HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1974-10-30, Page 1,ms of orussel
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SHRINERS IN BRUSSELS — Left is Arthur Buck of the Provincial Institute of
Trades, Meat Cutting Dept., along with Bill Turnbull and Cal Grouter of Brussels,
as he auctions pork from a pork cutting demonstration given at the Bluewater
Shrine Club meeting at the-Canadian Legion Branch, Brussels, last Wednesday.
Mr. Buck teaches meat cutting at George Brown University, Toronto, .and attends
many service club functions extolling the virtues of Ontario produced pork on behalf
of the Ontario Pork Producers Association. The pork which was" produced in the
Brussels area was auctioned to the Shrine Club members after the demonstration,
• and the proceeds will be used to further the Shriners charitable works.
russels ost
103rd Year • —Issue NO. 42
New plan can clean up
village, meeting hears
hots (By Evelyn Kennedy)
Ratepayers meetings will be
Id in Brussels and in Grey
wohip next week to discuss
tion issues and perhaps hear
m prospective candidates for
December 2 municipal and
ool trustee elections.
rey Township Clerk Edith
Jiff said that her township's
ging will be held Thursday
m, November 7, in the Ethel
amity Centre, The Brussels
eung, Clerk Bill King said, will
held the next night, Friday,
ember 8,
ominations for all municipal
roue10(00n. rallies
next week
and school trustee offices in
Ontario open on Thursday,
November 7 and close at 5 p.m,
Tuesday, November 12. Anyone
who is a Canadian citizen is
eligible to stand for election.
Nominations must be supported
by the signatures of ten people on
the voter's list in the nominee's
locality and should be submitted
to the municipal, clerk's office
before 5 p.m. on November 12.
Morris Township is uncertain
about whether they will hold a
ratepayers meeting or not, Reeve
Bill Elston said Monday night.
that his council has been working
under the plan's intent fcir several
years now "So it won't be such a
shock when the plan goes into
CN station
may move
It is quite likely that the old
C.N. station in Brussels will be
moved by the local Lawn Bowling
Club from its present site onto the
bowling greens next to the
Agricultural Park, Reeve Jack
McCutcheon revealed last week
at the Brussels Plan Meeting.
The reeve said the building has
to be moved from its present CN
owned site, because it will not be
used by Brussels Senior Citizens.
CN has agreed to lease the site to
the village, on the condition that
the Senior Citizens use the
building as a club hotise. The
local senior's organization turned
the building down.
Frank Stretton wanted to know
"What's so historic about the ,CN
station?" The station is named in
the plan, as one of the village's
historic buildings.
• The reeve replied that the
station, in his opinion, is
attractive and is the only train
station the most Brussels people
have known, even if it's not the
village's first station. "And I
think many people in Brussels
would agree with me", he said.
The annual Variety Fair of
Morning Star Rebekah Lodge is
on Saturday, November 9th. Plan
to visit the 1.0.0.F. Lodge ROOMS
on that day and see the fine
assortment of new and used
articles that will be offered for
sale. If you are doing • early
Christmas shopping you could
find Many an item that would
make ideal ChristmaS gifts.
There will also be a tea room
where you can relax and enjoy a
Visit With your fellow shoppers.
Trick or treat goblins, ghosts
and various other Hallowe'en
Characters will be abroad,
knocking on your door, Thursday
evening. The youngsters are
welcome at most homes and will
be offered treats in return for no
tricks, People do not begrudge
the older pranksters their
Hallowe'en fun = but trust that
their pranks Will be hat:Midst ones
and hot datigerOns or deStrite-
Discussion about existing
annoyances in residential areas of
Brussels was the most part of a
public meeting on the village's
official plan last Tucsday night.
Huron County's Planning
Director Gary Davidson assured
the audience of aboUt 35 that the
new plan would allow the village
to license and regulate horiie
occupations in areas zoned
Mr, Davidson added that the
new plan would also allow
Brussels council to 'pass a
residential standards by-law to
keep private residences cleaned
Several Citizens wanted to know
if provisions' of the plan
regulating non-conforming uses
could be used to handle existing
problems. "I've got 13 dogs
barking On one corner, 12 ducks
on another corner and a junk yard
in conjunction with the ducks",
one man said.
No License
The plan says "Home
occupations will be allowed and
Will be continually monitored; by
licensing, if necessary, to ensure
compatibility with the residential
environment." To control 'an
ekisting offensive situation,
Mr.DaVidson told Reeve Jack
McCutcheon, "you wouldn't give
them a license' and then they
couldn't operate.' '
The Plan provision, he said "is
to prevent borne occupations front
growing into obnoXiotit uses'',
Most dectipationS rtitinitig from
the home Cause no prohibits, he
said, but they can under certain
circumst ances "such as repairing
snowmobiles at 3 a.m.". Some
home occupations cause parking
difficulties in a residential
neighbourhood, Reeve
McCutcheon added,
'If a home occupation gets really
big and annoys residential
neighbours, it should move to a
commercial area, Mr. Davidson
. "If we don't have a plan these
non conforming uses can spring
up all over the place the reeve
said, "We couldn't stop them".
More discussion centred on the
area of the village to be
. designated Highway Commercial
under the plan. This is a large
area on the northern limits of the
village, on the east side of
Turnberry St., stretching from
George St., to the village limits.
Winners in the second week of
the -spot the Merchants''
contest area
WS:Elden ilson, 11.R,3„
..artisselS'„ fiat .Moran, Brussels;
WS. Bill Stevenson,,
SSA Prize VOUcherS, are being.
iiiailed to the lucky winners Meng
With our congratulations.
This week's "Spot the.
tvierChatits" Contest appears-
"What will happen to the homes
in that area?", someone wanted
to know. "There are five of them
there", the Reeve said.
Mr. DAvidson said houses in
the commercial area are noncon-
forming. They could be sold for
commercial use.They could also
be sold and resold continuously as
houses, but once the houses are
torn down . the lots will revert to
commercial use.
If one of the houses were to
burn down and the owner wanted
to rebuild it, the plan makes
provision for a hardship clause
which would allow council to issue
a building permit for the house.
Residents in this area won't
enjoy the protection that those in
a residential area do, because
they are the non-comformers, Mr.
(Continued' on Page 7)
page 10 and entries for it will be
received at the Brussels Post until
tom a.tn: next Tuesday,
An entries are eligible for the
final grand prize draw, value
$50.00 so be 'sure and patronize
the contest advertisers, and
obtain your entry forMS.
The correct answers to the
entire contest Will be published in
The Post at the eonetutions Of the
final contest, number six.
he highlights of the new plan
ussels, Huron's Planning
for Gary Davidson said last
k, are that it encourages
th within the village, not
rspersed with, agriculture in
country and that it recognizes
isels as an important
cultural service centre.
he plan aims to help keep a
e social community while
tag ample room for future
h, he said. The present
s basic assumptions will,
ate until the population of the
ge reaches 1,500. "If the
ge grows that much in five.
s it will mean some big
ge which we have not
ast and the whole plan
ld be looked at ".
e planned sewage treatment
will be adequate for up to
people too, he said.
DAvidson said the finished
will include a road plan for
veloPeol areas of the village.
er the plan is passed, the
ge can take over the land
on duties that a county
cif committee now performs.
avidson , said that the
ng department
mends leaving this
city with the county
ttee, who have to follow the
sels plan provisions. 'A
ttee in the village can
e minor adjustments, he
ye Jack McCutcheon told
abbe meeting on the plan
v many remembered to turn
their time-pieces one hour
aturday night or did you
one hour early for church
aday morning? How much
e time change upset your
al schedule? Did you look
d with anticipation to that
hour of sleep Sunday
g only to find, aggra-
glY that you Were wide-
e promptly at the usual
*,* * * *
e autumn canvass for the
Society is being conduCted
assets and vicinity the first
elcS of November. A
ous response is hoped for as
ts a need for this work,
at deal of interest has been
atm by the current -"Spot
Merchants'' contest of the
sets post. It hat been
ying to have the entry forms
,gin each week, If yeti have
as yet participated in this
contest start now and
Y6Itt entry fortis in each
Ian applies til 1,500
eople here, planner
Spot the merchant
winners named