HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1974-10-30, Page 24TOWNSHIP OF GREY SECONDARY PLAN operation it may be leased for a long term period subject to the following: • becoming a n en-conforming use with reference to the zoning by-law; • ail farm operators within 1000 feet of the residence are notified prior to the separation and that they be informed of the implication of the separation with . respect to the provisions of the Code of Practice; - the separated parcel will not include any more class 1 or 2 improved land than is re- quired to support the residence; - that the residence is useable and it is the intention of the purchaser to utilize the existing residence. vi) for mortgage or charge purposes in connection with the discharges of mortgages or the establishment of residences required for additional labour. vii) for a lifelong lease for the retention of the farm residence by a retiring farmer: viii) conveyances for agricultural purposes will be subject to the provisions of the Code of Practice and where intensive animal operations are involved a Certificate of Compliance may be requested prior to severance, ix) consents will not be allowed which have the effect of creating lots the use of which is not primarily related to agriculture. b) NATURAL ENVIRONMENT In areas designated "Natural Environment" on the Land Use Plan consents for conveyance will be in, accordance with the following policies: i) for the conveyance of land to public bodies or agencies engaged in the protection, re- establishment and management of the natural environment. ii) for protection, reestablishment and management of the natural environment where no permanent structures arc antici- pated and only after a zoning by-law has been adopted governing the range of uses permitted in the area. iii) for lot enlargement purposes. iv) for the conveyance of land presently used for agriculture to a farm operator. c) URBAN In areas designated "Urban" on the Land Use Plan consents will be granted subject to the following policies; • i) for infilling in areas which are already sub- stantially developed. ii)' in areas not already developed consents will be allowed subject to the following: - a predesign of the ar ea in which the consent is proposed; - the satisfaction of the municipality with regards to the provision of municipal . services. iii) in cases where a rezoning is necessary the rezoning shall be approved prior to consent or the rezoning shall be a condition of the consent. iv) for lot enlargement purposes. d) EXTRACTIVE RESOURCES In areas designated "Extractive Resources" on the Land Use Plan consents will be allowed subject to the following policies: i) ' for pits, quarries or wayside pits and associated accessory buildings. ii) prior to finalization of the consent the Land Division Committee will be notified by the Township that the appropriate rezoning and development agreement have been finalized. iii) for agricultural purposes. iv) for lot enlargement purposes. v) for surplus dwellings, provided the dwelling was built before the adoption of this plan. e) RECREATION In areas designated "Recreation" on the Land Use Map consents will be granted subject to the following policies. i) that iti the opinion of the Land Division Committee the area is not large enough or suited to development by a registered plan of subdivision, that the area, is suited for recreational Use, iii) minimum lot size of two acres, unless defined by a natural boundary. iv) for assembling of land for a future recrea- tional subdivision. v) for agricultural purposes. vi) for lot enlargement purposes. vii) for surplus dwellings, provided the dwelling was built befofe the adoption of this Plan f) INSTITUTIONAL Consents for Institutional uses will be granted. subject to the following policies:. i) the land area is appropriate for the use, ii) the Land Diyision Committee is notified that the required zoning has been approved. SECTION VI: Implementation And Interpretation 1: IMPLEMENTATION a) General Implement ation. The Plan shall be implemented in the following ways: i) through the activities of the private sector of the economy; ii) through the activities of the public sector of the economy, and more particularly the local municipal capital works program and the acquisition, development and sale of land by the municipality to implement the goals and policies stated in this Plan; iii) through local municipal by-laws such as; a Restricted. Area (zoning) By-law, Standards of Maintenance and Occupancy By-law and Building By-law; subdivision control regulations: Developer's Agreements; by means of the County 'Planning Board and Land Division Committee and the local Planning Committee and Committee of Adjustment. Each of the above implementing factOrs will have regard for the policies and principles as expressed in this Plan, and no actions will be undertaken which do n of conform to the principles, goals and policies of the. Plan. b) Non-Conforming Uses i) As a general rule. non-conforming uses throughout the Municipality in the long run should cease to exist, so that the land affected may revert to a use in conformity with the intent of the Secondary Plan and the provisions of the implementing Restricted, Area By-law. In special instances, however, it may be necessary to permit the extension or enlargement of non-conforming uses in order to avoid unnecessary hardship: In considering such . applications Council shall act in accordance with the policies of the plan and shall have regard to the following principles: The feasibility of acquiring the property for holding, selling, leasing or develop- ing it by the municipality for an appropriate permitted use; The possibility of re-locating the non- conforming use. ii) If the above (section 6 subsection b(i) principles cannot be met, Council may pass a by-law pursuant to Section 35(21) of the Planning Act, without an amendment to the Plan, to permit an extension or enlargement to the non- conforming use. Prior to such action, Council shall Tequire. a report from the appropriate body or bodies commenting, where appropriate, on the following matters relating to the non-conforming use: The size of the extension related to the existing operation; Whether the proposed extension can be considered minor; - The characteristics of the use relating to noise, vibration, fumes, smoke, dust, odotirs, lighting and traffic generation and the degree to, which any of these factors may be increased by the extension; The possibilities of reducing nuisance through landscaping, buffering, b Setbacks, sign control, etc,, to is the existing 'situation, as minimizing problems from any ext The' implications of the pr extension on general traffic safety; needs for adeqitate parking and I facilities; - The adequacy and availabili municipal services iii) In addition to being satisfied with to the foregoing, Council will property owners in the vicinity of application for extension or enlarg non-conforming uses to obtain then and satisfy the requirements of Seel of the Planning Act. iv) If the Council is, satisfied th principles of subsections 1(b) (ii) an (iii) of this Section have been sat by-laws may be passed pursua Section 35 (21) of the Planning 1 permit enlargements exterisio non-conforming uses, building structures which do not conform wi "Secondary Plan". v) Uses of land which existed legally date of adoption of the Secondar may be deemed to conform with the of this Secondary Plan for the purp any Restricted Area (zoning) passed under Section 35 of the Pla Act, R.S.0: 1970, as amended. Suc may be zoned in accordance with present use and performance st an provided: a) the zoning will not permit any s cant change of use or zone prov that will aggravate any situation mental to adjacent complying u b) the uses to be recognized sha zoned in such a way that any enlargement or expansion of th must be by amendment to the z by-law; c) they do not constitute a dang surrounding uses and person virtue of their hazardous natur traffic ,they generate; d) they do not pollute air and/or wat the extent of interfering with ordinary enjoyment of property, e) they do, not interfere with the desi development or enjoyment of 'adjacent area.' " c) PUBLIC PARTICIPATION The participation of the general p 'in the implementations and evaluation o Secondary Plan is deemed crucial. There public 'meetings will e , ,b held on at le yearly basis to evaluate the plan an implementation. Also, and although specifically prescribed, develop proposals of significance to the e municipality will be made public discussion, and 'in reviewing develop proposals of lesser impact efforts will made to n otify surrounding residents may be effected so as to allow their cone to become part of the decision ma process. 2: INTERPRETATION - a) The boundaries between land tt designated on Schedule B are approxim except where they coincide with roa railway lines, rivers, transmission tines, lines shown in the local restricted area(zon by-law; or other clearly defined physi features and in these, cases are not open flexible interpretation. Where the gene intent of the Plan is maintained, tnt adjustments to boundaries will not requ amendments to this Plan. All numerical figures in the plan should be interpreted absolute and rigid. Mt variations from them will be permissa providing the intent and spirit of the Plan maintained. b) It is intended that amendments to &ilea "8" (Land Use Plan) can be made by use of more detailed additional itla covering only the area effected by th6:amen anent. Such maps Will be ,inclikled ISchedules El ; 132 etc: and Will, thereforet require' the redrafting of Schedule '131 . such cases the designations on the ine detailed map Would prevail. iv) . vi) .1litednesdayi .November Ethel .Cottlintitlity Centre PAGE 8B THE OrtlitSat -068.1"