCarroll is retiring from
the ministry after 7-1/2 years in
Brussels. They have moved to
their home in Toronto.
For a
Gifts, Dry Goods,
Groceries &•
Come To Walton.
For Some Old Fashione
Country Hospitality ai
Smith's General Stoi
Walton `.Na
Student questions Grey
twp. fire c overage
A recommendation was made refresher training of the members
that a tank truck equipped with a of the department. The training of
portable pump and a tank of 1,000 they Grey Township firemen
gallons capacity be purchased in involves four yearly training
1973. Two years ago the Council sessions which consist of pumper
bought a water truck that wasn't operations by the Chief. No
even road worthy. They thought member of the fire department
they were getting a bargain, since has attended the Fire Protection
they only paid approximately Technology course as of yet.
$2,000 for it. They put new tires During the past summer there
on it and now it sits behind the old was a barn fire in which the fire
lire station where it is rotting department could have lost five
away. Since then they bought men, due to lack of training.
another truck that is suitable for - In the past .the Grey Township
the road, but they'Ve been since Fire Department has been called
the spring of 1974 waiting for a the "cellar savers". The
tank to be completed. At one time volunteers do the best they can
we didnt have any way of but they would do better with
transporting water except in the some proper training and proper
firetruck, but in 1969 we got our equipment. Under the
"new" 1953 firctruck with a 500 circumstances they have
gallon water tank on it, so the old managed to save a few barns and
firetruck is being used to put a houses.
little water in it. Right now we're Since farming operations could
still relying on the old firetruck be destroyed in a matter of
and mutual aid, which involves minutes, isn't it only logical that
Brussels and Blyth. Whenever since we do live in a farming area
there's a fire you just hope you that we have a well equipped fire
don't need the reserve water for a department with trained firemen?.
while because the old 1939 Is it fair that the firemen should
firetruck which has a 600 gallon have to work under such poor
water tank has a top speed of 45 conditions? Since farmers pay a
miles per hour downhill. One millrate for fire protection
advantage of having • a truck like wouldn't it be only proper that
that is that it sure saves slowing they be guaranteed good fire
down at corners. protection? ro..
At present the communication I'd like to know where all the
. systems are inadequate. The money goes from taxes collected
people dial a number that rings at for fire protection. It couldn't
three telephones simultaneously, possibly all go for the firemen's located at the homes of the Chief, wages. I haven't seen any the fire station and a private improvement in the township
home.Then there is a fan-out regarding fire protection yet. system to notify the other It appears that there is more firemen. There is no monitoring action being done about a new
system to record the phone calls fire station rather than
and there is no radio system equipment. I think the council whastsoever. should be more concerned about
It was also recommended that equipment and properly trained
the communication system be firemen rather than a fire station
improved to receive alarms of fire because a fire station doesn't put
and alert the fire fighters; a out a fire!
recording device be purchased to With public support behind the record all incoming and outgoing Grey Township Volunteer Fire
conversation by telephone, or Department the council might
radio for alarms of fire or other make some moves to improve the
emergencies; a standby situation. Chances for public emergency electric power supply support are slim in our area
be provided for fire alarm because the majority of the equipment and radio; an people just don't like to get •
approved type short wave radio involved. They'd rather push the
system be established, in the probleni on to other people. They department. probably don't realize the
It has been recommended that problem involves them, as much the chief and deputy chief attend as the next person. For all they
the Fire Protection Technology know, the ne xt time it could be
Course at the Ontario Fire their life's work that is burnt up in College on different units over a a matter of minutes!! three-successive-year period, P.S. This article was written starting in 1974, and the other about the middle of September,
officers attend in subsegnent, During that time there were no
years. it was Also recommended definite plans about purchaSing a
that an inservice fire department firetruck. But. I am happy to
training program be established announce that they have just
to provide for recruit arid recently purchased a new truck.
(Student opinion from Listowel
Banner by Brenda Speiran)
For the past few years Grey
Township Fire Department has
been under much criticism. It's
almost like a dirty joke. They'd do
the job if they could, but they
haven't got the proper
equipment. The problem is lack of
training and proper equipment.
Since beginning operations in
1956 the fire department has had
equipment .that has been less
than up to date, progressing from
a 1939 fire truck to a 1953 model.
To prove that the fire
department has poor equipment,
an incident happened a few years
ago. The fire department had just
recently purchased their "new"
fire truck (actually it was worn
out). No one had checked the
equipment on it yet. There was a
fire behind the, clerk's office. A
friend of mine and I were putting
out the fire while a couple of
firemen got out the hose, but
when the hose was turned on, no
water came out the end, it came
nut of all the holes on the sides of
the hose!
In 1'i12 the Grey Township
Municipal Council asked that a
,urvey be made by the Fire
Marshal with regard to the Grey
Township Fire Department. H e
had made many
recommendations and since then
very little has been done about
,hem. The Fire Marshal
recommended that a three-bay
fire department headquarters
station be constructed in Ethel in
1973. to provide accommodation
for a triple combination fire truck,
a tank truck, living and training
accommodations for the fire
fighters; office accommodation
for the Chief, Deputy Chief,
administrative staff and divisions
of training and fire prevention.
Nineteen seventy-four is coming
to an end and as of now the
Council has bought a lot to put the
fire station on; at least that's a
start. Plans for the construction of
the new fire station are still
"under the table." The estimated
cost for the new fire station is
$73,000. Probably by the time the
plans are finalized the cost will be
doubled; the first reason being
due to lack of speed in our
municipal government.
The Fire Marshal also
recommended that there be a
replacement of the 1953 triple
combination firetruck by the year
1975. Supposedly, there are plans
for a "new" firetruck. There was
no estimated cost for it. When we
do get a "new" firetruck it will
probably be well used like the
past firetrucks,We wouldn't want
to break tradition.