HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1974-10-30, Page 1811111111101111P"' r4 TOWNSHIP OF GREY SECONDARY PLAN' SECTION I: Introduction And Purpose 1: INTRODUCTION The following text and the maps, noted as Schedules ("A", "13", "C, "D", "E", "F", "G" & "H") shall constitute the Secondary Plan for the Township of Grey. As it represents an amendment to the Official Plan for the County of Huron, this Secondary Plan has the legal status of an Official Plan under the meaning of the Planning Act. The policies stated in this Secondary Plan are intended to operate within those already established in the County Official Plan. It is not the intention of this Secondary Plan to, either directly or indirectly, alter any of the major policy directions established in the County Official Plan. This Secondary Plan reinforces and refines basic county planning policies within the context of the Township of Grey.. The limits of this Plan arc co-incident with the corporate boundaries of the Township of Grey. This Plan, as a Secondary Plan to the County Official Plan, adopts, as a point of departure, certain basic principles of the County Plan relating to secondary plans. The need to carry out more detailed secondary plans at the local level is set out in Section 3 of the County Official Plan. This section sem-, "This Plan (the County Official Plan) will function as the Official Plan for all County MunicipalitieS. It is intended, however, that local municipalities will prepare Secondary Plans so as to express more precisely local planning policies and priorities. These Secondary Plans will become amendments to this Plan (County Official Plan)". It is necessary, therefore, that the major policies ()I' the County Official Plan which effect Grey Township be understood. The County Plan develops a basic distinction between rural and urban development and adopts policies for directing urban oriented development to urban areas. Grey Township is shown on the County Land Use Plan as rural and predominantly agricultural. The several hamlets of the Township arc shown as urban. • The land use categories of' the County Official Plan are broad and generalized. It is intended that more specific land use planning will be developed through a municipal secondary plan. While the County Official Plan's basic policy distinction between "Urban" and "Rural" land uses is taken as the. general point of departure, this plan develops a far more detailed and locally significant refinement of this basic distinction. 2: .PURPOSE The purpose of this secondary plan is to begin a process of local planning for the residents of Grey Township. It brings planning down to the local or community level where the residents can make a significant and continuing input. The basic purpose of this plan is to create a vision of the future for Grey Township. A future which can be agreed upon generally by the community and in which the community takes an active role in developing. The plan is an educational . tool in thinking about the future, It assists the community in looking at the physical resource, the economic conditions and its ambitions and the effect of these 4,on the future. The plan then tries to marshal) implementation forces such as public works, incentives; policy decisions and by-laws in an attempt to achieve the• desired future. The plan is only one tool in helping the community look at its future goals and attempt to achieve them. But within its confines the major purpose of this plan is to look at the future, to assist the community in coming to certain general agreements about a desired future and to develop policies aimed at achieving that future. Although this plan looks in detail at various aspects of the Township it is not the intention that this plan will remain unchariged.lt is the intention that this plan will be changed to reflect current conditions by refinement of policies and programs outlined in the Blatt and by the addition of new sections to make the plan more comprehensive. These changes will become amendments to the Secondary Plan and should be cominenced as soon as required so as planning becomes a continuous protess. It is' intended that this plan will be reviewed annually by the toWnship council and residents in a public planning workshop. PAGE 2B =THE BRUSSELS POST This Plan is intended to provide guidance to the Township of Grey Council, and Planning Committee, the County of Huron, and the County Planning Board and Land Division Committee as they continue to administer and to plan for the welfare of the Township of Grey under powers conferred upon them. It will provide a friltmework within which private anti public development 'proposals and actions will be made. It is the purpose of this plan that development will be permitted only when it has been established that such development fulfills the goals and policies of this plan In summary, the purposes ,of this plan are:• a) to create a vision of the future for Grey Town- ship which is agreed upon generally by the community and in which the community takes an active role in developing. ' b) to create a program of community involvement in the design, implementation and review of the plan's goals and policies. c) to create a land use pattern that insures the compatibility of different types of land uses. d) to ensure that future development of the Township is related to the Plan's goals and policies. c) provide for the necessary capital works pro- grams and municipal legislation to implement the Plan's goals. f) provide a liaison between Municipal, County and Provincial levels of government in order to implement the Plan's goals. at SECTION II: Basic Principles of the Plan This plan is based on the principles and information developed from the public participation program and planning studies carried out in order to formulate the plan. The results' of these are contained in the appendices attached to this Plan. Although the-appendices do not constitute .part of the formal secondary plan, they do provide the basis of the plan. • In cases where a more detailed explanation of the plan is required, such explanation shall be sought in the appendices. I. INTRODUCTION Grey Township is an agricultural community: Land is it's life. Planning for such an area must concentrate on the present and the future use of that land. Of paramount importance is the use of the land; its capability. The conclusion of the public participation program and the planning studies is' very clear: Grey Township is a solid, prosperous agricultural community, and if properly managed, it has the resource base in the land and the social structure and economy to ensure its continuance. Its continuance is the ambition of its residents, and the objective of this Plan. 2. BASIC PRINCIPLES a) AGRICULTURE Ninety percent of the land in Grey Township is rated as either class one or class two in the Canada Land Inventory of agricultural capability, A fall 70% of the land base is class one. Grey Township has a nationally significant agricultural resource base. But the land is only one component of successful agriculture.The community and the economy must directly support agrictilture, The basic economic indicators of successful agriculture are strong in Grey. Probably the Most significant part of the formula for successful agriculture is the community; the residents themselves. The community is highly oriented to agriculture and a way of life which supports it. A basic principle is therefore to promote the long term future of agriculture by protecting the land base and promoting the creation of an environment conclusive to an integrated agricultural community and economy. This is the most fundamental principle of the Plan and the one to which the Plan's goals ,and policies •are directed. b) NATURAL ENVIRONMENT The rivers, Marshes, uplands and Woodlots of the Township make up its natural supportive to the land resource fu and hence ll agriculture, The quantity and quality of th e natural environment has been seriously depleted throughout much of the Township. In Order to maintain harmony between natural systems and human activity the natural environment must be protected and in reestablished. A basic principle is therefore tc reestablish where necessary environment. c) URBAN The Township's urban places, its the Village of Brussels, are wei and support the agricultural co; as the agricultural community se t Primarily places of residences ar for the farmer, they provide imp and local commercial functii agricultural community. In additil the surrounding agricultural area, also allow a "rural life-style" fo urban people while providing services. A basic principle is therefore to development of the existing ham points for social and local functions for the surrounding area. Also, to provide residentii people who wish to live in the are directly related to operating fart d) EXTRACTIVE RESOURCES Grey Township has plentiful al sand and gravel deposits.Sand an important resource which 1. more difficult to obtain. In order ti optimum use of this resource, ar deposits must be protected from which would preempt them. The sand and gravel can often have ad) on the environment. Hence such should be developed in such a w minimize harmful effects and be r after use. A basic principle is therefore to sand and gravel deposits are pi future use, developed in a ma: limits their impact on surrounding reclaimed for other productive use resource has been used. e) RECREATION The need for recreational land is assess but the demand is growi: demand which mainly comes from agricultural community and is urba it can be very disruptive. It cat valuable agricultural land, agriculture economy by inflating h and restricting certain types of °pet cause conflict in the agricultural e Density and location of n development should be planned agricultural land and minimize till effects on the agricultural comm economy.. A ' basic principle is therefore recreational development only to that it does not consume agriculture cause adverse effect on the a community and economy. SECTION III: The Land Use Plan 1. OBJECTIVES " The basic principles of this Plan revolve ar recognition and reinforcement of Grey Tow an agricultural community. In the achievir fundamental principle of promoting the le future of agriculture, the land use plan re only one tool. This principle is also implete a wide array of government ministries and, at all levels of government and by the dec the private sector. Primarily, however off the implementedresidenbtys of theGnruemy.erous individual d The objective of this land use plan is to policies for the use of land that suPlx principle of promoting the long terrn futi viability of agriculture; the land resat eemioniy and the community. 2: LAND USE DEFINITION the ee Icaneduhutsye coaftfeiegioarl ie Ps laanhd dapefipinyitioeqnsdaeltilryPI secondary Plan. Because this Plan refines flu more intensive look at a specific gregi, changes in land use definitions were Nolo developed. These changes represent not an a oufsethientboavgaictiodues s ub-classes. definition, but the dividing of a pro posed us e describeda hd inex itshiish- cgsl aesicsat itiosdti u The osa et1 i,c4tecige°s rcirei ps